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PodExtra AI


We are huge fans of podcasts. We have spent an enormous amount of time listening to podcast shows, whether on our way to and from work, during exercise, while having a cup of coffee, or when doing household chores.

In the past more than one year, with the development of AI, all kinds of information and in-depth content have emerged in large quantities in podcast shows. We have learned a great deal and gained a lot from them.

At the same time, we found that our time was starting to run short. We needed to find a more efficient way to acquire knowledge from podcasts. For example, summaries, mind maps, transcripts, etc. are all essential. We realized that there were no such tools in this regard, so our team developed PodExtra on our own.

Hope you will like it.

PodExtra AI Website:

Keywords: podcast, podcast player, summary, transcript, outline

an advanced AI tool for podcast listening and knowledge acquisition

an advanced AI tool for podcast listening and knowledge acquisition

More information about PodExtra AI:


PodExtra is an AI-powered podcast tool that offers transcripts, mind maps, outlines, summaries, highlights, and takeaways for podcasts, enabling efficient knowledge gain. It’s suitable for various users and supports many popular podcast platforms.

PodExtra Core Feature

— Advanced AI tool for podcast listening and knowledge acquisition.

— Allows 10x speed gain of knowledge from favorite podcasts.

— Covers over 3 million podcasts.

— Offers features like transcripts, summaries, mind maps, outlines, highlights, and takeaways to enhance the podcast experience.

From the PodExtra Development Team

追蹤最新動態, 和同樣興趣愛好的人一起交流