Macao’s Grand Opening of Hotel Central-Promotes Cultural Her

更新於 2024/07/22閱讀時間約 13 分鐘
Opening Ceremony Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Opening Ceremony Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

【MACAU ARTS AND LITERATURE NEWS】Yesterday, July 22,2024, The Lek Hang Group proudly announces the grand opening of its flagship property, Hotel Central, an iconic symbol of Macao’s cultural heritage and a historic landmark located on the Macao Peninsula.


The opening ceremony on 22 July was officiated by several distinguished guests, including Ho Hau Wah, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Kou Hoi In, President of the Legislative Assembly of Macao; Bai Bing, Director of the Department of Publicity and Culture of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Macao SAR; Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Director of MGTO, representing the Secretary for Economy and Finance of the Macao Government; Leong Wai Man, Director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, representing the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Government; Zhong Yi Seabra de Mascarenhas, Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Macao Foundation; José Maria da Fonseca Tavares, Chairman of the Administration Committee on Municipal Affairs of Macao; Chan Tze Wai, Deputy Director of the Economic and Technological Development Bureau; U U Sang, Director of IPIM; Zhu Qiangbiao, Vice President of the Bank of China Macao Branch; Sio Chong Meng , Founder and Chairman of Lek Hang Group, accompanied by his wife; and renowned Hong Kong actor Simon Yam. Following the ceremony, Chairman Sio personally led the distinguished guests on a tour, showcasing the revitalization achievements of Hotel Central.

Ho Hau Wah, Kou Hoi In and Sio Chong Meng presided over the lion awakening eye-dotting ceremony

Ho Hau Wah, Kou Hoi In and Sio Chong Meng presided over the lion awakening eye-dotting ceremony

In his opening ceremony address, Chairman Sio Chong Meng stated, “In recent years, the Macao government has been keenly focused on the preservation and revitalization of the historic city center, encouraging major leisure and entertainment enterprises to invest extensively in rejuvenating various districts. The hope is that the Hotel Central, with its rich historical roots and prime central location, will serve as a bridge connecting the various revitalized areas, fostering interaction and synergy among them. It is believed that with the attention and participation of the entire society, the old city area will soon witness a vibrant transformation, ushering in a new era of prosperity and cultural vitality” .


Sio Chong Meng highlighted that the Hotel Central features a range of facilities open to the public free of charge, aimed at attracting visitors to the historic district and enhancing its allure. These offerings are intended to showcase Macao's profound history to tourists, thereby contributing significantly to polishing Macao's image as an international metropolis and reinforcing its status as a 'golden business card'.


The newly renovated Hotel Central features 114 rooms, with each pair of floors from the fifth to the tenth dedicated to a unique historical theme, offering a total of three themes and six room types. The hotel includes public spaces such as the “Historical Cultural Corridor” the “Historical Sightseeing Promenade” and the Palace Restaurant. Additionally, it offers guided tours led by professional docents, inviting guests to explore this historic building from 1928 and experience its rich history and culture firsthand, marking the beginning of a Macao cultural exploration journey.


To fortify the link between Hotel Central and its neighboring communities while fostering a unified historical and cultural tourism zone, Lek Hang Group's founder and chairman, Sio Chong Meng , joined by celebrated actor Simon Yam, embarked on a trishaw ride. This picturesque journey took them past Hotel Central and notable nearby historic locales – Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, Rua das Estalagens, and Rua de Cinco de Outubro – serving as a preamble to the launch ceremony, elegantly initiating the day's events.


During his interview with the media, Simon Yam mentioned his earlier involvement in the TV drama “One Dream One Home” a realistic masterpiece produced as a tribute to the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland, for which he became the first Hong Kong actor to win the prestigious Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor. He was now invited to the opening ceremony of the Hotel Central, which celebrates the 25th anniversary of Macau’s return, feeling he has a special connection with Macao. Yam stated that he feels privileged to have witnessed Macau’s development and transformations over the decades and regards Macau as a charming place.


Looking ahead, Hotel Central aims to integrate with other Lek Hang Group projects in the vicinity, such as the Restaurante Pou Seak and “City Inn”, transforming Rua dos Mercadores into a new commercial hub by collaborating with nearby attractions and merchants, thereby enhancing the area’s appeal to tourists.

Simon Yam participated in activities related to the 25th anniversary of Macau's return to the motherland

Simon Yam participated in activities related to the 25th anniversary of Macau's return to the motherland

Chairman Sio Chong Meng and the famous movie star Simon Yam took a rickshaw to kick off the opening ceremony

Chairman Sio Chong Meng and the famous movie star Simon Yam took a rickshaw to kick off the opening ceremony

Macau Arts and Literature News ISSUE 28

Macau Arts and Literature News ISSUE 28

#Macau Arts and Literature News


#July 23, 2024 Tuesday, June 18, Jiachen Year

#This issue of the newspaper is supported and disseminated by the "Celebrity Development Association of Macau"

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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
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PROCESS macro for SPSS 可以用非常簡單方式學會調節中介模式。本文將介紹四種類型的變項,並解釋調節式中介的公式,還有如何操作最4.0版本的PROCESS macro for SPSS。文末也會附上所有所有Process模型圖例,提供給讀者方便分析~
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PROCESS macro for SPSS 可以用非常簡單方式使用調節分析。本文將介紹三種類型的變項,還有如何操作最4.2版本的PROCESS macro for SPSS進行調節模式。文末也會附上所有所有Process模型圖例,提供給讀者方便分析~
PROCESS macro for SPSS 可以用非常簡單方式進中介模式。本文將介紹三種類型的變項,還有如何操作最4.0版本的PROCESS macro for SPSS。文末也會附上所有所有Process模型圖例,提供給讀者方便分析~
by Stan Wu 2023/02/08 宏觀視野看問題的大局,而微觀視角則考慮細節。為了充分理解問題並制定全面的解決方案,兩者都很重要。 要從宏觀和微觀視角看待問題,我們需要在瞭解整體情況的同時,也要瞭解詳細的細節和影響因素。這意味著我們需要考慮整個系統和其運作方式,以及該系統中各個部分如何互相
碟盤裝好 卡鉗先假組合裝上 沒想到 號稱專門閃卡鉗的框 好傢伙 閃不過阿
第三十二屆2021亞洲廣告會議澳門大會將於12月3-5五日間首度在澳門舉行,這是澳門以AAAM澳門廣告商會加入AFAA亞洲廣告聯盟、接手上屆巴基斯坦拉合爾大會 之後,突破全球疫情現狀所強力推出最重要的一場亞洲行銷傳媒界盛會,AdAsia 也正式邁向了第64個年頭。
 第三十二屆2021亞洲廣告會議澳門大會將於12月3-5五日間首度在澳門舉行,這是澳門以AAAM澳門廣告商會加入AFAA亞洲廣告聯盟、接手上屆巴基斯坦拉合爾大會 之後,突破全球疫情現狀所強力推出最重要的一場亞洲行銷傳媒界盛會,AdAsia 也正式邁向了第64個年頭。