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Embrace Inca Constellations at Castle in the Sky, Machu Picchu (Part II)

Discover 5 fun facts before visiting Machu Picchu

Discover 5 fun facts before visiting Machu Picchu
Hi, I’m back! Have you read my last article?
If you’re ready, let’s continue our journey to the Inca castle. Buckle up? Now, let’s hit it!

Fact #3

Best season to visit this UNESCO attraction? The rainy season may not always be so bad!

People often ask, what’s the best season to visit a certain country, in Peru’s case, the answer is usually the dry season from April to September. Despite being so close to the equator with only two seasons, Peru is not as hot as you may think. The average temperature in Machu Picchu is around 11°C~25°C (52°F~77°F), making it suitable for trekking in either wet or dry season. What really matters is the rainfall. For me, I had my worry as my visit was in Jan; yet, it turned out to be quite a wise decision.
Firstly, even in the wet season, it doesn’t rain all day every day in Machu Picchu. More often is that it rains in the afternoon, given you and the majority of the visitors will arrive in the morning, your seven wonder expedition is still safe.
Secondly, as tourists won’t usually come in the low season, the travel quality will no doubt be greatly improved and you can even take some solo shots in the ruins with no crowd in the background, yeah! Plus, everything will be so much cheaper at that time.
Thirdly, you’ll have a chance to catch some rare rainbows in the sacred land. I was thrilled to grab a glimpse of the foggy Inca citadel accompanied by my very first double rainbow, with stretching Andes mountains ridge and beautiful Urubamba River Valley in the background. At that very moment, it was divine and enlightening, as if I were touched by a distant Inca spirit.
My Take: the only major downfall of visiting Peru in the wet season (October to March) is that your flight to Cusco may be impacted, for that, I would suggest buying travel insurance upfront, have flexible pre-booked tours, and reserve at least 2 days for Machu Picchu in case 1 day is of heavy rain.
Machu Picchu fortress surrounded by foggy Andes mountains
Can you see a double rainbow after a short drizzle?

Fact #4

While there’s no Inca left on the sacred site, today Machu Picchu is inhabited by some cute residents, whose name is Llama!

Just like you cannot see a kangaroo when visiting Australia, or can’t go to Africa without saying hi to a giraffe, in Peru, what you must meet, is the lovely Llama (or their relatives from the same camelid tree Alpaca or Vicuñas). When you arrive at Machu Picchu, you are in for a treat, ‘cuz you get to observe these cute residents real close as they wander freely on the terrace.
You can find a lot of websites telling you how to distinguish Llama, Alpaca, and Vicuñas in Peru. My view is that you just need a little imagination. The chubby faces go to Alpaca with a bit goofy look, long-pointed elf-like ears belong to Llama, and the last slender Bambi-shape cousin is Vicuñas.
My Take: save some fruits from breakfast before your expedition, apples would be nice, that way you can feed these cute llamas or Alpaca while taking some close shots. Oh, remember to slice your fruits, otherwise, they can have the whole apple in just one bite and quickly move away to the next target!
Heart-melting Llama couple with the background of Andes mountain range in Machu Picchu, Peru

Fact #5

The Inca people had their own constellations system and it showed everything is connected!

Take a guess of what the two round-shape thingy below are for? Machu Picchu’s rediscover Bingham thought it’s a kitchen tool used to grind crops like corns, and I thought it was some remaining foundation of ritual purpose.
The mysterious round-shaped ruins in Machu Picchu, Peru
Did you get it right? It’s actually a set of “water mirrors” for observing the stars. So the above room is serving as an astronomical observatory, how cool is that! Many ancient civilizations have their own constellation system and the Incas were no exception. What makes Inca constellation unique is that it was the only culture that divided the stars into two groups.
The first group of constellations comprised of inanimate gods or animals, using the connect-the-dots fashion that we are familiar with. And the second group gets more interesting, they are the “dark constellation”. It means they are formed by the dark spots in the Milky Way. Inca people depicted these interstellar gas and dust as the earthly animals Incas knew about; such as the Serpent, the Llama, the Fox, and the Partridge.
By monitoring the movement of these sacred spirits in the sky, as well as sun and moon, the Incas were able to draft a calendar system that was crucial in their day-to-day agriculture and herding activities. Machu Picchu is the very illustration of the Incas’ everything-is-connected beliefs, as it’s a site for not only performing religious ceremonies but also for doing agricultural experiments and observing the stars that outline Inca astronomy.
My Take: Incas were truly full of imagination. My guide showed me photos of those sacred animals in the Milky Way background. I get to say, it’s way harder to picture them compared to the Greek constellation! I just secretly wish that maybe someday I could camp in the ruins of Machu Picchu and observe the amazing Southern sky with my naked eyes.
View from Machu Picchu after the sun came out
This is the second half of my Machu Picchu article and it’s actually my very first public post on Second Star to the Right. I visited Machu Picchu on the first day of 2020. It got pretty tense as the COVID-19 outbreak started when I just began my trip. Even so, I felt super lucky to still be able to go abroad this year, who knows when can we travel without fear again or what will be the new normal for us travelholic in the many years to come.
One thing I did know for sure, as a South America first-timer, I felt totally awed by its amazing landscape, exotic cuisine, and mysterious ancient civilizations. Visiting Machu Picchu was a bucket-list checked, and it opened the door to a world that I knew so little in the past. I am staying put for now, but my restless soul is so ready to explore all the unknowns in the world!
I came, I saw, I shared!

