
含有「await」共 2 篇內容
歡迎來到 React 白話文運動第三篇,今天我們將深入探討 JavaScript 中的非同步操作,並介紹兩個重要的關鍵字:Async 與 Await。在這篇文章中,我們將透過實例演示非同步操作的概念,以及如何使用 Promise、Fetch、Async 和 Await 來更有效地處理非同步程式。
上篇介紹的promise chain的寫法,是已經比原本好維護了沒錯,但是可讀性似乎還是有點不足,其實還可以改成用async/await的寫法,如下: E 其中,async是非同步的意思,等於是把getData()這個function定義為非同步,因此從console可以看到,test是最先被pri
This insightful article by Vic Lin provides a clear and concise explanation of how async/await can be used to simplify Promise operations in JavaScript. The code examples effectively demonstrate the enhanced readability and maintenance benefits of transitioning from traditional promise chaining to async/await. The comparison before and after the improvement highlights the elegance of the async/await syntax. The article serves as a valuable resource for developers seeking a more streamlined and readable approach to handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript.References for further learning:1. [w3schools: JavaScript Async/Await]( [IQRA Technology - Async/Await in JavaScript]( [JavaTpoint - JavaScript Tutorial](