Solidcore Resources plc: MOEX Share Exchange Offer completio

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Solidcore Resources plc (“Solidcore” or the “Company”) announces completion of the MOEX Share Exchange Offer on 30 September 2024, according to the original schedule.

The Board of Directors has resolved to complete the Exchange Offer in accordance with the original schedule: the last Eligible Shares will be transferred from Nominated Brokers to the Company Securities Account on 30 September 2024, with the last (sixth) tranche of Exchange Shares to be issued on AIX shortly thereafter, but not later than 31 October 2024.

As a result of the Exchange Offer, which has been launched in December 2023 and lasted for 10 months, the total number of shares repurchased by the Company will amount to 45.2 mln or 9.5% of the outstanding share capital. This represents ca. 66% of the shares blocked in NSD and other Russian depositories prior to the start of the Exchange Offer. Approximately 22 mln shares, or 4.6% of the outstanding share capital, currently remain blocked in NSD.

The Company reminds that on 15 October 2024, the Company’s shares will be excluded from the official list of the Moscow Exchange and their admission to trading on that exchange will be canceled.

Unless otherwise defined herein, defined terms have the same meaning as those attributed to them in the Circular:

For the avoidance of doubt, Solidcore confirms that this announcement does not affect the listing status of the Company’s shares on AIX, which is the Company’s primary listing venue.


Investor Relations

Evgeny Monakhov

Alikhan Bissengali

+44 20 7887 1475 (UK)

Kirill Kuznetsov

Alina Assanova

+7 7172 47 66 55 (Kazakhstan)


Yerkin Uderbay

+7 7172 47 66 55 (Kazakhstan)


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