2010-12-15|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘





    Viewing cable 08BEIJING661, Prospects for U.S.-China Relations●WikiLeaks2008.02.24








    3. (C) Shared overall U.S.-China interests in peace, security and prosperity likewise are dogged by frictions.  Differences over values, political systems, specific goals and means will continue.

    The list of areas of political and security friction is long and includes China's authoritarian political system, China's support for unsavory regimes, China's breakneck military modernization, China's paranoid fear that the United States secretly promotes regime change and "separatists" in Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang, growing nationalism and the sense in some quarters in both Washington and Beijing that the United States and China are commencing a long-term struggle for global political, economic and military supremacy.  Countering these differences is the buildup of mutual trust between the U.S. and Chinese leadership and the willingness to work together in an increasingly broad spectrum of common strategic interests.  China's realization of its own interest in a stable, non-nuclear Korean Peninsula and frustration with an inept North Korean leadership seemingly incapable of creating an economy that can sustainably support its own people, leading to constant refugee outflows, has led to close cooperation with the United States in the Six-Party Talks.

    The evolution in China's position on Darfur, driven by the Olympics-related international publicity concerning China's role in abetting genocide, shows that extreme diplomatic and public pressure can redirect Chinese policy to a degree.  China's cooperation on Burma and Iran has been grudging and limited, but real. We have been able to leverage China's growing interdependence and concern for its global public image into support for multilateral actions that further U.S. goals.


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