2022-12-22|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘


    When a shadow goes down ,I won't be afraid
    I will never forget the original intention
    Be the special one and the influential one
    Everyone is unique and different from others
    Do what you want to do and then you'll find yourself in the future
    You can do anything whatever you want to
    Be the writer to the world because you are the one that very unique and special as you are
    I write I speak the way I am
    Change yourself every single day
    I will be grateful to anything and cherish everything around me
    This is life. Life is colorful and also dark as a hole
    Just stay mature stay positive stay calm
    Be intelligent be crazy be wise Be yourself
    Everyone is Unique and beautiful the way you are
    Don't even try just do it
    My life has been through too much
    The more you've tried, the more you'll get
    The achievement you get all depends on your paying
    I have no idea that I'm having a remarkable and wonderful life
    The pain will let me what brave and perseverance
    Do what you want
    When I look back on my life ,it was really funny but worth memorizing that I can't stop thinking about my incredible life. It is a experience which I don't want to think about carefully.
    Because I was bared , and waiting for the death. It doesn't mean that I have been dead for a long time. It will be all started with a long sleep and then I would wake up to continue , to deal with my life
    Don't be shy .Don't even try to care about what the others think about you
    I won't let them hurt me
    I don't want to be anyone , I don't want to act like anyone either . I just want to be me .Can I be me?
    Everything is possible if you try hard as you can
    Because I am me I own the way I usually speak and write to others
    I love myself I can't believe that I am an amazing person
    I am different from others, it is very good to realize that you are not a normal person.
    You are different ,you are unique ,you have your own way
    To be continued....
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