更新於 2023/12/31閱讀時間約 9 分鐘
- Ubiquitous
- 字根/字首/字尾: Ubiqu- (everywhere), -ous (adjective suffix)
- 解釋: 無所不在的
- 例句: Smartphones have become ubiquitous in today's society.
- Innovative
- 字首: In- (into), -nov- (new)
- 解釋: 創新的
- 例句: The company is known for its innovative approach to product design.
- Robust
- 字首/字根: Ro- (strong), -bust (burst)
- 解釋: 強大的,堅固的,強壯的
- 例句: The software needs to be robust enough to handle large amounts of data.
- Inherent
- 字首/字根: In- (in), -her- (stick), -ent (having)
- 解釋: 固有的,內在的
- 例句: Risk is inherent in any investment strategy.
- Inclusive
- 字首: In- (not), -clus- (close)
- 解釋: 包容的
- 例句: The team adopted an inclusive decision-making process.
- Vibrant
- 字首: Vi- (life), -br- (move quickly), -ant (full of)
- 解釋: 充滿活力的
- 例句: The city has a vibrant cultural scene with numerous events and festivals.
- Prudent
- 字首: Pr- (before), -udent (mindful)
- 解釋: 謹慎的
- 例句: It's prudent to save money for unexpected expenses.
- Cohesive
- 字根: Co- (together), -hes- (stick), -ive (having)
- 解釋: 具有凝聚力的
- 例句: A cohesive team is essential for project success.
- Conducive
- 字首: Con- (together), -duc- (lead), -ive (having)
- 解釋: 有助於...的
- 例句: A quiet environment is conducive to concentration.
- Lucrative
- 字根: Lucr- (profit)
- 解釋: 賺錢的,有利可圖的,利潤豐厚
- 例句: Real estate investment can be highly lucrative.
- Redundant
- 字首: Re- (again), -dund- (pour)
- 解釋: 冗餘的,多餘的
- 例句: The extra backup system is redundant but provides added security.
- Intricate
- 字首: In- (not), -tric- (pull), -ate (having)
- 解釋: 複雜難懂的,錯綜複雜
- 例句: The intricate design of the artwork impressed everyone.
- Ephemeral
- 字首: Ep- (on), -hemer- (day), -al (related to)
- 解釋: 短暫的,朝生暮死的
- 例句: The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral, lasting only a few days.
- Sustainable
- 字根: Sustain- (uphold)
- 解釋: 可持續的
- 例句: Companies are adopting sustainable practices to reduce environmental impact.
- Diverse
- 字根: Di- (different), -vers- (turn), -e (adjective suffix)
- 解釋: 多樣化的
- 例句: The team is diverse, bringing different perspectives to the project.
- Rigorous
- 字根: Rigor- (stiffness)
- 解釋: 嚴謹的
- 例句: The scientific study underwent rigorous peer review.
- Ubiquity
- 字根/字首: Ubiqu- (everywhere), -ity (noun suffix)
- 解釋: 無所不在
- 例句: The ubiquity of social media has changed how we communicate.
- Inception
- 字首: In- (beginning), -cept- (take), -ion (noun suffix)
- 解釋: 起初,開端,成立,創立
- 例句: The project has been successful since its inception.
- Requisite
- 字首: Re- (again), -quis- (ask), -ite (adjective suffix)
- 解釋: 必要的
- 例句: The training provides the requisite skills for the job.
- Exemplify
- 字首: Ex- (out), -empl- (take), -ify (verb suffix)
- 解釋: 舉例說明,例證
- 例句: His dedication exemplifies the company's core values.
- Convoluted
- 字首: Con- (together), -volv- (roll), -ed (past tense suffix)
- 解釋: 複雜難懂的
- 例句: The legal document had a convoluted language that was hard to decipher.
- Pertinent
- 字首: Per- (through), -tin- (hold), -ent (having)
- 解釋: 相關的,適切的
- 例句: The data provided is pertinent to the research question.
- Ubiquitously
- 字根/字首: Ubiqu- (everywhere), -ous (adjective suffix), -ly (adverb suffix)
- 解釋: 到處都,普遍地
- 例句: Technology is ubiquitously integrated into our daily lives.
- Exorbitant
- 字首: Ex- (out), -orbit- (track), -ant (having)
- 解釋: 過高的,過分的,高昂
- 例句: The price of the luxury car was exorbitant.
- Invaluable
- 字首: In- (not), -valu- (worth), -able (adjective suffix)
- 解釋: 無價的
- 例句: Her experience was invaluable in solving the complex problem.
- Cognizant
- 字首: Cog- (know), -niz- (make known), -ant (having)
- 解釋: 察覺的,意識到的
- 例句: The team is cognizant of the challenges ahead.
- Inherent
- 字首/字根: In- (in), -her- (stick), -ent (having)
- 解釋: 固有的,內在的
- 例句: Risk is inherent in any investment strategy.
- Obligatory
- 字首: Ob- (to), -lig- (bind), -atory (adjective suffix)
- 解釋: 義務的,強制的
- 例句: Attending the meeting was obligatory for all employees.
- Incorporate
- 字首: In- (in), -corpor- (body), -ate (verb suffix)
- 解釋: 納入,合併
- 例句: The company decided to incorporate new technologies into its operations.
- Maverick
- 字首: Mav- (unbranded calf), -er- (person), -ick (noun suffix)
- 解釋: 不羈的,獨行俠,特立獨行
- 例句: The maverick entrepreneur took unconventional paths to success.
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