2023-09-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 13 分鐘

Beagle 米格魯犬


    Hello! I'm a Beagle, a small and friendly breed known for my keen sense of smell. I have a distinctive appearance with short legs and a variety of coat colors. I was originally bred for hunting purposes and have a strong instinct to follow scents. I'm curious, energetic, and love exploring my surroundings. My playful nature and affectionate personality make me a great companion for families and individuals.




    Definition (定義):

    • English: "Keen" is an adjective with several meanings, including:
      1. Having a strong and enthusiastic interest or desire for something; eager or enthusiastic.
      2. Sharp, acute, or intellectually sharp.
      3. Having a fine edge or point.
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "熱切",是一個形容詞,有多種含義,包括:
      1. 對某事物擁有強烈和熱烈的興趣或渴望;熱切或熱情。
      2. 銳利的、敏銳的或智力敏捷的。
      3. 有細緻的邊緣或尖銳的。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    • English: Enthusiastic, eager, sharp, acute, intense
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 熱情,渴望,敏銳,尖銳,強烈

    Collocations (搭配詞語):

    • English: Keen interest, keen observer, keen sense, keen intellect
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 熱切的興趣,敏銳的觀察者,敏銳的感覺,敏銳的智力

    Example Sentences (例句):

    1. English: She has a keen interest in astronomy and spends hours stargazing. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 她對天文學有濃厚的興趣,花了數小時觀看星星。
    2. English: His keen intellect allows him to solve complex problems with ease. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 他敏銳的智力使他能夠輕鬆解決複雜的問題。
    3. English: The chef's knives have a keen edge that makes precise slicing effortless. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 廚師的刀具刃口銳利,使精確切片變得輕而易舉。


    Definition (定義):

    • English: "Instinct" is a noun that refers to a natural, inherent, or innate behavior or response that an organism or individual possesses without the need for conscious thought or learned behavior. It often relates to survival or basic drives.
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "本能",是一個名詞,指的是生物或個體在無需有意識思考或學習行為的情況下擁有的自然、固有或天生的行為或反應。它通常與生存或基本動機有關。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    • English: Innate, inherent, natural, reflex, intuition
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 天生的,固有的,自然的,反射,直覺

    Collocations (搭配詞語):

    • English: Survival instinct, maternal instinct, animal instincts, human instincts
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 生存本能,母性本能,動物本能,人類本能

    Example Sentences (例句):

    1. English: The instinct to flee from danger is a fundamental survival instinct in many species. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 逃避危險的本能是許多物種中的一種基本生存本能。
    2. English: Her maternal instinct kicked in when she heard her baby crying, and she rushed to comfort and care for the child. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 當她聽到嬰兒哭泣時,她的母性本能發作,她立刻衝去安慰和照顧孩子。
    3. English: Trust your instincts; they often provide valuable guidance in decision-making. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 相信你的直覺,它們常常在決策中提供有價值的指導。


    Definition (定義):

    • English: "Energetic" is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is full of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm. It often conveys a sense of liveliness, activity, and a high level of physical or mental activity.
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "充滿活力的",是一個形容詞,用來描述某人或某事充滿能量、活力和熱情。它通常傳達了一種生氣勃勃、活躍和高度的身體或精神活動水平。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    • English: Energetic, lively, dynamic, enthusiastic, spirited
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 充滿活力的,生動的,動態的,熱情的,有活力的

    Collocations (搭配詞語):

    • English: Energetic person, energetic performance, energetic music, energetic workout
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 充滿活力的人,充滿活力的表現,充滿活力的音樂,充滿活力的運動

    Example Sentences (例句):

    1. English: The energetic children played outside for hours, running and laughing with boundless energy. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 充滿活力的孩子們在外面玩了幾個小時,奔跑著、笑著,充滿無限的精力。
    2. English: The band's energetic performance on stage had the audience dancing and cheering throughout the concert. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 這個樂隊在舞台上的充滿活力的表現讓觀眾在整場音樂會上跳舞並歡呼。
    3. English: She has an energetic approach to her work, always eager to take on new challenges and projects. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 她對工作有一種充滿活力的態度,總是熱切地接受新的挑戰和項目。


    Definition (定義):

    • English: "Affectionate" is an adjective used to describe someone or something that shows warmth, fondness, or love towards others. It often implies a caring and loving demeanor.
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "充滿情感的",是一個形容詞,用來描述某人或某事對他人表現出溫暖、喜愛或愛意。它通常意味著關心和愛心的舉止。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    • English: Loving, tender, warm-hearted, affection, caring
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 愛的,溫柔的,熱心的,情感,關懷

    Collocations (搭配詞語):

    • English: Affectionate person, affectionate gestures, affectionate pet, affectionate relationship
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 充滿情感的人,充滿情感的姿態,充滿情感的寵物,充滿情感的關係

    Example Sentences (例句):

    1. English: She is known for her affectionate nature and always greets her friends with a warm hug. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 她以她充滿情感的性格而聞名,總是用熱情的擁抱來迎接她的朋友。
    2. English: Their affectionate cat enjoys cuddling and purring when they pet it. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 他們充滿情感的貓在被撫摸時喜歡依偎並發出喉音。
    3. English: The couple's affectionate relationship is evident in the way they look at each other and exchange loving words. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 這對夫妻充滿情感的關係表現在他們看著對方和交換愛意的言辭上。

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