Mother Cheng and Venerable ABCD Give Others Joy, Buddha Cros

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Title:Mother Cheng and Venerable ABCD Give Others Joy, Buddha Crosses the Ocean

On April 18, during the Water and Land Dharma Service, I received a special gift from Mother Cheng, the mother of Venerable C, affectionately known as "Mother Cheng." Mother Cheng personifies the beauty of helping others fulfill their wishes, bringing joy to others. Together with the warm assistance of Venerables A, B, C, and D, a Buddha journeyed by air from Taiwan, crossing the ocean to the United States, forming a fortuitous connection with me.

This tale begins in February when I visited Fo Guang Shan in Taiwan and fortuitously took part in the exclusive Lunar New Year Festival event known as the "Cloud Auspicious Stamps" activity. 

20 Bites, 18 Stamps! FGS Stamp Collection, One Step at a Time  

When I finally collected all 18 Cloud Auspicious Stamps, eagerly dragging my exhausted body to exchange for the “Cloud Water Chan” block puzzle keychain prize with my “last breath,” only to find there were six designs: Buddha, lotus, cloud dragons, peace lantern, little novice, and firecracker cloud dragon to choose from, but only lotus were left, and I wanted the “Buddha!” 

I felt quite disappointed! So disappointingly that I disregarded my elegant image and humbly begged Venerable A, who I felt comfortable asking, to keep an eye out for me. I wanted the Buddha design! My persistence was astounding!

Unexpectedly, Venerable B handed me this gift, saying, "There's a Venerable in Taiwan who wants to forge a good affinity with you." Judging from the size of the box, I assumed it contained the Buddha block puzzle keychain I desired. However, the box was wrapped in white paper, decorated with playful handmade drawings on both sides—one side depicted the Venerable and a little novice, while the other side showed another Venerable. This clever and thoughtful packaging intrigued me; it felt like unwrapping a surprise box! 

The block puzzle box is wrapped in white paper, with playful handmade drawings on both sides—one side depicts the Venerable and a little novice, while the other side shows another Venerable. This packaging is truly interesting and thoughtful, allowing me to experience the joy of unwrapping a blind box!

The block puzzle box is wrapped in white paper, with playful handmade drawings on both sides—one side depicts the Venerable and a little novice, while the other side shows another Venerable. This packaging is truly interesting and thoughtful, allowing me to experience the joy of unwrapping a blind box!

Opening the wrapping with surprise, it indeed reveals the "Cloud Water Chan" Buddha block puzzle keychain.

Opening the wrapping with surprise, it indeed reveals the "Cloud Water Chan" Buddha block puzzle keychain.

At that moment, I suspected that the "Venerable in Taiwan" was likely Venerable A! "Venerable A is truly devoted to service! How delightful!" I thought joyfully, praising Venerable A incessantly.

Afterward, upon inquiry, Venerable B revealed the answer: "A Venerable in Taiwan, who is Venerable C, heard that there was an American Fo Guang member eager for a Buddha, so she asked her mother to give it to this American Fo Guang member." Venerable C? I didn't know this Venerable at all! How did she know I desired a Buddha? Nevertheless, neither Venerable A nor Venerable B gave me a direct answer, perhaps preferring to maintain discretion. This suspense added to the joy, much like unwrapping a surprise box! Thank you Venerable A, Venerable B, Venerable C! And also Venerable D who brought the Buddha on the flight from Taiwan to the United States!

Throughout the process of assembling the "Cloud Water Chan" Buddha block puzzle keychain, I couldn't stop smiling. I'm truly grateful to Venerable C and Mother Cheng! The word "Chéng" (成) holds many meanings, one of which is "helping others fulfill their wishes." How beautiful the word "Chéng" (成) is! And the spirit of "helping others fulfill their wishes" perfectly aligns with one of the "Four Givings"—Give Others Joy, a set of work ethics established by the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. 

我在拼「雲水禪」佛陀積木拼圖鑰匙圈全程笑得合不攏嘴。 Assembling the "Cloud Water Chan" Buddha block puzzle keychain, I'm smiling from ear to ear the whole time.

我在拼「雲水禪」佛陀積木拼圖鑰匙圈全程笑得合不攏嘴。 Assembling the "Cloud Water Chan" Buddha block puzzle keychain, I'm smiling from ear to ear the whole time.

Venerable Master Hsing Yun regards the parents of Venerables as "Buddhist Relative (Dharma relatives)." Everyone addresses them by adding "Father" or "Mother" to their children's Dharma names. These "Buddhist Relatives (Dharma relatives)'' support their children's renunciation with wisdom and joy. While it may seem like they are letting go of one son or one daughter, in truth, they gain numerous spiritual children—such as Mother Cheng! You, whom I've never met, are the first "Buddhist mother (Dharma mother)" I address, and I truly thank you!

I joyfully place the Buddha block puzzle keychain and my Chanting Robe bag together. The bag is embroidered with Venerable Master Hsing Yun's calligraphy: "Practice the Buddha’s Way."

I joyfully place the Buddha block puzzle keychain and my Chanting Robe bag together. The bag is embroidered with Venerable Master Hsing Yun's calligraphy: "Practice the Buddha’s Way."

On the wall of Buddha's Light Hsi Lai School, I am pleasantly surprised to find "Cloud Water Chan" Buddha and little novice block puzzle keychains.

On the wall of Buddha's Light Hsi Lai School, I am pleasantly surprised to find "Cloud Water Chan" Buddha and little novice block puzzle keychains.

