
閱讀時間約 31 分鐘


  • 整 體 評 分:★★★★☆
  • 實用性評分:★★★★☆
  • 回看率評分:★★★★☆
  • 成人講解等級:★★★★☆
  • 適讀年齡:4~9歲親子共讀
  • 語言:繁體中文、英文
  • 注音:是○ 否●


B.E.S. Publishing:Live and Learn Books

B.E.S. Publishing:Live and Learn Books


  • 作者:
    (一)梅格‧貝爾維索 (Meg Beviso)、帕姆‧波拉克 (Pam Pollack)
    1.公公改變了(Grandpa Has Changed)
    2.我不能定定的坐下來(I Can’t Sit Still)
    (二)珍妮佛‧莫爾‧瑪麗諾斯(Jennifer Moore-Mallinos)
    1.這叫做讀寫障礙症(It’s Called Dyslexia)
    2.這叫做失聰(It’s Called Deafness)
    (It's Ok to Be Me: Just Like You, I Can Do Almost Anything)
    4.當個孩子真難(It's Hard Being a Kid)
    5.勝利並不是一切(Winning Isn't Everything)
    6.New Kid on the Block
  • 譯者:陸碧薺
  • 繪者:Marta Fabrega
  • 出版日期:
    5.It's Ok to Be Me: Just Like You, I Can Do Almost Anything:2007/03(英文)
    6.It's Hard Being a Kid:2007/03(英文)
    7.Winning Isn't Everything:2007/09(英文)
    8.New Kid on the Block: 2009/03(英文)
  • ISBN
    5.It's Ok to Be Me: Just Like You, I Can Do Almost Anything:
    6.It's Hard Being a Kid:9780764135866(英文)
    7.Winning Isn't Everything:9780764141812(英文)
    8.New Kid on the Block: 9780764137914(英文)
  • 商品規格:精裝 / 36頁 / 19.6 x 24.7 x 0.5 cm / 全彩印刷
  • 出版者 : 文林出版、B.E.S. Publishing

※書本系列介紹(活的精彩系列;Live and Learn Books)

  1. 公公改變了(Grandpa Has Changed)
  2. 我不能定定的坐下來(I Can’t Sit Still)
  3. 這叫做讀寫障礙症(It’s Called Dyslexia)
  4. 這叫做失聰 (It’s Called Deafness)
  5. 我會放心做自己
    (It's Ok to Be Me: Just Like You, I Can Do Almost Anything)
  6. It's Hard Being a Kid
  7. Winning Isn't Everything
  8. New Kid on the Block



1.珍妮佛‧莫爾‧瑪麗諾斯 (Jennifer Moore-Mallinos)

2.梅格‧貝爾維索 (Meg Beviso)

3.帕姆‧波拉克 (Pam Pollack)


1.公公改變了(Grandpa Has Changed)



當親人患上了阿茲海默症(Alzheimer's Disease),我們要學習如何處理我們的感受和生活的各樣適應呢?書中的兄妹很喜歡探望他們的公公,但是最近公公改變了,然而,他看起來又不像生病。究竟發生什麼事呢?原來公公患了阿茲海默症,這個病令他忘記怎樣做每日都要做的事情。起初,兄妹二人對公公的改變感到很擔心。後來,他們了解到覺得不開心是沒問題的,因為事情不再像以往。

"Live and Learn " is a series of sensitively-written picture storybooks that take a child's point of view--especially the view of those kids who need encouragement in the face of some emotional or physical difficulty. In this story, a little boy and his sister are sad and occasionally confused as they recognize that their beloved grandfather has changed. He often forgets things--and sometimes he even forgets where he is. Mom explains to the kids that Grandpa is suffering from Alzheimer's. Before long, the children discover that Grandpa loves them as much today as he always has, and that they can still enjoy happy times together. Following the story are four pages of suggested activities that relate to its theme plus a two-page section that offers advice to parents. This and other " Live and Learn " titles are also available in Spanish language editions under the series title " Vive y aprende.

