D16@30 May 2021 Plain Covid Diary in Taiwan

更新於 2021/06/08閱讀時間約 4 分鐘
added 328 local cases, 10 deaths. 30 May 2021 (Sun)
I was woken up by thunders and heavy rain at 5 AM, it's raining!! It's rarely good news recently since the surge. All citizens were happy with this godsend. The rain can solve the biggest three issues in Taiwan now:
  1. Detering people from going outside.
  2. The drought and water cut.
  3. The power cut. As the weather will become cooler.
I hope the rain can last longer, at least one week.
Many delivery services have been thriving, to help people order fruits and meats from home. But it also causes some problems that we haven't faced. Like the postponed delivery, I've been struggling with how to arrange the ordering timing.
The mayor of New Taipei City is useless, he's threatening citizens that the city would raise the alert from 3 to 4. And doing nothing but made a lot of slogans. Tens of countries showed us what would happen if a government announced to lockdown. People would be in panic and binge buying in crowded supermarkets and then cause cluster infection. Citizens would start moving from infected cities to uninfected cities, then the result would be another bigger infection.
Kaohsiung ordered a whole hotel for homeless people, instead of strenuously tracking them on the streets, putting them in a hotel with individual rooms is much easier to manage.
The acquisition of vaccines has been all related to politics. Too much disinformation and misinformation are going virus, I have to doubt every piece of information that I read, but it takes a lot of time.
A restaurant put a sign with a mathematical question in front, told the patron that they are not allowed to have meals in the restaurant, they can only order a takeaway without solving the puzzling mathematical question.

Vsy的沙龍 的其他內容
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
“Taiwan, you are too late to join the party, now you don't deserve our empathy anymore, you missed the most exciting moment.”
So, hell on the videos, reports, the press that we've seen for one year are all vividly appear here and have yet to reach 50% of the misery of other c
The government announced to continue the remote learning by 6/14 to all schools. Parents have been going crazy.
Many universities announced that we have to continue remote learning until the end of this semester.
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
“Taiwan, you are too late to join the party, now you don't deserve our empathy anymore, you missed the most exciting moment.”
So, hell on the videos, reports, the press that we've seen for one year are all vividly appear here and have yet to reach 50% of the misery of other c
The government announced to continue the remote learning by 6/14 to all schools. Parents have been going crazy.
Many universities announced that we have to continue remote learning until the end of this semester.
Google News 追蹤
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
婚姻,是個在外頭的人想進去,在裡面的人想出來的社會框架。 朋友一聽到說離婚,要放莫札特安魂曲中有關Dies Irae(震怒之日)的篇章,我倒不是這麼認為,結婚是一個神聖的契約沒錯,但是看遍了眾多人生的曲曲折折,我覺得很多時候一生一世、天造地設這些形容詞反而顯得相當的不切實際。 談戀愛,經營結婚,
昨天太晚睡了,因為傍晚接到一個臨時任務要臨時做近200張的活動識別證名牌,而且要讓客戶對好稿在今早10點以前發出,等於就是整個晚上都要搞這些了。 後來也是忙到晚上12點多才去洗澡,等看完廣島之戀都1點多了,所以想說第二天一定會很累索性就決定讓自己賴床一下吧! 所以我今天是睡到9點才起床的,希
開學第一天,一早先越過陡坡到學校(真的抖,走完會後被全部濕掉,大概和走政大後山一樣)從西側捷運站過去到左側教學大樓,沒想到也花了至少30分鐘左右的時間。重點是還是上坡.... 開學第一天MDP, MPP所有同學齊聚一堂,大家交互的自我介紹,教授也相當厲害的記得大家的名字。不得不說相當佩服,不同國家
老爸一向不喜歡拿自己的事去麻煩別人,連家人也不例外;有太多的例子與故事,讓我們深刻體會到他的貼心。   這次,在讓全家人為他擔心不過才短短兩個月的時間,今天凌晨老爸決定不再繼續下去,結束了他的人生故事。儘管我們心中有太多的不捨,有太多想說卻來不及說的話, 在此時也只為他終能脫離病痛、離開紛擾凡塵,合
基金可以大概分為兩大類型,第一類是主動型基金(Active Fund)而第二類則是被動型基金(Passive Fund) 主動型基金 由基金經理及其團隊透過分析大市,不同行業版塊及個別公司股票後主動挑選合適投資的資產,目的是為了能夠跑贏....................
