#SmallTalk #哈拉秘笈
1.) 不要緊張、不要緊張、不要緊張,很重要所以講三次!(因為這些人明天還會碰到)
2.) 主動介紹自己
3.) 15~30秒的專業自我介紹:姓名、部門、工作範圍、個人特異功能
4.) 請問大姊/大哥是做什麼的
5.) 視情況回答、問問題,勿當句點王!
1.) 10秒的專業自我介紹:姓名、部門、工作範圍
2.) 請問大姊/大哥是做什麼的
3.) 問候共同認識的同事或專案
4.) 請問大姊/大哥除了是公司達人之外都還做什麼呢?
1.) 事前:我們有什麼需要知道的事嗎?
2.) 請教大姊/大哥:這個偉大的決定太厲害了,可以講一下嗎?
3.) 請問大姊/大哥:最近除了偉大的決定之外都在忙什麼呢?
Small talk does not come naturally. But, most important decisions such as acquisition, re-org, and key hires are not made purely through logic. Ability to engage in small talk that lets others feel comfortable with you is a key skill. TUX uncles share their experiences.
Say you are a newbie. Say you are at an inter-department year-end office party. Say you are meeting with clients. Always remember it is not about you. Have a crisp elevator pitch about yourself, but let others shine.
Reproducible research has shown that even random small-talk brings happiness to all involved. Talk to the guy to your left and make the world a better place. Start today!
(SPAC: Special Purpose Acquisition Company / 特殊目的收購公司,這是什麼碗糕請參考下面連結!)
募資一直有兩個平行層面:圈錢與經營(彈藥)。潛水快30年的 SPAC 在 2019 又突然大紅,但現在SPAC的模式對經營面好像既沒有特別加分也沒扣分,於是讓大叔納悶許久,究竟SPAC是哪一點吸引人呢?大叔發現,其實SPAC的吸引力不在於SPAC上市價,而是特殊目的收購前後的價差。
從專業投資角度來看,SPAC過去兩年從上市到收購之間的平均年價差是 +9%,而且其資金是類似銀行定存的極低風險。在全球QE的大趨勢下,美國政府10年公債(即所謂的無風險 / risk-free)只付 <2% 的今天,難怪投資人對SPAC的胃口是以兩億美金(US$200 Million) 起跳。
SPAC is a funding vehicle that seems to come with its own quirks that may work well for specific situations but not others. Recent studies have shown that as a financial instrument, it offers an annualized yield of +9% with the invested capital protected in bank escrow. In the global context of prolonged QE where the benchmark risk-free 10-year treasuries are yielding less than 2%, the logical question seems to be how fast one can churn a SPAC out while the gravy train lasts.
聯絡我們👉🏾Email: tux.feedback.888@gmail.com