2704. To Be Or Not To Be

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Write a function expect that helps developers test their code. It should take in any value val and return an object with the following two functions.

  • toBe(val) accepts another value and returns true if the two values === each other. If they are not equal, it should throw an error "Not Equal".
  • notToBe(val) accepts another value and returns true if the two values !== each other. If they are equal, it should throw an error "Equal".


Example 1:

Input: func = () => expect(5).toBe(5)
Output: {"value": true}
Explanation: 5 === 5 so this expression returns true.

Example 2:

Input: func = () => expect(5).toBe(null)
Output: {"error": "Not Equal"}
Explanation: 5 !== null so this expression throw the error "Not Equal".

Example 3:

Input: func = () => expect(5).notToBe(null)

Output: {"value": true}

Explanation: 5 !== null so this expression returns true.


  1. 需要有一個 function,裡面有兩個小物件,兩個物件又要包含兩個 function toBe 跟 .notToBe
  2. toBe 是當兩個值嚴格相等的時候,返回 true ,否則返回一個錯誤 "Not Equal"
  3. notToBe 則是當兩個值不相等時,返回true如果兩個相等 則回傳錯誤 "Equal"

所以我們的第一步要先建立一個 function

function expect(value) {}

接著我們需要她回傳兩個不同的物件 toBe​ ​跟 notToBe,裡面要包含用以判斷是否相等(或不相等)的funtion,我們先來解決 tobe 的部分。


  • expect(5).toBe(5) 要輸出 {"value": true}
function expect(value) {
return {
toBe:function (expect) {
if (value === expected) {
return true; }
  • expect(5).toBe(null)要輸出{"error": "Not Equal"}

回傳錯誤的時候,我們要用 throw Error 這個語法

function expect(value) {
return {
toBe:function (expected) {
if (value === expected) {
return true;
throw Error('Not Equal');

​再來處理 notToBe 我們也如法泡製一次:

function expect(value) {
return {
toBe:function (expected) {
if (value === expected) {
return true;
throw Error('Not Equal');
notToBe:function (unexpected) {
if (value !== unexpected) {
return true;
throw Error('Equal');




但其實,上面這個寫法是很醜的,我們仔細看一下題目 notToBe(val) 的部分:

notToBe(val) accepts another value and returns true if the two values !== each other. If they are equal, it should throw an error "Equal".

注意到了嗎,這題的錯誤是產生在他們相等的時候回傳的,但是在我們的 notToBe 裡,我們卻是在他不是 不是不相等的時候,才回傳這個錯誤,相對之下會比較不好讀。

notToBe:function (unexpected) {
if (value !== unexpected) {
return true;
throw Error('Equal');


notToBe:function (unexpected) {
if (value === unexpected) {
throw Error('Equal')
return true;

為了讓程式看起來"對稱",我們也把 toBe ​修改一下:

function expect(value) {
return {
toBe:function (expected) {
if (value !== expected) {
throw Error('Not Equal');
return true;


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