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"What kind of expert do you want to become?" There are so many things I want to learn, so there's no reason to stop and limit myself. I want to become an expert in learning, because knowledge is power that can be used to help myself and others. But before that, I need to pass exams to have some credibility. Haha~

有塵嵌憶 的其他內容
2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
2023 "How to get rid of old perspectives and see the world with a new perspective?" Have an open mind and don't be arrogant.
2023 "How to find the strongest partner?" Use the strengths of others to complement my own weaknesses or to avoid their weaknesses.
2023 "How to achieve mind-body balance?" Meditation. Is it too brief to just write this? Haha.
2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
2023 "How to get rid of old perspectives and see the world with a new perspective?" Have an open mind and don't be arrogant.
2023 "How to find the strongest partner?" Use the strengths of others to complement my own weaknesses or to avoid their weaknesses.
2023 "How to achieve mind-body balance?" Meditation. Is it too brief to just write this? Haha.
Google News 追蹤
現在的我不知道未來能成為什麼樣的人,也許有可能會超出夢想的自己。以後或許是你想成為的樣子嗎?還是出乎意料的我?既然不知道以後會是什麼樣子,就讓我們一起探索未來的我吧! 如果一切都沒有限制,我最想成為護理師,因為可以學習醫療救護知識,也可以幫助家人及其他需要照護的人,為人民服
我覺得我未來可能會成為一個數位說書人,因為我熱愛閱讀,當我打開 書本的時候,就能進入作者想帶我進入的境界,可能是詩情畫意的仙俠 世界,可能是驚險萬分的荒野求生;透過閱讀讓我能成為不同的角色, 探索各種不一樣的自己 如果一切都沒有任何的限制 ,我最想成為科學家 ,因為我二年級開始 就對一些有
在討論理想生活之前,我邀請大家先問自己三個問題: 1. 我是誰? 2. 我有什麼能力? 3. 什麼事情對我來說是重要的?
ich ein Kind war, wollte ich Wissenschaftlerin werden. Es gefällt mir, immer neue Dinge zu lernen. Daher träume ich davon, dass ich eines Tages durch
現在的我不知道未來能成為什麼樣的人,也許有可能會超出夢想的自己。以後或許是你想成為的樣子嗎?還是出乎意料的我?既然不知道以後會是什麼樣子,就讓我們一起探索未來的我吧! 如果一切都沒有限制,我最想成為護理師,因為可以學習醫療救護知識,也可以幫助家人及其他需要照護的人,為人民服
我覺得我未來可能會成為一個數位說書人,因為我熱愛閱讀,當我打開 書本的時候,就能進入作者想帶我進入的境界,可能是詩情畫意的仙俠 世界,可能是驚險萬分的荒野求生;透過閱讀讓我能成為不同的角色, 探索各種不一樣的自己 如果一切都沒有任何的限制 ,我最想成為科學家 ,因為我二年級開始 就對一些有
在討論理想生活之前,我邀請大家先問自己三個問題: 1. 我是誰? 2. 我有什麼能力? 3. 什麼事情對我來說是重要的?
ich ein Kind war, wollte ich Wissenschaftlerin werden. Es gefällt mir, immer neue Dinge zu lernen. Daher träume ich davon, dass ich eines Tages durch