<ol><li><span>Why don't you delegate some tasks? 你為什麼不把一些任務分派出去呢?</span></li><li><span>Why don't you ask for an extension? 你為什麼不要求延期呢?</span></li><li><span>Why don't you ask someone for help? 你為什麼不找人幫忙呢?</span></li><li><span>Why don't you take a breather? 你為什麼不休息一回呢?</span></li><li><span>Why don't I take something off your plate? 為什麼不讓我幫你分擔一些什麼呢?</span></li><li><span>Why don't I organize the meeting notes? 為什麼不讓我整理會議記錄呢?</span></li><li><span>Why don't I organize the doc? 為什麼不讓我整理文件呢?</span></li><li><span>Why don't I help you out with the presentation? 為什麼不讓我幫忙做這個演講稿呢?</span></li><li><span>Why don't I help you out with the project? 為什麼不讓我幫忙做著個項目呢?</span></li><li><span>Why don't I take something off your plate so you can take a breather?</span></li><li><span>Why don't I organize the meeting notes so you can catch up on other things?</span></li><li><span>Why don't I help you out with the project so you can meet the deadline?</span></li><li><span>Why don't I organize the doc so you can focus on other things?</span></li></ol>