October 9

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
Every soul longs for the very best in life. The very best is there waiting for you when you are ready to accept it. But you must be willing to accept it whole-heartedly with real joy and without any feeling of being unworthy or not being ready for it. If that is your attitude, you block that which is your true heritage, and it cannot flow to you. Therefore see that there is nothing in you which is holding it up. I AM holding out life, life more abundant. I AM holding out beauty, harmony, peace, love. The ways of the Spirit are yours. Walk in those ways, live in perfect harmony with My laws and watch everything fall into place in true perfection. Let there be no stress or strain in you. Simply accept that which is yours with a full and grateful heart, and never forget to express your love and appreciation for all that is being poured down upon you.
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屘寶💞熟年男伴 的其他內容
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Let your eye be single, and see yourself whole, perfect and made in My image and l
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Do you long to do My will, or are you still afraid that the cost may be too great?
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 You can make this day whatever you want it to be. The very moment you wake up in
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 What are you doing with your life? Are you content to drift through life, doing
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 How can you expect to live a deep spiritual life unless you are willing to make an
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 You hold a great responsibility in your hands, for I pour down upon you all My
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Let your eye be single, and see yourself whole, perfect and made in My image and l
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Do you long to do My will, or are you still afraid that the cost may be too great?
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 You can make this day whatever you want it to be. The very moment you wake up in
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 What are you doing with your life? Are you content to drift through life, doing
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 How can you expect to live a deep spiritual life unless you are willing to make an
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 You hold a great responsibility in your hands, for I pour down upon you all My
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
蝴蝶效應The Butterfly Effect 比較通俗常見的描述是一隻蝴蝶在巴西輕拍翅膀,可以導致一個月後德克薩斯州的一場龍捲風。或許乍看之下會有存疑,不過,確實很多時候看起來毫無關聯,相當不起眼的事情,極可能帶來重大變化。
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
蝴蝶效應The Butterfly Effect 比較通俗常見的描述是一隻蝴蝶在巴西輕拍翅膀,可以導致一個月後德克薩斯州的一場龍捲風。或許乍看之下會有存疑,不過,確實很多時候看起來毫無關聯,相當不起眼的事情,極可能帶來重大變化。