更新於 2023/05/15閱讀時間約 1 分鐘


    NTUH warns of mid-January H1N1 peakICRT(2010.12.29)

    A doctor from the National Taiwan University Hospital is warning the number H-1-N-1 infections could reach a peak in mid-January.

    According to pediatrician - Huang Li-min - the virus is likely to make a comeback this winter.

    Speaking to reporters ... Huang said H-1-N-1 will recur this year because most of those who contracted the disease or were inoculated against the virus last year will have no antibodies or immunity strong enough to combat a new attack.

    Huang added that cases of H-1-N-1 and influenza B infections have been rising over the past week.

    The Centers for Disease Control has said 60-per cent of people who checked into hospitals over the past seven days with flu-like symptoms were infected with the H-1-N-1 virus.


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