每日英語 #097: Types of Hotel Rooms

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Types of Hotel Rooms

All hotels have standard rooms, and most nice hotels have suites, but this is “just the beginning” (only a basic description, not describing everything). There are many different types of hotel rooms.


Most “luxury” (very nice and expensive) hotels have a “presidential suite” or a “royal suite,” which is the group of the most expensive and “fanciest” (with many nice things) rooms in the hotel, usually on the top floor. These suites were first created for U.S. President Woodrow Wilson who had “strict” (very specific and not flexible) requirements for hotel rooms. However, presidential suites are not only for presidents or other politicians. Many celebrities and “wealthy” (rich) businesspeople can choose to stay in a presidential suite.


Many hotels also have a “honeymoon suite,” which is a very nice group of rooms “intended” (planned) for “newlywed” (recently married) couples who are on their “honeymoon” (a romantic trip taken after a wedding). People who stay in a honeymoon suite often get a special “honeymoon package” that might include romantic music, flowers, bottles of champagne, and chocolate-covered strawberries.


Hotel guests can also request “handicapped-accessible” rooms that are designed for people with physical “disabilities” (problems with one’s body that prevent one from moving as most other people do, or from doing things that most other people do). A handicapped-accessible room is often on the first floor, so that the guest doesn’t have to take the stairs or elevator. Handicapped-accessible rooms also have wider “doorways” (the opening to get into a room) so that “wheelchairs” (chairs with wheels, used by people who cannot walk) can fit through them. Handicapped-accessible bathrooms have lower toilet seats and bathtubs. There are also special “bars” (horizontal pieces of metal attached to walls) for disabled people to hold onto, especially as they move between their wheelchair and the bathtub.



  1. Luxury /ˈlʌk.ʃər.i/ - 豪華
  2. Presidential suite /ˌprezɪˈdenʃəl swiːt/ - 總統套房
  3. Honeymoon suite /ˈhʌniˌmuːn swiːt/ - 蜜月套房
  4. Wealthy /ˈwɛl.θi/ - 富有的
  5. Handicapped-accessible /ˈhæn.dɪˌkæpt əkˈsɛs.ə.bəl/ - 無障礙的
  6. Disabilities /ˌdɪsəˈbɪlɪtiz/ - 殘疾
  7. Wheelchair /ˈwiːl.tʃɛər/ - 輪椅
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