更新於 2018/02/22閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

12. SMGH的返鄉周末

火車伴隨著尖銳的煞車聲緩緩地停下,到站了,打開Google map看著現在位置離目的地還有200公里,而我能做的就是下車去月台,買杯Chai跟Samosa,好好看看四周,因為這可能又是另一個我此生不會再來的印度小城鎮。汽笛響了,我上了車坐下,發現我對面多了一個人,他是Smgh,一位在當地一家科技公司的上班族,今天是周末,他想回老家Jalandar享受平靜的周末,而我也正要回那準備下個周末的行程。






India is a big and huge populated country but yes 1 thing which bound in most of Indian is honesty. Might be some of them are strict or bed but most of the average people live in groups of family. Moreover I can say that India has a great agriculture land which provide the food a lot. I can proudly say that I am an Indian and my india will grow more and more than I prefer to everyday.


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