2.我不能定定的坐下來(I Can’t Sit Still)




Titles in Barron's Live and Learn series are sensitively written picture storybooks that take a child's point of view--especially in regard to kids who need encouragement in the face of an emotional or a physical difficulty. Following each story are four pages of suggested activities that relate to its theme, followed by a two-page section that offers advice to parents. Live and Learn titles are also available in Spanish language editions under the series title Vive y aprende. Here is the story of a child who has ADHD--attention-deficit disorder--and is mistakenly perceived as being unruly and incapable of following instructions. Ultimately, this little boy overcomes this problem with help from the family doctor, his parents, and his teacher.

3.這叫做讀寫障礙症(It’s Called Dyslexia)




This is one of several titles in Barron's Live and Learn series for younger children. They are books that take a child's point of view, especially if the child suffers from some physical challenge or lack self-confidence in going about everyday activities. These attractively illustrated picture storybooks encourage kids never to be afraid of a challenge. Following each story are four pages of suggested activities that relate to the book's theme. A final two-page section offers advice to parents. The child in this story knows the alphabet, but she sometimes has trouble putting all the letters together to read words. No matter how hard she tries, she often mixes up the letters or writes them backwards. She's unhappy until her teacher explains that she has dyslexia, and that she can be helped to read and write correctly.

4.這叫做失聰(It’s Called Deafness)




Have you ever wondered what it's like to be deaf? Learn what it's like and about some of the things that can be used to help with learning and communication. This sweet story is empowering and will inspire you to be the best you can be and to reach out to others to help bridge the gap between our differences!

Perfect for anyone looking for:

an educational book about kids with special needsbooks about kids with disabilitiesinclusive childrens booksbooks for the classroom or for home

Titles in the Live and Learn series take a child's point of view―especially the view of children who either suffer from some physical challenge or lack self-confidence in going about their everyday activities. Following each story are four pages of suggested activities that relate to the book's theme. Educational backmatter offers advice to parents.

5.我會放心做自己(It's Ok to Be Me: Just Like You, I Can Do Almost Anything)




From a child's point of view, life can often seem difficult, but this brightly illustrated book--one in a set of two Live and Learn titles--encourages children never to be afraid of a challenge. It's all right to be a little scared about things that seem hard to do, but whatever the challenge, determination and practice can get them through. The child in this story must stay in a wheelchair. Sometimes, he feels bad because he is left out of things by his classmates. One day, watching his friends play basketball, he has an idea. He decides that even while remaining in his wheelchair, he too can learn to play the game. The text is simple and the illustrations on every page are appealing. Four pages presenting activities for children appear at the back of each book, followed by a two-page section for parents, with tips on explaining the subject in more detail.

6.It's Hard Being a Kid

It's Hard Being a Kid

It's Hard Being a Kid

Sometimes, itÂ’s hard being a kid. There always seems to be things we have to do, whether we feel like it or not. There are rules we have to follow, and there are grownups telling us what we can and cannot do.

Often, it seems that being a kid is a lot harder than being a grownup. But when you stop and think about it, you begin to see that being a kid really isnÂ’t so bad. We will grow up soon enough.

Meanwhile, being a kid can be great fun! We can climb trees with our friends and have an awesome time at the beach. Best of all, because we are only kids, we still have the freedom to have lots of fun doing silly things.

From a child's point of view, life can often seem difficult--but this brightly illustrated book--one in a set of two " Live and Learn " titles--encourages children never to be afraid of a challenge. It's all right to be a little scared about things that seem hard to do, but whatever the challenge, determination and practice can get them through. Boys and girls will empathize with the little girl in this book. She has to go to school, do homework, and eat vegetables that she doesn't like. It seems to her that grownups are lucky, because they can do as they please. This story demonstrates that everybody has obligations to meet--especially grownups--and most of the time, it's more fun to be a kid. The text is simple and the illustrations on every page are appealing. Four pages presenting activities for children appear at the back of each book, followed by a two-page section for parents, with tips on explaining the subject in more detail.

