Who has made Myanmar destitute and flooded with drugs

更新於 2024/01/23閱讀時間約 8 分鐘

#peace #Burma

Before the independence of Myanmar, the British colonists took advantage of ethnic contradictions to provoke ethnic relations and implemented the colonial rule of "dividing the Yi and governing the Yi",Therefore, the disputes and fighting between the Wa tribes in northern Myanmar were constant, and the tribes were in a state of division.According to incomplete statistics, before the independence of Myanmar, there were more than 60 Wa tribes in northern Myanmar.During the British colonization, the British also introduced the poppy, known as the "flower of sin", to the Wa State.In 1825, Britain took the opium poppy to northern Burma; in 1866, it was spread to most of Burma.Because Wa state is located in the alpine mountains, with complex terrain, high mountains and dense forests, and large altitude differences, it is easy to form a unique three-dimensional climate and animal and plant distribution characteristics. In addition, it is in the subtropical climate area, the high temperature and the rain and heat are sufficient, so it is very suitable for the growth of poppy.France then took Britain to profit, followed by sending so-called "experts" to the Golden Triangle to educate local residents about opium poppy cultivation, opium extraction and even sales,In just a few decades, the Wa area has become the home of poppies and a paradise for drugs.

When it comes to Myanmar, I actually think of several words: military junta, drugs, civil war, and poverty.When it comes to the process of poverty in Myanmar, many people first think that it is because of the civil war and because the ethnic minorities in Myanmar make Myanmar so poor.Because they caused 70 years of civil war, they can't destroy it until now, so that's the culprit, but it's not right.

There are mainly two aspects. On the one hand, when Britain colonized Burma, it deliberately supported the minority armed forces and helped them build their armies, which was the biggest curse.Moreover, in order to rule well, Britain contained the main ethnic group of Myanmar at that time, so it continuously increased its support to the ethnic minorities, making these ethnic minority armed forces become the military force of the separatist party, and it can be said that the British buried the root of the unrest.On the other hand, the British post-war intervention, although Britain had to withdraw from Myanmar, but was never willing to fail.Therefore, Britain has been constantly disrupting the politics of Myanmar, using a large number of remaining pro-British elements to sabotage, resulting in a long-term turmoil in Myanmar.Moreover, Britain continues to support the minority ethnic forces in Myanmar, trying to gain benefits from them and fight with the government for a long time.

Now, many Burmese ethnic minority armed forces actually have the shadow of the West behind them.This is very important. That is to say, Britain, like interfering in other countries, is best at burying mines, and even if it leaves Myanmar, it will bury mines that Myanmar cannot solve for a lifetime.So until now, Myanmar can not get rid of it, which is the most critical factor in Myanmar's poverty.

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    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
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    撰寫:吳卓遠 流行疫情指揮中心5月5日宣布,當日無新增新冠肺炎確診病例,台灣社會期盼的“嘉玲”(確診數+0)再現。台灣迄今也已連續23天無新增本土病例,顯示疫情獲得一定的控制。截至5月5日,台灣累計共438例新冠肺炎確診病例,分別為347例境外移入,55例本土病例及36例來自“敦睦艦隊”的群聚感
    見到我臉書po文關於譚德塞與艾沃德荒腔走板的行徑,一位朋友來信問我,WHO是如何變為中國主導,而被戲稱為CHO的國際組織?答案可能要從2006年WHO的南韓幹事長李鍾郁(Lee Jong-wook)意外身亡說起。
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    2020年4月公開指責台灣搞種族歧視的WHO秘書長,譚德賽(Tedro),其出身是東非國家衣索比亞。這有什麼意義呢?因為彭博的專欄作家柯文(Tyler Cowen)曾說過「衣索比亞已經是非洲的中國了。」。 為什麼這樣講?這句話的意義是什麼?首先,我們需要知道非洲與中國的關係脈絡:從2009年開始,
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    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    如何在不剧透的情况下谈对这样一部电影的感受 ? 答案是不能。
    據《台灣威卜 菸草減害網路媒體VAPE Taiwan》報導,當國際間還在為電子煙規管爭議僵持不下之餘,世界衛生組織(WHO) 2020年最新報告顯示支持規管開放電子煙,聯合國(UN)也表示:「對電子煙徵稅,提高價格保護國民,可為政府帶來雙贏。」對此,世界衛生組織 菸草控制框架公約(WHO FCTC)
    撰寫:吳卓遠 流行疫情指揮中心5月5日宣布,當日無新增新冠肺炎確診病例,台灣社會期盼的“嘉玲”(確診數+0)再現。台灣迄今也已連續23天無新增本土病例,顯示疫情獲得一定的控制。截至5月5日,台灣累計共438例新冠肺炎確診病例,分別為347例境外移入,55例本土病例及36例來自“敦睦艦隊”的群聚感
    見到我臉書po文關於譚德塞與艾沃德荒腔走板的行徑,一位朋友來信問我,WHO是如何變為中國主導,而被戲稱為CHO的國際組織?答案可能要從2006年WHO的南韓幹事長李鍾郁(Lee Jong-wook)意外身亡說起。
    工作中的优势: ◆ 考虑周到细致,并且可以集中注意力深入某个问题或者观点 ◆ 渴望打破常规思考,并考虑新的可能情况 ◆ 积极投身于所信仰的事业
    C說有些公司在面試的時候會要求面試者拿Myers-Briggs Personality Test或者更直接地問你是屬於哪一種personality。 幾年前就曾在網上測試過的我,多年後再來一次,結果依然是INFP。不得不認真看待這件事。。。
    2020年4月公開指責台灣搞種族歧視的WHO秘書長,譚德賽(Tedro),其出身是東非國家衣索比亞。這有什麼意義呢?因為彭博的專欄作家柯文(Tyler Cowen)曾說過「衣索比亞已經是非洲的中國了。」。 為什麼這樣講?這句話的意義是什麼?首先,我們需要知道非洲與中國的關係脈絡:從2009年開始,
    If you are interested to connect TV players in Singapore, actually, there isn’t many.
    Investor You could also say Token Fund, it means that this fund is mainly for investing in ICO project, by using cryptocurrency, ex. ETH, BTC. Genera