D16 路不通不可怕,最怕你想不通 面對難關你會選擇如何渡過? 人生路上起伏不定 有時候走得順利,有時候走得顛簸 你認為是危機對其他人來說可能是機會 重點不是這些難關是什麼 最重要的是你如何看待它們 今天分享的故事看似老生常談 但是當你細味可能會有另一番新體會....
   【寫在前面的三言二語】 長久以來筆者一直對於無線網路的佈建安裝都非常感興趣,但屢屢總對於困難複雜的設備設定及訊號因為距離等因素造成不穩定等諸多因素讓人往往深感挫折,有鑒於此,世界級網通大廠D-Link友訊科技榮譽出品的COVR-1100 AC1200雙頻Mesh Wi-Fi無線路由器可以說結
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
婚姻,是個在外頭的人想進去,在裡面的人想出來的社會框架。 朋友一聽到說離婚,要放莫札特安魂曲中有關Dies Irae(震怒之日)的篇章,我倒不是這麼認為,結婚是一個神聖的契約沒錯,但是看遍了眾多人生的曲曲折折,我覺得很多時候一生一世、天造地設這些形容詞反而顯得相當的不切實際。 談戀愛,經營結婚,
昨天太晚睡了,因為傍晚接到一個臨時任務要臨時做近200張的活動識別證名牌,而且要讓客戶對好稿在今早10點以前發出,等於就是整個晚上都要搞這些了。 後來也是忙到晚上12點多才去洗澡,等看完廣島之戀都1點多了,所以想說第二天一定會很累索性就決定讓自己賴床一下吧! 所以我今天是睡到9點才起床的,希
開學第一天,一早先越過陡坡到學校(真的抖,走完會後被全部濕掉,大概和走政大後山一樣)從西側捷運站過去到左側教學大樓,沒想到也花了至少30分鐘左右的時間。重點是還是上坡.... 開學第一天MDP, MPP所有同學齊聚一堂,大家交互的自我介紹,教授也相當厲害的記得大家的名字。不得不說相當佩服,不同國家
老爸一向不喜歡拿自己的事去麻煩別人,連家人也不例外;有太多的例子與故事,讓我們深刻體會到他的貼心。   這次,在讓全家人為他擔心不過才短短兩個月的時間,今天凌晨老爸決定不再繼續下去,結束了他的人生故事。儘管我們心中有太多的不捨,有太多想說卻來不及說的話, 在此時也只為他終能脫離病痛、離開紛擾凡塵,合
基金可以大概分為兩大類型,第一類是主動型基金(Active Fund)而第二類則是被動型基金(Passive Fund) 主動型基金 由基金經理及其團隊透過分析大市,不同行業版塊及個別公司股票後主動挑選合適投資的資產,目的是為了能夠跑贏....................
D16 路不通不可怕,最怕你想不通 面對難關你會選擇如何渡過? 人生路上起伏不定 有時候走得順利,有時候走得顛簸 你認為是危機對其他人來說可能是機會 重點不是這些難關是什麼 最重要的是你如何看待它們 今天分享的故事看似老生常談 但是當你細味可能會有另一番新體會....
   【寫在前面的三言二語】 長久以來筆者一直對於無線網路的佈建安裝都非常感興趣,但屢屢總對於困難複雜的設備設定及訊號因為距離等因素造成不穩定等諸多因素讓人往往深感挫折,有鑒於此,世界級網通大廠D-Link友訊科技榮譽出品的COVR-1100 AC1200雙頻Mesh Wi-Fi無線路由器可以說結