2019-04-03|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

Erste Bank Xmas Party

    Erste Bank Group is another big bank in the Czech Republic, this is the first time I attend their Christmas party, so many guests and really luxury party, not only the food but also the performance on the stage. There were some singer when they get on the stage all the Czech people is gathering to the stage, it seems they are very famous in the Czech Republic, I felt little pity that I don’t understand who they are or how famous they are, I only try to enjoy the music and to see if they are really famous for it.
    If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or .
    Originally published at sofi.lafenice.co.
    協助新創/中小企業/跨國公司,在新加坡市場開發/投資人關係,亞洲/歐洲/北美業務經驗 fb.com/LaFeniceSG
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