[繪本]The Adventures of Three Bears

2020/02/24閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
I was captivated by “The Adventures of Three Bears” because of the way this was arranged and presented when shopping online for picturebooks. It’s a set of three board books presented in a concertina format and the readers could turn them over to meet these three cute characters.
picture from Owl and Dog Playbooks.
拿到書之後跟女兒玩了一下,真的是非常吸引她的目光。只是還是不太適合兩歲以下的小朋友看,整個讓媽媽提心吊膽啊~(回頭看向一堆被摧殘的Board Book)
Zoey was totally amazed by those three big character imgaes when I was reading the story. However, I still think this book is too delicate to a two-year-old child. (Mom looking at tons of already destoried board books at the back.)
picture from Owl and Dog Playbooks.
After all, I have to say it’s the illustration made me decided to order. To be pleasant to look at still an important thing.
picture from Owl and Dog Playbooks.
喜歡笑、喜歡記錄事情 I'm a picture book maker and a four-year-old daughter's mom. Love to write down or draw every little daily life things.