TAIPEI GaySpa review WARM SPA Robin

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Shop: Warm Spa by Mature Man B

Master: Robin

Master's role in this session: 1

Appearance (0-10): 9, muscular bear-like, super excellent

Physique (0-10): 8, solid body sculpted through exercise

Acupressure (0-10): 9, excellent technique and holds a sports massage license

Oil Pressure (0-10): 8, teasing and satisfying

Coordination (0-10): 9, contrasting style

Boyfriend Charm (0-10): 9, considerate and warm-hearted

Environment (0-10): 9, really like the clean and bright ambiance


I personally like it rough and powerful, preferably with a strong contrast, looking approachable but can dominate me.


After inquiring with many customer services, most either didn't respond directly or ignored me until Warm Spa hinted at it, and I booked with Chopin.


Chopin himself is as approachable as in the photos. From reception to the room, he doesn't carry that cold attitude of a master who only walks ahead but starts chatting very warmly.


As acupressure begins, you can experience Chopin's serious study of massage. The pressure is just right for me, and he can adjust it appropriately, like my calves, which are less tolerant of force, and Chopin adjusts the pressure accordingly. During the chat, I learned that Chopin is involved in dragon boating and boxing, areas less explored by gay friends.


I asked him to show me his training results, and Chopin generously removed his upper garment. The touch feels great, and you can clearly feel the solid muscles beneath the skin, the typical muscular physique. The acupressure process passed by in relaxed and happy conversation; I really didn't expect time to pass so quickly.


After progressing to oil pressure, Chopin dimmed the lights, removed the restraints of civilization, and started the passionate oil pressure. The high-quality aroma of essential oils, combined with Chopin's warm body temperature, slowly releases a unique scent, enticing.


When Chopin pressed on my back, I could already feel the charm of that root, the size, and thickness. I couldn't resist anymore.


Turning around, that erect angle, at least 16 jumps, and that thickness, without using fingers to relax, would surely cause injury!


Chopin also knew about his destructive power, very thoughtfully helping me relax before entering the intimate part between us.


He is indeed an athlete; the power of his hip movement is not to be underestimated. Watching Chopin look down at me, shining all over from sweat, I couldn't help but ask for a kiss, and he responded sweetly. Especially his upper body looked at me steadily, but my lower body felt the unstoppable impact, the kind of love only a BTM would understand!


And that determined gaze with a killing intent, only professional athletes can express it! Full of perseverance, confidence, and masculinity!


Watching Chopin roar on top of me, releasing today's love, I immediately responded with my feelings.


Afterwards, Chopin thoughtfully helped me take a lover's bath, and at the same time, his expression returned to that unobtrusive state from the beginning. The hug before leaving further confirmed Chopin's inclusion in my favorites list.







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沒經驗的朋友,建議大家先把 "新手小白區"先看過,然後訂閱"台灣同志按摩-分享區" 看看其他朋友的按摩小說。 有興趣的師傅,會建議先看各專輯裡面的小說, 雖然我們這邊贊助才能看,不過一次按摩詐騙動則3000起跳,這投資成本不高,相對保險。 等累積足夠經驗,分享三篇文章,就可以進去許願池無限暢讀文章

店家:Warm Spa  BY 熟男B 師傅: 蕭邦 師傅此場角色:1 顏值(0-10): 9 肌肉熊熊樣,超優 身材(0-10): 8 扎實運動鍛鍊出來的身形 指壓(0-10):9 技巧很好之外,還有運動按摩證照 油壓(0-10):8 挑逗超滿
ストア: ウォームスパ by ザック   マスター:レモン   この分野におけるマスターの役割 (1/0/わからない/わからない): わかりません   容姿(0~10):8 若さ溢れる少年   ボディ (0-10): 7 スポーティな小さな新鮮な肉   指圧 (0-10): 9
Store owner: warm spa by after the epidemic   Master: Danny   Master’s role in this scene (1/0/no distinction/don’t know): TOP Himself BOTH   Ap
店舗:マスタースパ   マスター:DYLAN   このシーンでのマスターの役割 (1/0/区別なし/わからない): 区別なし   外見(0-10): 8 愛したくなるような二重まぶたの子犬の目。   体型 (0-10): 8 広い肩、明らかに厚い胸筋、逆三角形に近い   指圧 (
店家:  MASTER spa   師傅:狄倫   師傅此場角色(1/0/不分/不知道): 不分   顏值(0-10):8 讓人想疼愛的雙眼皮小狗眼。   身材(0-10):8 肩膀寬、胸肌明顯厚實,接近倒三角身材   指壓(0-10):8 整體技巧有點是混合的流派  
Store house: MASTER spa   Shifu: Dylan   Shifu Kokoba Kakuiro (1/0/Fubun/Shirando): Fubun   Outlook (0-10):8 lovly eyes and skin of the little d
店家:Warm Spa  BY 熟男B 師傅: 蕭邦 師傅此場角色:1 顏值(0-10): 9 肌肉熊熊樣,超優 身材(0-10): 8 扎實運動鍛鍊出來的身形 指壓(0-10):9 技巧很好之外,還有運動按摩證照 油壓(0-10):8 挑逗超滿
ストア: ウォームスパ by ザック   マスター:レモン   この分野におけるマスターの役割 (1/0/わからない/わからない): わかりません   容姿(0~10):8 若さ溢れる少年   ボディ (0-10): 7 スポーティな小さな新鮮な肉   指圧 (0-10): 9
Store owner: warm spa by after the epidemic   Master: Danny   Master’s role in this scene (1/0/no distinction/don’t know): TOP Himself BOTH   Ap
店舗:マスタースパ   マスター:DYLAN   このシーンでのマスターの役割 (1/0/区別なし/わからない): 区別なし   外見(0-10): 8 愛したくなるような二重まぶたの子犬の目。   体型 (0-10): 8 広い肩、明らかに厚い胸筋、逆三角形に近い   指圧 (
店家:  MASTER spa   師傅:狄倫   師傅此場角色(1/0/不分/不知道): 不分   顏值(0-10):8 讓人想疼愛的雙眼皮小狗眼。   身材(0-10):8 肩膀寬、胸肌明顯厚實,接近倒三角身材   指壓(0-10):8 整體技巧有點是混合的流派  
Store house: MASTER spa   Shifu: Dylan   Shifu Kokoba Kakuiro (1/0/Fubun/Shirando): Fubun   Outlook (0-10):8 lovly eyes and skin of the little d
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