7.Winning Isn't Everything

Winning Isn't Everything

Winning Isn't Everything

Every child on the hockey team wants to win the championship. Often, it seems to be the most important thing they can ever do. But when they forget to play fair, a boy on the opposing team is injured. They feel badly, and they begin to realize that winning the championship isnÂ’t everything. Being a good sport and playing fair is more important than winning.

This is one of several titles in Barron's Live and Learn series for younger children. They are books that take a child's point of view, especially if the child suffers from some physical challenge or lack self-confidence in going about everyday activities. These attractively illustrated picture storybooks encourage kids never to be afraid of a challenge. Following each story are four pages of suggested activities that relate to the book's theme. A final two-page section offers advice to parents. This story's little boy plays on a hockey team, and everybody on the team very much wants to win the championship. But when they forget to play fair, a boy on the opposing team is injured. They feel badly about the accident and come to realize that being a good sport is more important than winning.

8.New Kid on the Block

New Kid on the Block

New Kid on the Block

Moving to a new home can be an emotional time for everybody in the family--especially for children. The change can stir up feelings of anxiety and fear of the unknown at the same time as it creates a sense of excitement and adventure.

NEW KID ON THE BLOCK tells the story of a child and his family and describes the mixed emotions they experience when they move to a new neighborhood. Although saying good-bye to a familiar home and old friends seems scary at first, it also becomes an adventure! Soon, this story's little boy is making new friends while he keeps in touch with his old ones. Because he stays positive about moving, he realizes that everything will be okay!

Titles in the Live and Learn series take a child's point of view--especially the view of children who either suffer from some physical challenge or lack self-confidence in going about their everyday activities. Kids are sometimes troubled when their family moves to a neighborhood and they lose many of their old friends. This story demonstrates that with just a little effort, kids can quickly make new friends and enjoy a happy life in their new neighborhood. This attractively illustrated picture storybook series encourages kids to understand themselves and overcome problems that have troubled them. Following each story are four pages of suggested activities that relate to the book's theme. A final two-page section offers advice to parents. Live and Learn titles are available in both English and Spanish language editions. This is an English language title.





