每日英語 #062: The Classic Hero Zorro

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The Classic Hero Zorro

Zorro was created by the writer Johnston McCulley. He wrote his first of many stories about Zorro in 1919. The story was called “The Curse of Capistrano.” (A “curse” is something you say to get a supernatural force to do harm to someone you don’t like, and Capistrano is a place.) It was a “serialized story” (with each part of the story published in the next issue of a magazine or newspaper, until the entire story is told) in a “pulp magazine” (inexpensive magazine printed on thin, cheap paper) called All-Story Weekly. The story was later published as a “novella” (short novel; short fiction book) in 1924 with the title The Mask of Zorro.


Zorro is a “native Californian” (born in California). He lived in “present-day” (what is known as now, but not back then) Los Angeles when it was still part of Mexico. Zorro’s real name in the original stories was Diego de la Vega, and he was a “nobleman” (man whose family has a high and respected position in society). He “adopted” (took; got) a secret identity so he could “anonymously” (without anyone knowing who he is) “avenge” (hurt someone in return for some harm he/she had done) people who were too weak to do it themselves, help people who were “oppressed” (suffering under the power of someone else), and punish bad and “cruel” (causing pain and suffering) politicians.


Zorro has been featured in many stories, books, films, TV shows, and radio dramas, and his character has changed since his introduction in 1919. However, what has not changed is the focus on his amazing skills. He is an incredible “acrobat,” able to jump, flip, and “seemingly” (seem to; appear to) fly from building to building and jump from great “heights” (high or tall places). He is a “master” (with great skill) “swordsman” (a man who uses a “sword” (similar to a very long knife) to fight) and “marksman” (someone who is able to shoot a gun very well). Not only that, he was also a great “tactician,” able to carefully plan actions to defeat his enemy.



  • Curse [kɜrs] 詛咒
  • Serialized [ˈsɪəriəˌlaɪzd] 連載的
  • Pulp Magazine [pʌlp ˌmægəˈzin] 低俗雜誌
  • Novella [noʊˈvɛlə] 短篇小說
  • Native Californian [ˈneɪtɪv ˌkæləˈfɔrniən] 加州本地人
  • Present-day [ˈprɛzənt deɪ] 當代的
  • Nobleman [ˈnoʊbəlmən] 貴族
  • Adopt [əˈdɒpt] 採用
  • Anonymously [əˈnɒnɪməsli] 匿名地
  • Avenge [əˈvɛndʒ] 復仇
  • Oppressed [əˈprɛst] 被壓迫的
  • Cruel [krul] 殘忍的
  • Acrobat [ˈækrəˌbæt] 雜技演員
  • Seemingly [ˈsimɪŋli] 似乎
  • Heights [haɪts] 高處
  • Master [ˈmæstər] 大師
  • Swordsman [ˈsɔrdzmən] 劍客
  • Sword [sɔrd] 劍
  • Marksman [ˈmɑrksmən] 神射手
  • Tactician [tækˈtɪʃən] 戰術家
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