2013-08-12|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

軍裝上街?軍人上街!Soldiers are taking to the streets

    軍裝上街?軍人上街!Soldiers are taking to the streets

    The case of a corporal bullied to death is yet over, even after two ministers of defense stepped down.

    The news reported that a former Special Forces soldier is planning to summon on the some 50,000 comrades to support the military in their uniforms on September 3rd.

    However, he made a mistake, by chance or on purpose.

    The protest on 20th July and 3rd August did not aim against the Ministry of Defense; instead, they wanted the truth and they did not want to see the tragedy occur, again.  In other words, they want Taiwan be strong, open and fair country.

    The summoning of soldiers to the street looks like the military interfering politics, which is common in the third world countries, when the protesters, no matter who they are, wear the uniform.  And it might create an ominous precedent in Taiwan history.

    There was a military officer who wore uniform in the protest of the Red-shirts against former President Chen ’s corruption in 2007.  The officer was criticized severely by the media and was heard to be punished in the military.

    Is the taboo relaxed now?  It is definitely no good thing to see soldiers take to the streets in military uniform.    Revised at 1010











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