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Embrace Inca Constellations at Castle in the Sky, Machu Picchu (Part I)

Discover 5 fun facts before visiting Machu Picchu

Nose tip of the famous Machu Picchu face in Peru
Pre-Test before reading this article:
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to consider the following before you decide to pay this castle in the sky a visit.
  • Don’t go if you are NOT a fan of Mysteries
  • Don’t go if you are NOT a fan of Mother Nature
  • Don’t go if you are NOT a fan of Ancient Civilizations
Made up your mind? OK, now, buckle up, these 5 facts will definitely add some spice to your Machu Picchu trip.

Fact #1

Against common belief amongst movie fans, Indiana Jones never set foot in Machu Picchu; then, do you know there’s a real Indy?

Many movie fans of Raiders of the Lost Ark may remember the famous opening scene where Indiana Jones began his adventure in Peru jungles, but the real shooting location of that scene was actually in Hawaii.
Don’t be disappointed, you will be more interested in the real professor Indy. His name is Hiram Bingham, and he was a Hawaiian professor/ explorer/ politician, fascinating triple identities don’t you think? How Hiram rediscovered Machu Picchu was purely by accident though. In 1911 when a local farm boy took him to the 2,000 meters high Machu Picchu, he was actually trying to locate Vilcabamba, the last refuge of Incas before they surrendered to the Spanish flag.
It’s been over 100 years since Machu Picchu was first unveiled to the world; however, despite archaeologists’ diligent works, there are still so many unsolved mysteries about this ancient site, like why did the Incas abandon this brilliantly designed palace in the first place, why did the Spanish troop never find it, or how could the Incas transport so many heavy stones to the mountaintops and cut them so precisely that not a single paper can be fit between two stones… Anyone has an Indy soul to solve them all?
My Take: When paying the lost city Machu Picchu a visit, do spend some time to walk around it’s neighborhood, you never know, who says you can’t be the finder of the long-lost Inca treasure, or you may accidentally hit a button when wandering around the sacred site and find yourself fallen into a hidden temple with a mysterious ark.

Fact #2

While many know about the famous Machu Picchu face, little do they know there’s a gigantic hidden condor to be discovered!

The most commonly-seen Machu Picchu on postcard
Many travel lovers must fall for this famous Machu Picchu portrait once, as the ancient shrine seems to be surrounded and protected by a divine Inca spirit. Be that as it may, don’t miss another tour highlight nearby, even though it may take a bit more time and sweat.
That is, the famous nose tip, Huayna Picchu (or Wayna Picchu).
What’s so special about Huayna Picchu, you may ask. Well, for one, you’ve come so far to this river deep mountain high Inca trail, why not walk a bit further and treat yourself with a different view of the famous castle? After all, the hike takes less than 3 hours while the experience is certainly a lifetime.
For another, the hiking route is totally doable for hiking newbies. Trust me, mountains and I don’t usually cross paths, but with the help of some simple gear like hiking shoes or trekking poles, I completed the trek all by myself!
Lastly, Huayna Picchu peak is the one and only high point where you can have a bird’s-eye-view of the whole Machu Picchu citadel! When you make it to the top, I bet you will be just like me, all you can think of is WOW. You forget all the steep paths and narrow stairs, simply hold the Incas in high esteem, as they could construct the whole castle in the shape of their sacred animal, Andean Condor, so as to worship this messenger of heaven.
My Take: Remember to pace yourself when climbing Huayna Picchu as there are a 6-hour time constraint for your stay in both Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu. Speaking from personal experience, with the breathtaking view and ancient ruins on top, you will need all the time you can spare.
Can you spot the famous Andean Condor?
Did you miss traveling? I visited Machu Picchu on the first day of 2020 before everything got crazy and sad due to COVID-19. Now Machu Picchu seems to be an ancient memory...
Let‘s take a brief stop here, see me in the next article.
PS, all photos in this article were taken by me, welcome to follow my Instagram account here for more.

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美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
擔憂親密關係中的對方心煩、動怒,所以選擇不斷負荷,是我今天面見的你。 我相信,這樣的失衡踉蹌會越來越少,我願意與你一起學習相信親密關係裡的另一個人,他同樣也是願意負荷的,我願意和你一起學習放下心中的重擔,享受在親密關係裡共同面對酸甜苦辣,攜手並進構築一個有愛的家。
聖木(學名:Bursera graveolens),西班牙文俗稱「Palo Santo(聖徒之杖)」音譯為帕洛桑托,秘魯聖木吸收天地能量高達90年,傳統南美人相信燒聖木儀式具有神聖的淨化磁場功效,他們用聖木來去除空間、物件、個人的負能量,進而創造神聖的場域,如同我們華人多用艾草,抹草等辟邪去晦氣。
閱讀未刪減版啟靈藥體驗 礙於字數限制,換日線上的文章有經過一些修改和刪減,想閱讀未刪減版的完整文章,請到我的部落格閱讀:https://uglykiki.notion.site/
原住民族與 “梅斯蒂索”(Mestizos)、婦女與男性等皆會在旅遊業中,善用他們的族群認同。我們也更進一步質疑那種在旅遊研究中,通常把舞台上的身份認同,與真實的認同來做區別的方式;而且指出:不論觀光客是否會出現,在旅遊業的工作,已深深融入到這些人的日常生活、社會關係與認同中。
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
擔憂親密關係中的對方心煩、動怒,所以選擇不斷負荷,是我今天面見的你。 我相信,這樣的失衡踉蹌會越來越少,我願意與你一起學習相信親密關係裡的另一個人,他同樣也是願意負荷的,我願意和你一起學習放下心中的重擔,享受在親密關係裡共同面對酸甜苦辣,攜手並進構築一個有愛的家。
聖木(學名:Bursera graveolens),西班牙文俗稱「Palo Santo(聖徒之杖)」音譯為帕洛桑托,秘魯聖木吸收天地能量高達90年,傳統南美人相信燒聖木儀式具有神聖的淨化磁場功效,他們用聖木來去除空間、物件、個人的負能量,進而創造神聖的場域,如同我們華人多用艾草,抹草等辟邪去晦氣。
閱讀未刪減版啟靈藥體驗 礙於字數限制,換日線上的文章有經過一些修改和刪減,想閱讀未刪減版的完整文章,請到我的部落格閱讀:https://uglykiki.notion.site/
原住民族與 “梅斯蒂索”(Mestizos)、婦女與男性等皆會在旅遊業中,善用他們的族群認同。我們也更進一步質疑那種在旅遊研究中,通常把舞台上的身份認同,與真實的認同來做區別的方式;而且指出:不論觀光客是否會出現,在旅遊業的工作,已深深融入到這些人的日常生活、社會關係與認同中。