2008-03-12|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

Walk on! Move on!


    美劇《六人行》在第十季的最後回憶特輯,精心挑選十季當中,精彩回憶。伴隨著U2合唱團的Walk on,讓跟著六人行一起成長的觀眾,一起回味這十季的點點滴滴,在怎樣熱門的影集,縱使會有那麼一點失落、有點落寞,總是會劇中人散。

    寫這篇文章的時候,就想起這首歌,我們都會Walk on!就像Will & Grace S122提到的一樣,我們都會Move on!


    Walk on/ U2

    And love is not the easy thing 
    The only baggage that you can bring…
    And love is not the easy thing…
    The only baggage you can bring 
    Is all that you can’t leave behind 

    And if the darkness is to keep us apart 
    And if the daylight feels like it’s a long way off 
    And if your glass heart should crack 
    And for a second you turn back 
    Oh no, be strong

    Walk on, walk on 
    What you got they can’t steal it 
    No they can’t even feel it 
    Walk on, walk on…
    Stay safe tonight 

    You’re packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been 
    A place that has to be believed to be seen 
    You could have flown away 
    A singing bird in an open cage 
    Who will only fly, only fly for freedom 

    Walk on, walk on 
    What you’ve got they can’t deny it 
    Can’t sell it, or buy it 
    Walk on, walk on 
    Stay safe tonight 

    And I know it aches 
    And your heart it breaks
    And you can only take so much 
    Walk on, walk on

    Home… hard to know what it is if you’ve never had one 
    Home… I can’t say where it is but I know I’m going home 
    That’s where the hurt is

    I know it aches 
    How your heart it breaks 
    And you can only take so much 
    Walk on, walk on

    Leave it behind 
    You got to leave it behind 
    All that you fashion 
    All that you make 
    All that you build 
    All that you break 
    All that you measure 
    All that you feel 
    All this you can leave behind 
    All that you reason
    All that you sense 
    All that you speak
    All you dress-up 
    All that you scheme…


    U2為翁山蘇姬而寫的〈Walk On〉

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