幸好~我家沒有小朋友需要扮裝! 如果有~我猜,會叫他弄幾個紙箱在身上(簡單省事),裝成機器人吧!
Prompt: Dark Angel: Black lace bodysuit, feathered wings, silver halo, thigh-high boots, Pose near Gothic archway, wings spread dramatically. One hand reaching toward camera, expression mysterious yet alluring. Soft purple backlighting creates ethereal glow.
角色名稱: Vampire Queen: Red velvet corset dress, black lace choker, crystal crown, mesh gloves( 吸血鬼女王:紅色絲絨緊身禮服、黑色蕾絲頸圈、水晶皇冠、網狀手套 )
風格說明: 緊身禮服勾勒完美曲線,頸圈增添神秘魅力,皇冠彰顯高貴氣質,整體造型散發王者風範
Prompt: Vampire Queen: Red velvet corset dress, black lace choker, crystal crown, mesh gloves, Recline on vintage chaise lounge, crown gleaming under moonlight. Fierce yet regal expression, fingers delicately holding a crystal goblet. Fog swirling at feet.
角色名稱: Enchanted Witch: Emerald green slit dress, black pointed hat, crystal wand, ankle boots( 魔法女巫:翡翠綠開叉長裙、黑色尖頂帽、水晶魔杖、短靴 )
風格說明: 開叉長裙展現修長美腿,深綠色調突顯東方膚色,搭配巫師配件展現神秘魅力
Prompt: Enchanted Witch: Emerald green slit dress, black pointed hat, crystal wand, ankle boots, Stand before bubbling cauldron, wand raised high. Hair flowing in magical wind, dress billowing. Expression confident and powerful.
角色名稱: Ghost Bride: White lace wedding dress, torn veil, silver chains, smoky eye makeup( 鬼魂新娘:白色蕾絲婚紗、破損頭紗、銀鍊、煙燻妝 )
風格說明: 蕾絲婚紗突顯纖細身材,破損設計增添詭異感,煙燻妝容營造神秘氛圍
Prompt: Ghost Bride: White lace wedding dress, torn veil, silver chains, smoky eye makeup, Stand in abandoned chapel, veil floating mysteriously. Hands clasped in prayer position, haunting smile. Moonlight streaming through stained glass.
角色名稱: Cat Woman: Black latex bodysuit, cat ears headband, studded collar, stiletto heels( 貓女:黑色乳膠緊身衣、貓耳髮箍、鉚釘項圈、細跟高跟鞋 )
風格說明: 緊身衣完美展現身材曲線,貓耳增添俏皮感,高跟鞋突顯優雅姿態
Prompt: Cat Woman: Black latex bodysuit, cat ears headband, studded collar, stiletto heels, Perch on city rooftop ledge, crouched cat-like. Playful yet dangerous expression, one hand extended with claws out. City lights twinkling behind.
角色名稱: Mermaid: Iridescent scale bodysuit, seashell crown, pearl accessories, blue wig( 美人魚:彩虹魚鱗連身衣、貝殼皇冠、珍珠配飾、藍色假髮 )
風格說明: 魚鱗設計突顯曼妙身姿,珍珠配飾增添優雅氣質,藍髮營造夢幻感
Prompt: Mermaid: Iridescent scale bodysuit, seashell crown, pearl accessories, blue wig, Pose on rocky beach shore, hair flowing in sea breeze. Dreamy expression while playing with pearl necklace. Ocean waves crashing behind.
角色名稱: Spider Queen: Black web-pattern dress, spider crown, red gems, platform boots( 蜘蛛女王:黑色蜘蛛網紋洋裝、蜘蛛皇冠、紅寶石、厚底靴 )
風格說明: 蜘蛛網紋設計散發神秘氣息,寶石裝飾增添華麗感,厚底靴展現霸氣風範
Prompt: Spider Queen: Black web-pattern dress, spider crown, red gems, platform boots, Seated on ornate throne covered in webs. One leg crossed over other, imperious expression. Red gems glowing in dim light.
角色名稱: Ice Queen: Crystal-studded white bodysuit, ice crown, transparent cape, silver boots( 冰雪女王:鑲水晶白色連身衣、冰晶皇冠、透明斗篷、銀色靴子 )
風格說明: 水晶裝飾閃耀奪目,透明斗篷增添空靈感,整體造型散發冷艷氣質
Prompt: Ice Queen: Crystal-studded white bodysuit, ice crown, transparent cape, silver boots, Stand amid ice crystal formation, cape billowing. Regal pose with chin lifted, cold yet beautiful expression. Soft blue lighting.
角色名稱: Dark Fairy: Purple tulle dress, black wings, thorned crown, lace-up sandals( 黑暗精靈:紫色薄紗洋裝、黑色翅膀、荊棘皇冠、綁帶涼鞋 )
風格說明: 薄紗洋裝展現空靈氣質,黑翼增添神秘感,荊棘皇冠突顯叛逆美
Prompt: Dark Fairy: Purple tulle dress, black wings, thorned crown, lace-up sandals, Dance in enchanted forest clearing, wings spread wide. Mysterious smile while floating mid-air. Purple magic sparkles surrounding.
角色名稱: Demon Princess: Red leather dress, horns, black veil, chain accessories( 惡魔公主:紅色皮革洋裝、惡魔角、黑紗、鍊條配飾 )
風格說明: 皮革材質展現性感魅力,惡魔角增添邪魅感,鍊條裝飾營造危險氣息
Prompt: Demon Princess: Red leather dress, horns, black veil, chain accessories, Pose in hellish throne room, flames dancing behind. Seductive yet dangerous expression, playing with chains. Deep red atmospheric lighting.