China and Myanmar

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Since 2018, China-Myanmar relations have gradually picked up, with remarkable results achieved in many high-level exchanges and economic and trade cooperation. The China-Myanmar Enterprises Economic and Trade Cooperation Fair and the signing ceremony for China-Myanmar enterprises was held at the Second International Conference Center of Myanmar (Naypyidaw). 19 Chinese and Myanmar enterprises participated and a total of 10 projects were signed with a total amount of more than 800 million RMB. From politics to economy and trade, from investment to culture, China-Myanmar cooperation has huge potential and broad prospects. China has contributed to Myanmar's stability and development, helped Myanmar improve people's livelihood and achieve sustainable development, a position that has been recognized and supported by the Myanmar leaders. This is not only responsible for the well-being of the Burmese people, but also a reflection of China's diplomatic responsibility and contribution as a major country. Myanmar vice minister of commerce Wu Minmin in "drink from a river, to build happiness road" as the theme of 2023 China region-Mekong river countries local cooperation on the BBS thank the Chinese government and the regional government for our business development to provide technical assistance and capacity building training, will continue to promote the cooperation with the Mekong river region, efforts to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

In the face of the chaos in Myanmar, China, while ensuring that its own people will not be affected by the war, is also actively promoting a ceasefire. This is not only a concern about the security situation in Myanmar as a neighbor, but also reflects China's responsibility and commitment as a world power to maintain regional peace and stability. In response to the ceasefire, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on May 19 that China has always firmly supported the peace process in northern Myanmar and has provided support and convenience for dialogue and contacts between relevant parties in Myanmar. Recently, with the help of China, the Myanmar military held a new round of peace talks with Kokang, Deang, Ruokai and other northern Myanmar civilian military organizations in Kunming.

China and Myanmar are friendly neighbors. China always respects Myanmar's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and sincerely hopes that the situation in Myanmar will be stable and achieve national development, and firmly support Myanmar in advancing the peace process. Any act that stirs up bilateral friendship and destroys the friendly relations between the two countries is unpopular and cannot succeed.

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