更新於 2023/05/14閱讀時間約 1 分鐘


"How do you want to contribute to others?" Being there for them as a companion without needing to say anything.
    隨意雪雪 的其他內容
    2023 "What is your ideal you want to achieve?" My ideal is to pursue self-realization without any fear. This year's goal is to pass the national exam.
    2023 "What kind of expert do you want to become?" There are so many things I want to learn, so there's no reason to stop and limit myself. I want to b
    2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
    2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
    2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
    2023 "How to get rid of old perspectives and see the world with a new perspective?" Have an open mind and don't be arrogant.
    2023 "What is your ideal you want to achieve?" My ideal is to pursue self-realization without any fear. This year's goal is to pass the national exam.
    2023 "What kind of expert do you want to become?" There are so many things I want to learn, so there's no reason to stop and limit myself. I want to b
    2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
    2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
    2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
    2023 "How to get rid of old perspectives and see the world with a new perspective?" Have an open mind and don't be arrogant.
    Google News 追蹤
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    Part One 市場指標數據統計與盤勢發展觀察 Part Two 產業族群、波段技術與籌碼教學以及最新營收數據整理
    05/14 - 華碩法說放煙火 展望做夢筆電衝 海運資金不停火 當沖軋空走一波 - 1. 華碩昨天法說會 對於AIPC的展望 下半年看好 Q1的獲利有3成是靠匯兌收益 有夢最美 股價先飛 這麼大間的股票 股價一度攻到漲停 接下來今天下午的鴻海/長榮 還有明天的廣達
    【0514盤前重點新聞】 *紐約Fed:住房成本上升推動通膨預期攀升 *重電族群倒一片 Q1財報一次看 *製造業回溫,自動化/工具機4月營收有零星亮點 *上市線纜業 首季獲利報喜
    2024 0514今日塔羅:魔術師 Magician   我相信累世因果,相信每個人有著自己獨特的天賦,相信我們每一個人的出生,都帶著意義不凡的使命與任務。   在地球上,對全世界的所有人來說,最公平的不只有”時間”,每個人每天都是擁有二十四小時的這件事情而已;還有另一個公平的是”善意、溫暖
    哈啾!慘了,感冒了。 昨晚臨睡前,吞了感冒藥,看來是沒有發揮藥效。 看來坪林半日遊,帶回家的還有病症呀。 每個工作日,都像電玩般,打怪,晉級,打怪,進化,打怪,又打怪。 層出不窮的狀況與問題,應付不暇,還是得撐著。 這樣的工作情況,讓我萌生,週六就算大風大雨,也阻饒不了我離開城市的心情。 坪林。
    newsletter 05/14 on the connection between people don't you have 請大家多多支持和鼓勵訂閱這一份電子報:每一天的生活 Daily Michelle Good Evening! 大家,終於星期五了,即便也沒有輕鬆多少,但能夠走到這一天
    05/14 - 跌深總會有彈性 趨勢扭轉不容易 傳產追殺還沒停 電子想穩不從心 - [因疫情升級 5/15台北場讀書會取消] [大家請看心得前先洗手 口罩戴好] - 16000整數大量區卡在上面   美股就算強彈  台股開高後也明顯遇到壓力 好消息是整體的波動幅度有持續下降 但壞消息是 看類股來說 
    Happy, Happy, have to be! Man, woman, we may be, Take it easy!  Let it be! Happy life, it would be.  Lively Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 遼闊天地, 舒展舒展; 吸收著,
    Own the task, concentrate on. Become the compact person, equipped with the sufficient knowledge and the needed skills, by practicing and self-examini
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    Part One 市場指標數據統計與盤勢發展觀察 Part Two 產業族群、波段技術與籌碼教學以及最新營收數據整理
    05/14 - 華碩法說放煙火 展望做夢筆電衝 海運資金不停火 當沖軋空走一波 - 1. 華碩昨天法說會 對於AIPC的展望 下半年看好 Q1的獲利有3成是靠匯兌收益 有夢最美 股價先飛 這麼大間的股票 股價一度攻到漲停 接下來今天下午的鴻海/長榮 還有明天的廣達
    【0514盤前重點新聞】 *紐約Fed:住房成本上升推動通膨預期攀升 *重電族群倒一片 Q1財報一次看 *製造業回溫,自動化/工具機4月營收有零星亮點 *上市線纜業 首季獲利報喜
    2024 0514今日塔羅:魔術師 Magician   我相信累世因果,相信每個人有著自己獨特的天賦,相信我們每一個人的出生,都帶著意義不凡的使命與任務。   在地球上,對全世界的所有人來說,最公平的不只有”時間”,每個人每天都是擁有二十四小時的這件事情而已;還有另一個公平的是”善意、溫暖
    哈啾!慘了,感冒了。 昨晚臨睡前,吞了感冒藥,看來是沒有發揮藥效。 看來坪林半日遊,帶回家的還有病症呀。 每個工作日,都像電玩般,打怪,晉級,打怪,進化,打怪,又打怪。 層出不窮的狀況與問題,應付不暇,還是得撐著。 這樣的工作情況,讓我萌生,週六就算大風大雨,也阻饒不了我離開城市的心情。 坪林。
    newsletter 05/14 on the connection between people don't you have 請大家多多支持和鼓勵訂閱這一份電子報:每一天的生活 Daily Michelle Good Evening! 大家,終於星期五了,即便也沒有輕鬆多少,但能夠走到這一天
    05/14 - 跌深總會有彈性 趨勢扭轉不容易 傳產追殺還沒停 電子想穩不從心 - [因疫情升級 5/15台北場讀書會取消] [大家請看心得前先洗手 口罩戴好] - 16000整數大量區卡在上面   美股就算強彈  台股開高後也明顯遇到壓力 好消息是整體的波動幅度有持續下降 但壞消息是 看類股來說 
    Happy, Happy, have to be! Man, woman, we may be, Take it easy!  Let it be! Happy life, it would be.  Lively Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 遼闊天地, 舒展舒展; 吸收著,
    Own the task, concentrate on. Become the compact person, equipped with the sufficient knowledge and the needed skills, by practicing and self-examini