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"How do you want to contribute to others?" Being there for them as a companion without needing to say anything.

有塵嵌憶 的其他內容
2023 "What is your ideal you want to achieve?" My ideal is to pursue self-realization without any fear. This year's goal is to pass the national exam.
2023 "What kind of expert do you want to become?" There are so many things I want to learn, so there's no reason to stop and limit myself. I want to b
2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
2023 "How to get rid of old perspectives and see the world with a new perspective?" Have an open mind and don't be arrogant.
2023 "What is your ideal you want to achieve?" My ideal is to pursue self-realization without any fear. This year's goal is to pass the national exam.
2023 "What kind of expert do you want to become?" There are so many things I want to learn, so there's no reason to stop and limit myself. I want to b
2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
2023 "How to get rid of old perspectives and see the world with a new perspective?" Have an open mind and don't be arrogant.
Google News 追蹤
希望這裡會有你們需要的 從陌生的環境 走入同樣的世界 不在你巔峰時慕名而來 也不在你低谷時離你而去 如果可以 就在這裡 好好陪伴彼此 創造屬於你的 下一個巔峰.
總是在替別人著想 替自己思考 我好想說 誰又替我想呢 誰又來擁抱我的無助呢 又誰能來幫我解開 命運的枷鎖.
無論是為了充實自我、實現自我價值,還是因為一時心有觸動去幫助別人,其實都有那麼一部分,表示你心裏也有需要被幫助的地方。 大家都說幫助別人也是幫助自己,你幫助的人是什麼樣子呢?你為何會想幫助呢?而你,其實內心渴望的是什麼呢?
2024 0227 今日塔羅:協力   https://dcalyson0110.pixnet.net/blog/post/141962152   合作吧! 有時候得將個人情緒放一旁,共同協力。 接納且欣賞他人的能力, 人,在世界上,是群體裡的個體呀。   不要太過逞強,留些事情讓
不論是求助還是幫助別人,最終還是要回歸初心,認清自己的狀態與意圖。 祝福你我,在人生這條路上獨行之餘,有時也能互相幫扶。
希望這裡會有你們需要的 從陌生的環境 走入同樣的世界 不在你巔峰時慕名而來 也不在你低谷時離你而去 如果可以 就在這裡 好好陪伴彼此 創造屬於你的 下一個巔峰.
總是在替別人著想 替自己思考 我好想說 誰又替我想呢 誰又來擁抱我的無助呢 又誰能來幫我解開 命運的枷鎖.
無論是為了充實自我、實現自我價值,還是因為一時心有觸動去幫助別人,其實都有那麼一部分,表示你心裏也有需要被幫助的地方。 大家都說幫助別人也是幫助自己,你幫助的人是什麼樣子呢?你為何會想幫助呢?而你,其實內心渴望的是什麼呢?
2024 0227 今日塔羅:協力   https://dcalyson0110.pixnet.net/blog/post/141962152   合作吧! 有時候得將個人情緒放一旁,共同協力。 接納且欣賞他人的能力, 人,在世界上,是群體裡的個體呀。   不要太過逞強,留些事情讓
不論是求助還是幫助別人,最終還是要回歸初心,認清自己的狀態與意圖。 祝福你我,在人生這條路上獨行之餘,有時也能互相幫扶。