All photos in this article were taken by me, welcome to follow my Instagram account here for more.
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Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to consider the following before setting foot to Castle in the Sky. Now, let's head to Machu Picchu!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to consider the following before setting foot to Castle in the Sky. Now, let's head to Machu Picchu!
Google News 追蹤
在百內吃風已經是一年前的 2023.2 的事了,一直到現在才整理了一下照片,同時把中間的細節記錄一下,路線和前往方法歡迎參考 百內怎麼去?多少錢? 一文,注意南美季節和我們相反,Patagonia區域更是風雨變化多端的地方,慎選旅遊季節前往喔 本文發佈於 拉美旅遊資訊園地(2024) 拓展視野
30以後,卡帕多住宿 、卡帕多飯店、卡帕多酒店有哪些?卡帕多奇亞冬季有壯觀雪景、夏季炎熱可能達到40度,一年四季風景不同,都適合造訪,但旺季是4~10月,7~8月的氣候尤其適合熱氣球飛行;淡季是11~3月,因風雪關係,熱氣球起飛的機率較低,旅客可依喜歡的旅遊體驗進行行程安排。 卡帕多奇亞住
祕魯的馬丘比丘(Machu Picchu)被列為世界文化遺產,是一座 15 世紀的印加王朝遺跡。然而,旅行計劃卻受到當地居民的罷工影響,讓遊客陷入了困境。本文記錄了獨特的馬丘比丘之旅,遭遇了種種突發狀況,宛如電影情節的逃難全紀錄。
南美洲距離台灣剛好是地球的正對面,對於台灣人而言,是一塊相對未知的大陸。如果你想要來一場人生難忘的壯遊,不妨考慮南美洲!絕對會是一場異世界的冒險! 本篇整理我近兩個月的南美洲壯遊總行程,包含轉機國家美國及日本。 據祕魯朋友所言,第一次到訪南美洲的經典路線就是—祕魯>玻利維亞>智利這個行程!不只可
01/29/2013 叮嚀 日期:12/10 地點:Dingboche (4360m) to Lobuche (4960m)   Dingboche的山屋,由木板隔間造成的,雖然沒有風灌進屋子,但似乎無法將寒氣隔絕在外。 這兩天我一直納悶著有什麼地方不對勁,清晨起床時,看到床旁邊的窗戶時
本文由好好玩授權提供,原文出處在此 出門玩總害怕老天爺不賞臉,本篇提供關於清境氣候訊息,出發前先參考清境天氣指南及穿著建議,並確認即時的氣象資訊,才不會讓壞天氣掃興。一年四季清境都有不同之美,跟著小編走,讓你玩得更盡興! 地理位置 四季氣候 清境農場地區的氣候與阿爾卑斯山區氣候相似,四季溫和宜人,一
在百內吃風已經是一年前的 2023.2 的事了,一直到現在才整理了一下照片,同時把中間的細節記錄一下,路線和前往方法歡迎參考 百內怎麼去?多少錢? 一文,注意南美季節和我們相反,Patagonia區域更是風雨變化多端的地方,慎選旅遊季節前往喔 本文發佈於 拉美旅遊資訊園地(2024) 拓展視野
30以後,卡帕多住宿 、卡帕多飯店、卡帕多酒店有哪些?卡帕多奇亞冬季有壯觀雪景、夏季炎熱可能達到40度,一年四季風景不同,都適合造訪,但旺季是4~10月,7~8月的氣候尤其適合熱氣球飛行;淡季是11~3月,因風雪關係,熱氣球起飛的機率較低,旅客可依喜歡的旅遊體驗進行行程安排。 卡帕多奇亞住
祕魯的馬丘比丘(Machu Picchu)被列為世界文化遺產,是一座 15 世紀的印加王朝遺跡。然而,旅行計劃卻受到當地居民的罷工影響,讓遊客陷入了困境。本文記錄了獨特的馬丘比丘之旅,遭遇了種種突發狀況,宛如電影情節的逃難全紀錄。
南美洲距離台灣剛好是地球的正對面,對於台灣人而言,是一塊相對未知的大陸。如果你想要來一場人生難忘的壯遊,不妨考慮南美洲!絕對會是一場異世界的冒險! 本篇整理我近兩個月的南美洲壯遊總行程,包含轉機國家美國及日本。 據祕魯朋友所言,第一次到訪南美洲的經典路線就是—祕魯>玻利維亞>智利這個行程!不只可
01/29/2013 叮嚀 日期:12/10 地點:Dingboche (4360m) to Lobuche (4960m)   Dingboche的山屋,由木板隔間造成的,雖然沒有風灌進屋子,但似乎無法將寒氣隔絕在外。 這兩天我一直納悶著有什麼地方不對勁,清晨起床時,看到床旁邊的窗戶時
本文由好好玩授權提供,原文出處在此 出門玩總害怕老天爺不賞臉,本篇提供關於清境氣候訊息,出發前先參考清境天氣指南及穿著建議,並確認即時的氣象資訊,才不會讓壞天氣掃興。一年四季清境都有不同之美,跟著小編走,讓你玩得更盡興! 地理位置 四季氣候 清境農場地區的氣候與阿爾卑斯山區氣候相似,四季溫和宜人,一