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"What kind of work do you want to publish?" I hope my new poem that I submitted this year will be selected for publication~~~
有塵嵌憶 的其他內容
2023 "How do you want to contribute to others?" Being there for them as a companion without needing to say anything.
2023 "What is your ideal you want to achieve?" My ideal is to pursue self-realization without any fear. This year's goal is to pass the national exam.
2023 "What kind of expert do you want to become?" There are so many things I want to learn, so there's no reason to stop and limit myself. I want to b
2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
2023 "How do you want to contribute to others?" Being there for them as a companion without needing to say anything.
2023 "What is your ideal you want to achieve?" My ideal is to pursue self-realization without any fear. This year's goal is to pass the national exam.
2023 "What kind of expert do you want to become?" There are so many things I want to learn, so there's no reason to stop and limit myself. I want to b
2023 "How to expand one's safety zone?" People often say to step out of your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to stay in your comfor
2023 "What have you learned from previous generations?" The wisdom gained, the lessons from history, and the inspiring stories.
2023 "How to create a positive cycle of energy?" When facing situations and problems, try to identify eight positive aspects, which will train our bra
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/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
這篇後記寫於8/4/2024,也不知道這篇小說比賽結果會如何?不論結果如何,我希望我的小說能夠被越多人看見越好,希望我的文字能夠娛樂到你,也能感動到你。 咱們下篇小說再見。
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
這篇後記寫於8/4/2024,也不知道這篇小說比賽結果會如何?不論結果如何,我希望我的小說能夠被越多人看見越好,希望我的文字能夠娛樂到你,也能感動到你。 咱們下篇小說再見。