Shopify Furniture Stores in India: the best store examples

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The Indian furniture market is booming, with a growing demand for stylish and functional pieces. If you're a furniture store owner looking to tap into this potential, Shopify offers a powerful platform to build a thriving online presence. But before diving in, it's helpful to see how other successful furniture stores in India are utilizing Shopify.

This blog post will explore several inspiring examples of Shopify furniture stores in India. We'll delve into their design choices, product presentation, and overall brand identity to give you a springboard for creating your own unique online furniture store.


Best shopify furniture stores examples in India

Best shopify furniture stores examples in India

Finding Inspiration: Top Shopify Furniture Stores in India

1. The White Teak:

Specializing in handcrafted solid wood furniture, The White Teak showcases the beauty of Indian craftsmanship through their Shopify store. Their website features high-quality product photos that capture the natural textures and intricate details of their furniture pieces. The White Teak also utilizes clear descriptions and size charts, allowing customers to make informed purchasing decisions.

Key Takeaways:

  • High-quality product photos: Invest in professional photography that showcases the quality and craftsmanship of your furniture. Detailed product descriptions: Include dimensions, materials, and care instructions to build trust and reduce returns.

2. Pepperfry:

A leading online furniture retailer in India, Pepperfry utilizes Shopify to create a comprehensive online shopping experience. Their website features a wide range of furniture categories, with user-friendly filters and sorting options to help customers find exactly what they need. Pepperfry also offers detailed product information, including assembly instructions and customer reviews.

Key Takeaways:

  • Clear product categorization: Make it easy for customers to browse your furniture selection by category, style, or price range. Customer reviews and ratings: Leverage social proof by showcasing customer reviews and ratings to build trust with potential buyers.

3. Jaipur Rugs:

Jaipur Rugs leverages Shopify to showcase their exquisite collection of hand-knotted rugs. Their website features stunning visuals that capture the vibrant colors and intricate patterns of their rugs. Jaipur Rugs also offers a virtual rug try-on feature, allowing customers to visualize how a rug might look in their own space.

Jaipu Rugs

Jaipu Rugs

Key Takeaways:

  • Visually appealing product presentation: Use high-quality photos and creative visuals to capture the beauty and unique features of your furniture. Interactive features: Consider incorporating interactive features like virtual try-on tools or room planning tools to enhance the customer experience.

4. Ikea India:

The global furniture giant Ikea utilizes Shopify to create a localized online experience for Indian customers. Their website features product descriptions and assembly instructions translated into Hindi and other regional languages. Additionally, Ikea India offers local payment options and delivery services to cater to the specific needs of the Indian market.

Key Takeaways:

  • Localization: If you cater to a regional audience, consider translating your website content and offering local payment and delivery options. Mobile optimization: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly for seamless browsing and purchasing on smartphones.

5. Your brand!

Now that you've seen these inspiring examples, it's time to create your own Shopify furniture store in India! Take inspiration from the elements that resonate with your brand and target audience.

Tips to Build Your Shopify Furniture Store:

Here are some key considerations:

  • Design: Create a website that reflects your brand identity and is easy to navigate. Opt for a clean and user-friendly layout with high-quality product photos.
  • Product Presentation: Showcase your furniture in a visually appealing way. Use high-quality photos that capture different angles and details. Consider including lifestyle photos to show how your furniture can be used in a home setting.
  • Content Marketing: Create engaging content like blog posts or buying guides to educate customers about furniture styles, materials, and care tips.
  • Social Media Integration: Promote your store on social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Showcase your furniture in inspiring home décor settings and utilize social media selling features.
  • Delivery and Assembly: Clearly outline your delivery and assembly options. Consider offering competitive delivery rates and assembly services for larger furniture pieces.

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Shopify Apps and Features for Furniture Stores

Here are some key Shopify apps and features to consider for your online furniture store in India:

  • High-Resolution Image Apps: Allow customers to zoom in on product details to see the quality of materials, craftsmanship, and finishes.
  • 3D Product View Apps: Offer 360-degree product views or even 3D models to allow customers to visualize furniture pieces from all angles.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Apps: Consider incorporating AR features that allow customers to virtually place furniture pieces in their own space to see how they might look.
  • Inventory Management Apps: Keep track of your stock levels and avoid overselling or understocking popular items.
  • Shipping Apps: Offer a variety of shipping options to cater to different customer needs and budgets. Integrate with local Indian couriers for reliable delivery services.
  • Assembly Service Apps: If you offer assembly services, consider using an app to manage bookings and scheduling.
  • Financing Apps: Partner with a financing app to offer customers payment plans for larger furniture purchases.

The Indian Furniture Market Advantage

India boasts a rich heritage of furniture making and a growing appreciation for quality craftsmanship. By leveraging Shopify and incorporating these marketing strategies, you can capitalize on this unique market and build a successful online furniture store. Here are some additional advantages to consider:

  • Mobile-First Market: India has a large mobile-first population. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for a seamless shopping experience on smartphones.
  • Rising Disposable Income: The disposable income of Indian households is rising, creating a growing demand for premium furniture.
  • Ecommerce Growth: The Indian e-commerce market is experiencing significant growth, presenting a vast potential customer base for online furniture stores.


With its user-friendly platform and vast resources, Shopify empowers you to create a thriving online furniture store in India. By drawing inspiration from successful examples, utilizing essential apps and features, and implementing effective marketing strategies, you can establish a strong online presence and cater to the growing demand for stylish and functional furniture.

So, take the plunge, embrace the beauty of Indian craftsmanship, and get ready to build your online furniture empire!

Keep reading eComStart Vocus to find more tips and inspiration to build your first Shopify store! If you want more useful articles, visit eComStart to connect to hundred of new entrepreneurs like you and share your story!

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