2023-11-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 30 分鐘

TAIPEI GaySpa review -- The Royal SPA William

Original Shop Website: http://www.theroyalspa.com.tw/index.php

This masseur has left ROYAL and is currently at WOLF SPA (https://randy11021102.wixsite.com/wolfspa), mainly providing outcall services. For friends visiting Taiwan, I highly recommend his hotel services.


To be honest, I wasn't sure who to write about in my first post. I've encountered several masseurs who truly delivered, but of course, there were also a few peacocks who were quite proud. After much contemplation, I decided to write about William.


You can see some reviews and ratings for the masseurs on the ROYAL SPA website. Basically, if you want to make a choice without relying too much on luck, looking at the scores is sufficient. Personally, I think anyone with a score above 98 is excellent, and honestly, their company's services have been getting better and better.


After making a reservation, I waited for the masseur on the first floor at ROYAL, sometimes they would wait for guests directly in the lobby. William, in person, is really good-looking, standing at around 170cm tall. His voice and body language exude a distinct masculine charm; I believe he must be quite popular in the gay community. Calling him a "celestial being" might not be an exaggeration. Being able to spend this amount for the services of a gay celestial being is quite worthwhile for someone like me, a marginalized single dog often ignored on dating apps.


William's acupressure skills are truly impressive, hitting the mark every time. His muscular physique, coupled with his strength, is a perfect combination. The acupoints and pressure are both excellent, and he can adjust the intensity smoothly. He's easy to chat with, so there's no need to worry about running out of topics. We could talk about fitness or binge-watching shows; William is a passionate masseur, and even if I pause, he will initiate new topics.


Generally, gay massages are divided into two parts. In a two-hour session, the first 80 minutes or so are usually acupressure. During this time, you'll be lying naked on the massage bed. The remaining 40 minutes involve oil pressure and functional maintenance. Of course, after acupressure, the anticipation for the oil pressure segment increases.


Once the oil pressure starts, you hear the sound of the shirt rubbing against the body (pure joy~~~). Since you're lying down, you might not intentionally lift your head, but your heart is like a deer running wild. The feeling of oil pressure is also excellent, warm massage oil drips onto your back, bringing a hint of warmth to the cold weather. The palms of the fitness-trained hands have a slightly rough texture, and the passionate warmth permeates deep into the body.


I won't go into too much detail about the subsequent sparks, as I believe everyone's interaction with the masseur is different, with corresponding respect. I believe the masseurs will be very polite; even if there's no romantic connection, it's about enjoying a considerate massage. Highly recommend William; if you haven't tried it, I believe the first time choosing him won't be disappointing.

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