2011-01-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 11 分鐘



    「陳國強、王雪紅及普羅維登斯行政總裁尼爾森(Jonathan Nelson),將被推選加入TVB 董事會,而現任管理層將保持不變,包括主席邵逸夫、副行政主席梁乃鵬與副主席兼董事總經理方逸華等。」




    一箭三鵰! 王雪紅入主香港TVB●經濟日報(2011.01.27




    根據電視廣播的公告,買下TVB的投資集團是由香港上市公司德祥企業主席陳國強為首,合夥人還有王雪紅、美國私募基金普羅維登斯(Providence Equity Partners)。該投資集團昨天與邵氏兄弟簽定協議,相關出售事宜今年331日完成


    電視廣播昨晚也發表聲明,陳國強、王雪紅及普羅維登斯行政總裁尼爾森(Jonathan Nelson),將被推選加入TVB 董事會,而現任管理層將保持不變,包括主席邵逸夫、副行政主席梁乃鵬與副主席兼董事總經理方逸華等









    This announcement has been made by Television Broadcasts Limited (“Company”) pursuant to Rule 13.09(1) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Listing Rules”).

    The board of directors (“Board”) of the Company has been informed of the following:


    1. An agreement was signed on 26 January 2011 after trading hours by the shareholders of Shaw Brothers (Hong Kong) Limited (“Shaw”), a substantial shareholder of the Company, to sell their entire shareholding in Shaw (“Share Sale”) to an investor group (“Investor Group”) controlled by Dr. Charles CHAN Kwok Keung, with Madam Cher WANG and Providence Equity Partners being the other two members of the Investor Group.  Completion of the Share Sale (“Completion”) is expected to take place on or before 31 March 2011.  As at today’s date, Shaw is interested in 113,888,628 shares of HK$0.05 each in the Company (“Shares”), representing approximately 26% in the issued share capital of the Company.


    2.  The Shaw Foundation Hong Kong Limited, which is currently interested in 27,286,200 Shares, representing approximately 6.23% in the issued share capital of the Company, will dispose of a portion of its shareholding in the Company to independent third parties on or before the Completion (“Share Disposal”).  Immediately after the Completion and the Share Disposal, The Shaw Foundation Hong Kong Limited, Madam Mona Fong1 (who, as at today’s date, is interested in 1,146,000 Shares, representing approximately 0.26% in the issued share capital of the Company), the Investor Group, Dr. Charles CHAN Kwok Keung, Madam Cher WANG and Providence Equity Partners, will in total hold directly and indirectly less than 30% in the issued share capital of the Company.


    The Company confirms that there are no negotiations or agreements relating to intended acquisitions or realizations which are discloseable under Rule 13.23 of the Listing Rules and, save as disclosed above, neither is the Board aware of any other matter discloseable under the general obligation imposed by Rule 13.09 of the Listing Rules, which is or may be of a price-sensitive nature. Accordingly, investors are advised to exercise caution when trading in the Shares.


    Made by the order of the Board, the directors of which individually and jointly accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this announcement.


    1 Madam Mona Fong is the Deputy Chairperson and Managing Director of the Company


    By Order of the Board

    Adrian MAK Yau Kee

    Company Secretary

    Hong Kong, 26 January 2011

    As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises:

    Sir Run Run SHAW, G.B.M. (Chairman) #

    Dr. Norman LEUNG Nai Pang, G.B.S., LL.D., J.P. (Executive Deputy Chairman) *

    Mona FONG (Deputy Chairperson and Managing Director, and Alternate Director to Sir Run Run SHAW) *

    Christina LEE LOOK Ngan Kwan #

    Dr. CHOW Yei Ching, G.B.S. #

    Kevin LO Chung Ping #

    Edward CHENG Wai Sun, S.B.S., J.P. ^

    Chien LEE ^

    Gordon SIU Kwing Chue, G.B.S., J.P. ^

    Vivien CHEN Wai Wai ^

    Mark LEE Po On *

    Anthony LEE Hsien Pin (Alternate Director to Christina LEE LOOK Ngan Kwan)

    * Executive Directors

    # Non-executive Directors

    ^ Independent Non-executive Directors


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