每日英語 #029: English Through Murder

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English Through Murder 透過謀殺學英語

Before the 1960s, radio dramas were very popular. “Radio dramas” were short stories, usually 30 to 60 minutes long, in the form of a play, read by professional actors and actresses, with “dramatic” (exciting or powerful) music and “audio special effects” (sounds and noises that represent things happening in real life). Before the “era” (period; time) of television, radio dramas were popular in many countries, including in the United States. Some now-famous writers and actors helped make some of these dramas, including science fiction writer Ray Bradbury and many popular actors. The dramas or radio plays were sometimes “adapted” (taken from) famous books and plays, and sometimes original stories.


By the late 1950s, however, with the “advent” (coming) of television, people listened to the radio less and less for entertainment, preferring instead to watch their dramas rather than just listen to them. Famous writers and actors left the radio world for television and the movies, and radio dramas “all but” (almost) disappeared from the “airwaves” (broadcasts of electronic signals, such as radio).


But in the 1970s, there was a “brief” (short) “revival” (return of something once popular) of the radio drama in the form of a nationally broadcast series called the CBS Radio Mystery Theater. Each evening in many cities, Monday through Friday, you could hear a one-hour radio drama. These were mystery stories with professional actors, just like you could watch on television, except that the sound painted the pictures for you. The host, E.G. Wells, introduce the mystery story.


In 2012, the miracle of the Internet brought the old radio dramas “back to life” (made them live again). As of 2012, you can listen to all of the old CBS Radio Mystery Theater shows (almost 1,400 of them), and even download the MP3s for them. In addition, there are now several places, including podcasts and websites where you can listen to other old dramas in English from the 1920s to the 1950s for free or at a very low price.



  1. radio dramas:廣播劇 /ˈreɪdioʊ ˈdrɑːməz/
  2. dramatic:戲劇性的 /drəˈmætɪk/
  3. audio special effects:音效 /ˈɔːdioʊ ˈspɛʃəl ɪˈfɛkts/
  4. era:時代 /ˈɪərə/
  5. adapted:改編 /əˈdæptɪd/
  6. advent:出現 /ˈædvɛnt/
  7. airwaves:空中波段 /ˈɛrweɪvz/
  8. revival:復興 /rɪˈvaɪvəl/
  9. back to life:重生 /bæk tu laɪf/
  10. financial:財務的 /faɪˈnænʃəl/
  11. taxes:稅收 /ˈtæksɪz/
  12. figures:數據 /ˈfɪɡjərz/
  13. nearly:將近 /ˈnɪrli/
  14. tendency:傾向 /ˈtɛndənsi/
  15. ulterior motives:隱藏動機 /ʌlˈtɪriər ˈmoʊtɪvz/
  16. cash:現金 /kæʃ/
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