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內線交易-(2)信賴關係理論|Chiarella v. United States(1980)

內線交易-(1)資訊平等理論|SEC v. Texas Gulf Sulphur Co.(2d Cir. 1968)一案中資訊平等理論利益良善,但卻有打擊面過廣的問題,而內線交易又是刑事處罰,基於刑法謙抑思想以及罪刑法定主義,不應該這麼容易就讓人落入犯罪,所以後來法院在Chiarella v. United States, 445 U.S. 222 (1980)一案中提出了「信賴關係理論」認為應該只有某些特定的人才有可能構成內線交易。


Chiarella v. United States


Chiarella, the petitioner, a printer, managed five corporate takeover bid announcements concealing the identities of the acquiring and target corporation. Despite concealment, the petitioner deduced the name of the target companies through other information contained in the document. Without disclosing his knowledge, he purchased stock in the target companies and sold the shares immediately after the takeover attempts were made public.


  • petitioner:上訴人
  • takeover:收購
  • bid:出價、投標
  • announcements:聲明
  • acquiring corporation:收購公司,也就是收購別人公司股份的公司
  • target corporation :目標公司(被收購公司),公司股份被收購的公司
  • deduced:推論

Duty to Disclose

Silence in connection with the purchase or sale of securities may operate as a fraud actionable under § 10(b). However, such liability is premised upon a duty to disclose arising from a relationship of trust and confidence between parties to a transaction.



  • actionable:可已被起訴、控告的
  • premise:前提
  • arising from:源自於
  • confidence:這裡指信賴、信任

Duty to Disclose Arise From?

The duty to disclose arises when one party has information “that the other party is entitled to know because of a fiduciary or other similar relation of trust and confidence between them.” Rather than mere possession of nonpublic market information.


這裡原文是指「當一方持有消息,而與之交易的相對人(the other party)基於信託關係或受託地位本來就應該有權知道該消息,這時候就會產生揭露義務。」(天啊這句我真的看超久才看懂)。


  • be entitled to :有權、有資格
  • fiduciary:受託的
    • fiduciary duty:受託義務
  • rather than :而不是
  • nonpublic:未公開


No duty could arise from petitioner’s relationship with the sellers of the target company‘s securities, for petitioner had no prior dealings with them. He was not their agent, not a fiduciary, not a person in whom the sellers had placed their trust and confidence. He was a complete stranger who dealt with the sellers only through impersonal market transactions.


  • target company:目標公司(被收購公司)
  • dealing:這裡指往來
  • impersonal market:公開市場


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