Pulse: The Untold Story (Audiobook)

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Pulse: The Untold Story:Those Unknown Federal Scandals.


This audiobook is from Amazon Audible.

On June 12, 2016, a tragic mass shooting occurred at the Pulse nightclub (LGBTQ) in Orlando, Florida, resulting in 49 fatalities and 53 injuries. The shooter, Omar Mateen, was initially thought to be motivated by his allegiance to ISIS or hatred toward the LGBTQ community. However, journalist Arlensen’s meticulous investigation seeks to present the multifaceted nature of this tragedy, particularly through an in-depth examination of the shooter’s background (such as being a closeted homosexual), making the explanation of the event even more complex.


For those who pay close attention to the audio quality of audiobooks, you can listen to the introduction and the narrator’s voice directly from this website. The author is also the narrator, and I personally find the voice quite pleasant (which was one of the reasons I got hooked in the first place). The content of the audiobook is very similar to this 25-minute interview, so you can see if you like it.


The listening experience of this audiobook feels much like following a detective investigation. You’ll hear many police calls and interviews, making it perfect for listening while driving, as if you’re watching a suspenseful movie — it’s incredibly immersive.

Personally, I find the text to be somewhat challenging since it’s written by a journalist, meaning it’s not particularly easy. Especially because this audiobook requires a stronger sense of logic, similar to a scenario where you’re taking a TOEFL listening comprehension test. There are moments when you might need to pause and process the current situation, but overall, it’s a unique and interesting audiobook. If you enjoy American crime stories or similar TV shows, you might want to give it a try.


英語長點的沙龍 的其他內容
"Pulse: The Untold Story" 那些不為人知的聯邦醜事 這本有聲書來自於Amazon Audible, 於2016年6月12日,佛羅里達州奧蘭多的Pulse夜總會(LBGTQ)發生了一起悲劇性的大規模槍擊事件,造成49人遇難,53人受傷,而槍手奧馬爾·馬丁行兇的動機,原本
"Pulse: The Untold Story" 那些不為人知的聯邦醜事 這本有聲書來自於Amazon Audible, 於2016年6月12日,佛羅里達州奧蘭多的Pulse夜總會(LBGTQ)發生了一起悲劇性的大規模槍擊事件,造成49人遇難,53人受傷,而槍手奧馬爾·馬丁行兇的動機,原本
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