2022-06-15|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

【Terra’s Derby Stars Moves to Polygon】

    The game project gained popularity for its high-quality graphics, recently released trailer video, and much-awaited whitepaper release. The Derby Stars team received migration proposals from more than 10 blockchain foundations including Polygon. Derby Stars获得Polygon Studio的支持,並进入广泛的区块链生态系统,包括技术、公关和营销支持,也将一起找到GameFi行业面临的一些主要挑战的答案,例如高昂的交易费用、有限的NFT功能,及如何改善游戏质量和用户体验,背后的团队协调NFT向Polygon的迁移,Derby Stars 将按计划进行代币生成活动,为虚拟经济和Alpha游戏发布提供动力,为其NFT提供实用性。 #gamefi #3a
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