在2024年9月11日,CNN的10分鐘新聞節目中,報導了幾則重要新聞。節目一開始提及了SpaceX的最新進展,Polaris Dawn任務成功將一支平民隊伍送上太空,進行一場超越地球低軌道的冒險之旅。這標誌著私人太空探索的一個重要里程碑。新聞還提到了幾個全球重要事件,包括政治與社會動態的更新,但亮點依然是這次非凡的SpaceX任務,象徵著人類對探索太空新邊界的持續追求。
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SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn mission marks a new chapter in commercial space exploration, featuring a four-member civilian crew embarking on an unprecedented journey beyond low Earth orbit. This mission stands out due to its ambitious plan to conduct the first commercial spacewalk—a bold move that signifies the growing role of private companies in space exploration.
Unlike previous space missions involving trained astronauts, the Polaris Dawn mission focuses on civilians who have undergone rigorous training. The crew will not only explore space beyond low Earth orbit but will also pass through the Van Allen radiation belts, a region historically known for its high levels of radiation and the associated risks. This is particularly challenging as the mission has a strict life support limit of five to six days.
Furthermore, the spacewalk will involve navigating the complexities of outer space while ensuring life support systems are maintained under extreme conditions. The mission's success will significantly impact the future of commercial space travel, as it demonstrates that civilians, with the right training, can contribute to important space exploration milestones.
This mission exemplifies the shift from government-controlled space endeavors to a collaborative effort involving private companies, further expanding the possibilities for space exploration.
Grammar Focus
Gap Fill
The Polaris Dawn mission, led by SpaceX, involves a crew of _____________(1) civilians who will attempt the first _____________(2) spacewalk. Due to the _____________(3) nature of the mission, the crew must complete their tasks before their life support runs out in _____________(4) days.
Answers: (1) four, (2) commercial, (3) unprecedented, (4) five to six.
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