D16@30 May 2021 Plain Covid Diary in Taiwan

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added 328 local cases, 10 deaths. 30 May 2021 (Sun)
I was woken up by thunders and heavy rain at 5 AM, it's raining!! It's rarely good news recently since the surge. All citizens were happy with this godsend. The rain can solve the biggest three issues in Taiwan now:
  1. Detering people from going outside.
  2. The drought and water cut.
  3. The power cut. As the weather will become cooler.
I hope the rain can last longer, at least one week.
Many delivery services have been thriving, to help people order fruits and meats from home. But it also causes some problems that we haven't faced. Like the postponed delivery, I've been struggling with how to arrange the ordering timing.
The mayor of New Taipei City is useless, he's threatening citizens that the city would raise the alert from 3 to 4. And doing nothing but made a lot of slogans. Tens of countries showed us what would happen if a government announced to lockdown. People would be in panic and binge buying in crowded supermarkets and then cause cluster infection. Citizens would start moving from infected cities to uninfected cities, then the result would be another bigger infection.
Kaohsiung ordered a whole hotel for homeless people, instead of strenuously tracking them on the streets, putting them in a hotel with individual rooms is much easier to manage.
The acquisition of vaccines has been all related to politics. Too much disinformation and misinformation are going virus, I have to doubt every piece of information that I read, but it takes a lot of time.
A restaurant put a sign with a mathematical question in front, told the patron that they are not allowed to have meals in the restaurant, they can only order a takeaway without solving the puzzling mathematical question.


Vsy的沙龍 的其他內容
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
“Taiwan, you are too late to join the party, now you don't deserve our empathy anymore, you missed the most exciting moment.”
So, hell on the videos, reports, the press that we've seen for one year are all vividly appear here and have yet to reach 50% of the misery of other c
The government announced to continue the remote learning by 6/14 to all schools. Parents have been going crazy.
Many universities announced that we have to continue remote learning until the end of this semester.
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
“Taiwan, you are too late to join the party, now you don't deserve our empathy anymore, you missed the most exciting moment.”
So, hell on the videos, reports, the press that we've seen for one year are all vividly appear here and have yet to reach 50% of the misery of other c
The government announced to continue the remote learning by 6/14 to all schools. Parents have been going crazy.
Many universities announced that we have to continue remote learning until the end of this semester.
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願颱風受災者傷者早日康復 願亡者平息 這次南台灣真的很嚴重 還發生醫院大火 真的人生很難過 我的標題就很簡單 那天急速下殺500點 真的非常生氣,沒有看出來 但其實看圖看得出來 雖然不祈求每段吃 但這種不可錯過的大肉 即使長期看多 也要把他吃下來再反手 那我也在群組提
北台灣,今年,夏季的雨特別多,連同這兩日颱風來襲,像是把過去幾年累積的淚水都要一次流乾似的。 本文的預覽圖,是六月底去桃園一日遊時,又遇到的傾盆大雨。 今年夏季的雨勢來的又凶又猛。
又一個颱風天 今天是2024第一個颱風假,非常難得。 本來該周五發布,就提前吧~ 自從我離開那間接政府部門水利資訊的公司後,這好幾年間,我發現颱風變少了,就算有颱風,但基本上都是快到台灣就突然偏了。基本上都沒啥機會放到颱風假。 在颱風的日子裡,我每每都想起在那段時間當水情PM的時光,某方面來
Bubble Tea Delivery Trends in Taiwan Post-Pandemic After the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan's bubble tea shops have changed how they work. Many shops now
一如往常,接到case 就提出三個6小時走讀台北方案提供對方參考,很雞婆提醒台北很熱、體感溫度超過40度、下午會下雨,請做好心理準備 沒有見面前,當然也祈禱希望不是「鯛魚」 一切很順利,四位退休菲律賓女子利用時間,飛行2.5小時抵台三天二夜。 原訂行程包括龍山寺、中正紀念堂、圓山大飯店、101
02/27/2012 四天的連續假期,天天下雨。 我們需要一個可以走動又淋不到雨的地方。 台北101還是地下街。 最後選擇了,台北101。 因為多年前有張新光三越的千元禮卷,至今還放在抽屜中,也許去把它用掉吧。   經濟不景氣,房價高,收入低。 我想電視報導的這些種種,和眼前所見是無
願颱風受災者傷者早日康復 願亡者平息 這次南台灣真的很嚴重 還發生醫院大火 真的人生很難過 我的標題就很簡單 那天急速下殺500點 真的非常生氣,沒有看出來 但其實看圖看得出來 雖然不祈求每段吃 但這種不可錯過的大肉 即使長期看多 也要把他吃下來再反手 那我也在群組提
北台灣,今年,夏季的雨特別多,連同這兩日颱風來襲,像是把過去幾年累積的淚水都要一次流乾似的。 本文的預覽圖,是六月底去桃園一日遊時,又遇到的傾盆大雨。 今年夏季的雨勢來的又凶又猛。
又一個颱風天 今天是2024第一個颱風假,非常難得。 本來該周五發布,就提前吧~ 自從我離開那間接政府部門水利資訊的公司後,這好幾年間,我發現颱風變少了,就算有颱風,但基本上都是快到台灣就突然偏了。基本上都沒啥機會放到颱風假。 在颱風的日子裡,我每每都想起在那段時間當水情PM的時光,某方面來
Bubble Tea Delivery Trends in Taiwan Post-Pandemic After the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan's bubble tea shops have changed how they work. Many shops now
一如往常,接到case 就提出三個6小時走讀台北方案提供對方參考,很雞婆提醒台北很熱、體感溫度超過40度、下午會下雨,請做好心理準備 沒有見面前,當然也祈禱希望不是「鯛魚」 一切很順利,四位退休菲律賓女子利用時間,飛行2.5小時抵台三天二夜。 原訂行程包括龍山寺、中正紀念堂、圓山大飯店、101
02/27/2012 四天的連續假期,天天下雨。 我們需要一個可以走動又淋不到雨的地方。 台北101還是地下街。 最後選擇了,台北101。 因為多年前有張新光三越的千元禮卷,至今還放在抽屜中,也許去把它用掉吧。   經濟不景氣,房價高,收入低。 我想電視報導的這些種種,和眼前所見是無