每日英語 #068: A Remarkable Memory

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A Remarkable Memory

There is something very “remarkable” (unique and interesting) about a woman named Jill Price. She published a “memoir” (book about her own life) called *The Woman Who Can’t Forget* in 2008.


Jill Price is a 42-year-old woman who can remember every day of her life. She can remember what “day of the week” (whether it is Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesday, etc.) it was, what the weather was like that day, and what she did during that day.


A “neurobiologist” (a scientist who studies how messages move around people’s bodies, such as from the brain to the arms and legs) “studied” (researched) Price for five years. He gave her a lot of tests and “determined” (came to the conclusion; decided) that she was not “faking it” (pretending; saying that she is something that she is not) and truly had this incredible “memory” (ability to remember).


In Price’s memoir, she wrote that she couldn’t decide whether her ability is a “blessing” (something to be thankful for) or a “curse” (something that causes a lot of pain and suffering). She can remember the details of all of the good times, but she can also remember all of the bad times, too.


She wrote in her book:

Imagine being able to remember every fight you ever had with a friend, every time someone “let you down” (did not do something they were supposed to do or that they promised to do), all the stupid mistakes you’ve ever made.




  • Remarkable 引人注目的 /rɪˈmɑrkəbl/
  • Memoir 自傳 /ˈmɛmwɑr/
  • Neurobiologist 神經生物學家 /ˌnʊroʊˌbaɪˈɑlədʒɪst/
  • Studied 研究 /ˈstʌdid/
  • Determined 確定 /dɪˈtɜrmɪnd/
  • Faking it 裝腔作勢 /ˈfeɪkɪŋ ɪt/
  • Memory 記憶 /ˈmɛməri/
  • Blessing 祝福 /ˈblɛsɪŋ/
  • Curse 詛咒 /kɜrs/
  • Let you down 讓你失望 /lɛt ju daʊn/
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