104履歷破解 : 圖文並茂,省時省力 (2)

2018/06/20閱讀時間約 8 分鐘

勉強拿到22K跟剛出社會就有45K的分別是什麼? 答案在下文,請拉 :D

1. Work for Money -> 賺薪水
2. Work for Competence -> 培養技能
3. Work for Accountability -> 建立可信度
說實話,如果我才剛畢業,誰想那麼多,當然選「1」,你白痴三小 (當初我也是XD)。這種想法成為網路上快速小幫手的地基 : 從多益考到老的英文吸血補習班、神人教你寫履歷模板、酸民職場面試分享、PTT畫虎爛學程等,都在協助我們能夠立即、馬上、光速就要賺薪水。因為我們根本不在乎學習建構屬於自已的未來,我們在意當下有沒有薪水買東西、付房租跟出國打卡…
所以屬於Level 1的我們,先來看看怎麼拿下一個薪水:
#Understanding Job Description
產品管理部門 - 產品規劃管理專員
Product Planning & Management
Product + Commerce + Pure Heart = YOU 
We are on the lookout for a Specialist focusing on product planning & management to help provide some of the simplest and best water filtration solution in the market. We seek someone who can not only translate our suppliers' products and brands into a user-friendly information across all departments - sales, marketing, service, and everyone in between—but can also help create new ways for solution. We're searching for someone who will always be thinking of precise, smart, and quick ways to help our team and customers interact with our products and brands. 

So, if you're looking to join a team that is passionate about providing the best water treatment solution while using your skills of analysing, sourcing, planning, and negotiating to do so, then we have a job for you. 

What you'll do: 
1. Identify key areas throughout the product mix that can be enhanced, justifying your recommendations with analysis, and continually striving for improvements across the entire customer experience. 
2. Act as the product owner and take the initiative role in exploring and assessing new business opportunities with entrepreneur spirit. 
3. Work with suppliers and our marketing, sales and service teams to introduce, suggest, and manage our products and solutions for each stage of the product life and user experience. 
4. Coordinate and assist all internal teams and external vendors to meet business and financial target and to strengthen product positioning. 
5. Source the products to expand our solution range and to ensure user experience. 
6. Introduce products, solutions and application to the market. Localize the spec sheets, providing technical documents and certification and manage the standardization, metrology and product inspection process in Taiwan. 
7. Create sales and marketing kit. 

Who you are: 
1. Equipped with 4+ years of PM experiences — global sourcing experience is a plus. 
2. Someone with a demonstrated knack for creating engaging user experiences and able to empathize with a wide range of customer needs. 
3. Known for a strong eye, attention to details, and creative problem-solving that can be spoken to other team members and departments at a leadership level. 
4. Passionate—like, cheerleader enthusiasm—about product management. 
5. Resourceful and flexible, with exceptional teamwork skills. 
6. An expert in creating quality deliverables using tools like Excel and Powerpoint.
#明早我們再繼續討論如何建立這些技能…哥來去被RD欺負了 XD
目的: 回饋曾氏讀者
收費: 免費
對象: 想找工作的你
諮詢傳送門-> 請點這
開源資料: Optimizing Our Training Data
    FB社團:英文| 履歷| 代寫 工作室網站:https://e92702055.wixsite.com/englishresume