阿茲海默症(Alzheimer's disease)是一種逐漸侵蝕記憶力與思考力的退化性疾病。科學研究指出,體內自由基對細胞的不斷攻擊,會引發「氧化壓力(oxidative stress)」,導致細胞受損甚至死亡,這與阿茲海默症的發生密切相關。因此,想要守護腦力與記憶,如何降低氧化壓力就顯得格外重要。
香蕉、柳橙與蘋果等富含「多酚」化合物的水果,堪稱強力的天然抗氧化神器。研究結果顯示,這些多酚能有效提升 PC12 細胞在過氧化氫(H2O2)所引發的氧化壓力下之存活率,並降低乳酸去氫酶(LDH)的釋放,進一步保護細胞膜完整度。蘋果萃取物在眾多水果中表現最突出,緊接著是香蕉與柳橙。這些發現不僅再次驗證了多酚的抗氧化魔力,也提醒我們,日常生活中多吃富含抗氧化成分的水果,能有效降低阿茲海默症等神經退化性疾病的風險。
Inhibition effect of LDH release of fruit phenolics on H2O2-induced membrane damage in PC12 cells. PC12 cells were pretreated for 10 min with various concentrations. The cells were treated with H2O2 (400 μM) for 2 h. LDH activity in culture supernatants was measured with a colorimetric LDH assay kit. Basal and total LDH activities were determined in intact cells and cell solubilized with 0.2% Triton X-100, respectively, and LDH release was calculated as [(sample LDH − basal LDH) / (total LDH − basal LDH)]× 100 (%). Quercetin (60 μM) was applied as positive control. All data are presented as the means ± SD (n= 3) and values obtained from 3 separate cultures. Statistical analysis indicated that the influence of the compounds used had significant effect on H2O2-induced membrane toxicity (LDH release) (P < 0.05).
Preventive effects of fruit phenolics on H2O2-induced membrane damage in PC12 cells. PC12 cells were plated at low density in 24-well plate. Cells were incubated with the phenolics for 10 min before the addition of 400 μM H2O2. Cultures were observed after additional 2 h, and trypan blue exclusion staining was performed. Quercetin (60 μM) was applied as positive control. Data are presented as mean ± SD for 1 representative triplicate determination and are expressed as the percent survival compared to the corresponding controls (P < 0.05).
值得注意的是,圖 2 與圖 3 分別聚焦在細胞健康的兩個層面:前者關注細胞膜完整性,後者則總覽細胞存活狀況,兩者皆證實了水果多酚的神奇抗氧化效益。
關於 Trypan blue 排除測試: