更新於 2023/05/14閱讀時間約 1 分鐘


"What kind of work do you want to publish?" I hope my new poem that I submitted this year will be selected for publication~~~
    隨意雪雪 的其他內容
    2023 "How do you want to contribute to others?" Being there for them as a companion without needing to say anything.
    2023 "What is your ideal you want to achieve?" My ideal is to pursue self-realization without any fear. This year's goal is to pass the national exam.
    2023 "What kind of expert do you want to become?" There are so many things I want to learn, so there's no reason to stop and limit myself. I want to b
    2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
    2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
    2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
    2023 "How do you want to contribute to others?" Being there for them as a companion without needing to say anything.
    2023 "What is your ideal you want to achieve?" My ideal is to pursue self-realization without any fear. This year's goal is to pass the national exam.
    2023 "What kind of expert do you want to become?" There are so many things I want to learn, so there's no reason to stop and limit myself. I want to b
    2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
    2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
    2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
    Google News 追蹤
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    Part One 市場指標數據統計與盤勢發展觀察 Part Two 產業族群、波段技術與籌碼教學以及最新營收數據整理
    05/15 - 摩指意外拉權重 結算軋空再點火 漲高期待看法說 數字不美就挨揍 - [突然就忙錄起來的一天 整個人像到另個世界去了~~ 簡單做記錄] - 1. MSCI公告半年度調整 被點名或是被除名的個股數量較多 更意外的是權重雙升一降 估量放大 金融股爆量拉抬創
    05/15 教練藏寶圖 - 近期已出場之精彩記錄!! (20%以上的) - 2348 海悅 (4/3=>5/15) 40% 4907 富宇 (4/2=>5/14) 30% 6207 雷科 (4/1=>5/14) 50% 6177 達麗 (3/13=>5/14) 60% 1442
    【0515盤前重點新聞】 *迷因股續炒 鮑爾重彈耐心老調 台積電ADR揚3.8% *Google推出AI搜尋引擎 捍衛龍頭地位 *美4月PPI年升2.2% 寫12個月新高 *貿易戰升溫!拜登宣布大陸七關鍵產業 美要課重稅
    2024 0515今日塔羅:沉悶 單調 Dullness   週三,表示一週的工作日過了一半,即將邁進下半場。 心情開心,距離週五輕鬆夜晚更近了。 心情沉悶,還要度過漫長三天才能迎接到快樂周末。   昨晚線上的課程,老師說到,當作決定的時候,要慎重,這可是影響著接下來你的生活,甚至是你的
    道瓊指數: 32,196.66 +466.36(+1.47%) S&P 500: 4,023.89 +93.81(+2.39%) NASDAQ: 11,805.00 +434.04(+3.82%) 美元指數:104.56 原油台灣時間 西德州原油:110.49 +4.36(+4.11%)
    Who is in charge, of BODY, especially on Sunday?  Try to let the PHYSICAL leads us.  PHYSICAL loves the living area clean, then she would walk on the
    Reach the place, where BODY loves.  Stay for few quarters, walk/stand/sit, whatever we like.  Stand on the feet, relax the shoulders, deep breathe for
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    Part One 市場指標數據統計與盤勢發展觀察 Part Two 產業族群、波段技術與籌碼教學以及最新營收數據整理
    05/15 - 摩指意外拉權重 結算軋空再點火 漲高期待看法說 數字不美就挨揍 - [突然就忙錄起來的一天 整個人像到另個世界去了~~ 簡單做記錄] - 1. MSCI公告半年度調整 被點名或是被除名的個股數量較多 更意外的是權重雙升一降 估量放大 金融股爆量拉抬創
    05/15 教練藏寶圖 - 近期已出場之精彩記錄!! (20%以上的) - 2348 海悅 (4/3=>5/15) 40% 4907 富宇 (4/2=>5/14) 30% 6207 雷科 (4/1=>5/14) 50% 6177 達麗 (3/13=>5/14) 60% 1442
    【0515盤前重點新聞】 *迷因股續炒 鮑爾重彈耐心老調 台積電ADR揚3.8% *Google推出AI搜尋引擎 捍衛龍頭地位 *美4月PPI年升2.2% 寫12個月新高 *貿易戰升溫!拜登宣布大陸七關鍵產業 美要課重稅
    2024 0515今日塔羅:沉悶 單調 Dullness   週三,表示一週的工作日過了一半,即將邁進下半場。 心情開心,距離週五輕鬆夜晚更近了。 心情沉悶,還要度過漫長三天才能迎接到快樂周末。   昨晚線上的課程,老師說到,當作決定的時候,要慎重,這可是影響著接下來你的生活,甚至是你的
    道瓊指數: 32,196.66 +466.36(+1.47%) S&P 500: 4,023.89 +93.81(+2.39%) NASDAQ: 11,805.00 +434.04(+3.82%) 美元指數:104.56 原油台灣時間 西德州原油:110.49 +4.36(+4.11%)
    Who is in charge, of BODY, especially on Sunday?  Try to let the PHYSICAL leads us.  PHYSICAL loves the living area clean, then she would walk on the
    Reach the place, where BODY loves.  Stay for few quarters, walk/stand/sit, whatever we like.  Stand on the feet, relax the shoulders, deep breathe for