  1. 文林出版:活著精彩系列
  2. B.E.S. Publishing:Live and Learn Books


  1. 公公改變了(Grandpa Has Changed)
  2. 我不能定定的坐下來(I Can’t Sit Still)
  3. 這叫做讀寫障礙症(It’s Called Dyslexia)
  4. 這叫做失聰(It’s Called Deafness)
  5. 我會放心做自己
    (It's Ok to Be Me: Just Like You, I Can Do Almost Anything):
  6. It's Hard Being a Kid:
  7. New Kid on the Block:
  8. Winning Isn't Everything:
148Content count
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【書籍分享】-從兒童精神醫學理解發展遲緩孩子的內心世界 由兒童精神醫學的觀點來說明遲緩兒 第二部的內容主要說明養育者所面臨的困難
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
我蠻喜歡在圖書館借繪本給路易看,特別是在網上看到吸引我的繪本風格,都會優先在圖書館線上查一下館藏有沒有;這次分享的是作者Sam Usher 的四種天氣為主題的繪本,個人很喜歡這水彩風格,但又線條俐落的圖畫。
大家好 歡迎你來到爪爪語言!! 好像很久沒發文了 (但明明也是上週而已哈哈 還是努力一週一篇圖文跟大家分享。 爪爪語言親子共讀系列 來到第四篇章~ 今天要來跟大家聊聊 #2到5歲親子共讀 這件事,這篇我們主要分兩個部分來介紹。 ●2-3歲 ●3-5歲 2-3歲 這時的寶貝會… 提升更多參與感
大家好 歡迎你來到爪爪語言 #爪爪語言親子共讀系列 來到第三篇章~ 今天要來跟大家聊聊1-2歲親子共讀這件事。 1-2歲的寶貝會...   家中那個走路搖搖晃晃的孩子開始會到處探索環境,把書櫃裡的書搬出來、翻一翻、丟一丟,讓爸媽覺得好像在玩。 爸媽可以怎麼做? 1.增加寶貝與繪本的互動性
大家好 歡迎你來到爪爪語言 爪爪語言親子共讀系列來到第二篇章 今天要來跟大家聊聊0到1歲親子共讀這件事,這篇我們主要分兩個部分來介紹。 【0到6個月】 【6到12個月】 說到0-6個月親子共讀 ,就必須提一下寶寶視力發展,才可選擇合適寶寶的教材喔! 0-6個月的寶寶 這時的寶寶會...
你知道在媽咪懷孕時就可以說故事給寶寶聽嗎? 今天要來跟大家聊聊胎兒期親子共讀這件事。 為什麼需要親子共讀 ? 相關研究指出,親子共讀對於寶寶的大腦發展、語言能力具有正向的幫助,並能夠促進親子之間的親暱感、提升寶寶的創造力喔! 寶寶最愛的是媽媽的美妙聲音,媽媽的聲音可以刺激寶寶大腦的語言發展區!
親子共讀徵文之一 媽媽張xx、一年二班蔡xx    「哈哈哈!太好笑了!」房間裡傳來沛勳開懷的大笑聲,他一個人安靜地看書已經超過一個小時了,是哪一本書這麼吸引他,我很好奇,「勳勳,你在看什麼?」哦!
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
我蠻喜歡在圖書館借繪本給路易看,特別是在網上看到吸引我的繪本風格,都會優先在圖書館線上查一下館藏有沒有;這次分享的是作者Sam Usher 的四種天氣為主題的繪本,個人很喜歡這水彩風格,但又線條俐落的圖畫。
大家好 歡迎你來到爪爪語言!! 好像很久沒發文了 (但明明也是上週而已哈哈 還是努力一週一篇圖文跟大家分享。 爪爪語言親子共讀系列 來到第四篇章~ 今天要來跟大家聊聊 #2到5歲親子共讀 這件事,這篇我們主要分兩個部分來介紹。 ●2-3歲 ●3-5歲 2-3歲 這時的寶貝會… 提升更多參與感
大家好 歡迎你來到爪爪語言 #爪爪語言親子共讀系列 來到第三篇章~ 今天要來跟大家聊聊1-2歲親子共讀這件事。 1-2歲的寶貝會...   家中那個走路搖搖晃晃的孩子開始會到處探索環境,把書櫃裡的書搬出來、翻一翻、丟一丟,讓爸媽覺得好像在玩。 爸媽可以怎麼做? 1.增加寶貝與繪本的互動性
大家好 歡迎你來到爪爪語言 爪爪語言親子共讀系列來到第二篇章 今天要來跟大家聊聊0到1歲親子共讀這件事,這篇我們主要分兩個部分來介紹。 【0到6個月】 【6到12個月】 說到0-6個月親子共讀 ,就必須提一下寶寶視力發展,才可選擇合適寶寶的教材喔! 0-6個月的寶寶 這時的寶寶會...
你知道在媽咪懷孕時就可以說故事給寶寶聽嗎? 今天要來跟大家聊聊胎兒期親子共讀這件事。 為什麼需要親子共讀 ? 相關研究指出,親子共讀對於寶寶的大腦發展、語言能力具有正向的幫助,並能夠促進親子之間的親暱感、提升寶寶的創造力喔! 寶寶最愛的是媽媽的美妙聲音,媽媽的聲音可以刺激寶寶大腦的語言發展區!
親子共讀徵文之一 媽媽張xx、一年二班蔡xx    「哈哈哈!太好笑了!」房間裡傳來沛勳開懷的大笑聲,他一個人安靜地看書已經超過一個小時了,是哪一本書這麼吸引他,我很好奇,「勳勳,你在看什麼?」哦!