2021-10-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

Daily Accident / 日常意外之湮滅

    — 守路者與守護者之些微差異 恐懼只驚嚇恐懼自身 不是你,也不是我 站在交通號誌失靈的十字路口 我們竊語的眼睛撞毀彼此 就像場日常意外 但我們畢竟不是意外 看,你在那兒,我在這兒 黑色河流穿過我們中間 以正確的方向,朝著 伊甸之外的倖存者狂奔而去 「祝他們長壽」 這些字眼實在不該溜出 你和我不老實的舌尖 很早之前就已經溺死 我們的身體漂走了 和我的購物袋你的鞋一起 以狡獪且單純的鬼魂之身 試探祂全能的界線 而意外和希望與鬼魂無關 不可燃且無可回收 請徹底摒棄 一成不變不曾摧毀鬼魂 我們擁有的是孤獨之中的孤獨 但它摧毀了抱怨交通大亂的倖存者 他們就在那兒漂流,在黑色河流之中 而我們在這兒,已待在岸上很久 為了這樣的奇蹟,也許我們應該 再丟一個哀悼的眼神,或者 一句衷心的祝福: 「祝他們永遠寂寞!」
    Daily Accident
    Terror scares itself only,
    Neither you, nor me.
    Standing in the cross
    Where traffic light fails,
    Our whispering eyes crush
    Into each other like daily accident.
    But, we are not accidents afterall.
    Look. There you are and here i am.
    Black river runs between
    Wildly heading a correct direction
    to every survivor outside Eden.
    "Long life to them,"
    The words You and I should not
    Slip our unfaithful toungs.
    Having been drawn too long ago
    Our bodies floated away
    With my shopping bag and your shoes.
    How tricky and bare ghosts we are now
    To tempt His Almighty like this.
    Accidents and hopes
    never happened to ghosts
    So we deserted all at once.
    Routine life destroys no ghost
    But survivors complaining
    The traffic mess.
    There they are floating
    On the black river
    When we've been here
    Off-shore so long ago.
    For such a miracle, we should
    Cast a mournful look, or
    A heartily greeting,
    "Lonely live forever."
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