    19Content count
    文字小工 的其他內容
    在水陸法會期間的四月十八日,我收到一份特別的佛陀之禮,法師C的媽媽「成媽媽」成人之美,給人歡喜,再加上四位法師ABCD的溫暖相助,使佛陀從臺灣坐飛機,飄洋過海來到美國,與我結善緣。  事情還要從我二月份回到臺灣佛光山,因緣巧合的參加春節限定的「雲端吉印」活動說起— 20包與18印!一步一腳印 佛光
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    常聽一些佛光人用「回家」形容回佛光山的心情,但我在2024年二月回到故鄉台灣,則完全是以觀光客的心態遊佛光山,甚至有些怯生生的,因為我對它真的不熟。   我為什麼在11天假期中,特別排上這「兩夜一天又多幾個小時」的佛光山行程呢?老實說,我也不知道,但心底又莫名篤定—「我應該去」!  
    I often hear members of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) describe their return to Fo Guang Shan (FGS) in Taiwan as "returning home.
    Hsi Fang Scratch Lottery! What prize did I scratch out?
    在水陸法會期間的四月十八日,我收到一份特別的佛陀之禮,法師C的媽媽「成媽媽」成人之美,給人歡喜,再加上四位法師ABCD的溫暖相助,使佛陀從臺灣坐飛機,飄洋過海來到美國,與我結善緣。  事情還要從我二月份回到臺灣佛光山,因緣巧合的參加春節限定的「雲端吉印」活動說起— 20包與18印!一步一腳印 佛光
    最近,我莫名地思索起「一成不變」這個成語,它的意思是「事物沒有太多改變,一直都一樣」。如果我們從字面上解釋,將「一成」理解為數學上的「一成」(百分之十),那麼還有九成是有可能會發生變化的,對吧?這九成究竟指的是什麼呢?  出於好奇心,我去查了「一成不變」這成語的出處,原來「一成」不是數學的「一成」
    Recently, I've been pondering the idiom "一成不變" (yī chéng bù biàn). It means nothing much changes; always the same. If we interpret it literally......
    常聽一些佛光人用「回家」形容回佛光山的心情,但我在2024年二月回到故鄉台灣,則完全是以觀光客的心態遊佛光山,甚至有些怯生生的,因為我對它真的不熟。   我為什麼在11天假期中,特別排上這「兩夜一天又多幾個小時」的佛光山行程呢?老實說,我也不知道,但心底又莫名篤定—「我應該去」!  
    I often hear members of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) describe their return to Fo Guang Shan (FGS) in Taiwan as "returning home.
    Hsi Fang Scratch Lottery! What prize did I scratch out?
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    全民買ETF的時代,加上現在ETF的種類琳瑯滿目,選都選不完 但這也造成許多無知的投資人,不聊解投資商品亂買了很多新成立的ETF 我媽就是一個典型的例子 總是喜歡看網路上的名嘴把剛成立的ETF講得多好多好 老實說就算今年績效不錯,沒有經歷過去大大小小金融危機的考驗 誰知道它未來表現如何呢
    (~從Blogger搬家~) 很久沒有好好寫網誌,真的好久好久了。我是一個喜歡用文字記錄事情的人,但也是一個愛偷懶的人;久而久之,習慣便逐漸被我拋諸腦後,愈來愈沒有動力好好寫文章。 當了媽媽,隨著孩子的變化,每一分鐘都想完整地刻畫下他們生命的足跡,才又令我萌生了寫網誌的念頭。除了寫寫育兒的路,還
    有時候她讓我覺得很噁心,她絕對是一個騙子,我總是想逃離她,也永遠不想再見到她。可是,有時候我想要她的支持或認可,也害怕她拋棄我,但我就是非常非常非常討厭她。 我從來沒有從
    I have a 2y old kid. She is a lovely and energetic girl. Most of the time I really enjoy the moment with her, but I still need solitude and privacy ti
    mo + th + er = 母(媽) + 亲(辛) + 見 = 母(媽) + 親 = 母(媽)親,直譯即「母親」或「媽親」。漢字文化還有一種意通「母親」的稱呼「娘」,而 mother 也能通過「mother = 母和點合Er = 女和丶合曰r = 女和丶合艮 = 女和良 = 娘」轉換漢字「娘」。
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    全民買ETF的時代,加上現在ETF的種類琳瑯滿目,選都選不完 但這也造成許多無知的投資人,不聊解投資商品亂買了很多新成立的ETF 我媽就是一個典型的例子 總是喜歡看網路上的名嘴把剛成立的ETF講得多好多好 老實說就算今年績效不錯,沒有經歷過去大大小小金融危機的考驗 誰知道它未來表現如何呢
    (~從Blogger搬家~) 很久沒有好好寫網誌,真的好久好久了。我是一個喜歡用文字記錄事情的人,但也是一個愛偷懶的人;久而久之,習慣便逐漸被我拋諸腦後,愈來愈沒有動力好好寫文章。 當了媽媽,隨著孩子的變化,每一分鐘都想完整地刻畫下他們生命的足跡,才又令我萌生了寫網誌的念頭。除了寫寫育兒的路,還
    有時候她讓我覺得很噁心,她絕對是一個騙子,我總是想逃離她,也永遠不想再見到她。可是,有時候我想要她的支持或認可,也害怕她拋棄我,但我就是非常非常非常討厭她。 我從來沒有從
    I have a 2y old kid. She is a lovely and energetic girl. Most of the time I really enjoy the moment with her, but I still need solitude and privacy ti
    mo + th + er = 母(媽) + 亲(辛) + 見 = 母(媽) + 親 = 母(媽)親,直譯即「母親」或「媽親」。漢字文化還有一種意通「母親」的稱呼「娘」,而 mother 也能通過「mother = 母和點合Er = 女和丶合曰r = 女和丶合艮 = 女和良 = 娘」轉換漢字「娘」。