The economist #004- Britain

2022/01/21閱讀時間約 4 分鐘
The economist: Britain


In the article “The triumph of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine,” the author states that even though AstraZeneca vaccine will probably be kicked out of this vaccine competition in rich countries, it has saved many lives all over the world. When AstraZeneca was available, it was a national icon and a worldwide anxiety. America’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved AstraZeneca because of the incomplete data disclosure on trial. European Union was not satisfied with the delivery of doses from AstraZeneca and turned to Pfizer instead. In addition, AstraZeneca, with an adenoviral vector, is proved ineffective in preventing infection and death than other vaccines using mRNA method. In effect aspect, AstraZeneca resulted in blood clots in few cases. Although AstraZeneca faced with all the negative remarks, its contribution is undeniable. Compared with other vaccines, AstraZeneca has produced the most doses and was injected around the world, especially in poor countries. Moreover, AstraZeneca sells at a lower price in order that people in every country would afford to survive in this tidal wave of pandemic and that their image would be positive.


這篇文章主要想要幫 AstraZeneca 平反一些些他們原有的爭議。即使美國的 FDA 並未官方認證 AstraZeneca,歐洲也因為他們的延遲交期而感到不開心,甚至他們的血栓的案例也比較多。但是,AstraZeneca 也的確幫助很多貧窮國家,達到第一劑的施打,而且也相對於其他的疫苗便宜很多。對於施打 AZ 疫苗,我當時只是因為想要快點打到疫苗,希望台灣先提高疫苗覆蓋率,至少能夠降低感染率,甚至是死亡率。


  1. relations with Sb soured 關係惡化
Relations with America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) soured after the firm failed to notify the regulator about a possible adverse event in a trial elsewhere; the FDA has still not approved the vaccine.
2. body 機構
This helped persuade the JCVI, an expert body, to recommend using other vaccines in Brirain's booster round.