元亨。-- 大有來頭的大都會是個元神意識高昂的大型意識空間。建築了高聳光明的高塔、設置了架空的交通軌道、配置了公共的照明器具,甚至還有高架的資訊看板等等。城市中的建築量體鱗次櫛比、一座比一座還大,市場和購物中心商品齊全、幾乎什麼都有,這是城市的發展好像太陽在高空中大放光明的時候啊!
初九:無交害,匪咎艱則,無咎。/ 變卦火風鼎 -- 繁榮的大都會車流量和人流量都多,缺乏交通的管轄會引起非議,但是訂定太嚴格的交通規則又會引起責難,這有什麼好意外的呢?此時城市就像鼎下有助燃的鼓風爐一樣,城市發展的氣燄很興旺啊!(P.S. 此處「害」字應有「轄」的意思,「轄」的本意很可能是「以分割或劃分道路的方式來管理車行」,例如:劃分快車道、慢車道、大車道、小車道、特殊動力車道、架空軌道,以及人行道等等。「匪」字的本意是「某個區域的非常訊息」或「某個區域的不尋常訊息」 或「某個區域的感官刺激性較強的訊息」,此處解為「非議」或「責難」。)
九二:大車以載,有攸往,無咎。/ 變卦離為火 -- 大型的車輛用來作為大眾運輸或運載貨物的交通工具,如果這樣能紓解龐大的交通流量,是不錯的。此時,城市的發展就像兩個太陽的火力交會在一起似的!
九三:公用亨于天子,小人弗克。/ 變卦火澤睽 -- 隨著都市的蓬勃發展,許多供公眾使用的器物、設施和建築物在眾目睽睽之下造的比天子或中央政府的居室更加高大壯觀,但是少數人似乎不太確定可以肯定這樣的現象。
九四:匪其彭,無咎。/ 變卦山天大畜 -- 某些特定區域的聲音比較大,或比較夯,例如:鼓聲、音響、車流聲......等等,這有什麼好奇怪的呢?城市有了大量的積蓄,自然會有許多市民的活動,包括音樂會,甚至各種娛樂、集會、宴會等等。(P.S. 《易經》作者當時可能已經看見商業娛樂區等都市土地使用分區的存在。「彭」字的本意和「拍鼓等振動空氣傳聲的現象」有關,後來用「澎」等加了偏旁符號的字來表示各種性質的類似現象。)
六五:厥孚,交如,威如,吉。/ 變卦乾為天 -- 此時,有些可以逆重力飄浮的物體出現在城市上空的高處,引起人們仰望驚歎。它們好像是要來和我們交流的,又好像是要來威赫我們的。不論如何,它們似乎想要和我們取得連繫、連結,真是天外有天啊![P.S. 不知《易經》作者是看見最初的氫氣球或氦氣球、熱氣球、放天燈、漂浮的飛船,還是也看見了「幽浮」(UFO) -- 不明飛行物體?此處「厥孚」解為逆重力或反重力飄浮。]
上九:自天祐之,吉,無不利。/ 變卦雷天大壯 -- 那來自天上的不明飛行物體從城市右邊上空雲層之間的天光之中以「之」字形的方式飄降下來,如同巨大的葉片或結實的碟片,旁若無人的緩緩飄落,響聲如雷、氣勢壯大。(P.S. 看起來頗像某種大型的飛碟或碟狀的隕石,不過既然是處在一個資訊豐富大量的時代,也不能排除是《易經》作者自己內心產生的幻覺。)
"There is a Hanese compound word '富有' which means 'rich' or 'fortune' or 'welfare'."
"Yes, when a city became rich, you might see many people and buildings and traffic tools gathered in there, even the mass rapid transport systems, lighting systems and messages boards were all constructed above the ground......"
"Of course, the traffic rules were discussed and decided by the citizen congress's meetings......Some fundamental deals of the rules about public life were made,.......because it's not only a city, but also a metropolis consisted of many kinds of languages,......it's a multiple society mixed or united by many cultures......"
"Big and high-rise towers were built, the sounds of the citizen's activities became louder,......the lighting on the roads and streets shone like stars,.......that's the metropolis, a big city without sleeping....."
"Metropolis seemed like powered by two suns, a sun shone in the natural sky, a sun was established on the ground, which was created by human being's technologies supplied by their discovered resource of energy....."
"Messages became the awesome subjects in the metropolis's economy,......news papers, magazines, books, exhibitions, displays, lectures, concerts,......even dancing and music parties were held some where in the big city......"
"Do you remember what we talked about '有' in last qua '同人', it seemed like have a meaning about 'take the moon'......"
"So what?.....The never sleeping metropolis just liked a bright and colorful planet shining in the night and its lighting might almost cover the moonlight......."
"I guess many citizens lived in metropolis might have some day dreams or illusions which were caused by being lack of sleep.......That's why the original author of 易經 mentioned that he had ever seen the UFO, I mean the Unidentified Flying Objects......were flying in the sky, even landing on the ground......."
"No one could exactly make sure the UFO came from the planets of aliens or not till now......They are still the mysterious events......"
"Sure!......Those citizens must be very interesting what were the meanings of the UFO? What were the information or messages of the UFO trying to present?......No matter what, during that time, they must very care about any messages came from anywhere......"
"How do you know?....."
"Look that symbol of '離', it seemed like '101', that meant it was an open space,......a square or plaza,......or a platform for landing,......or an entertaining virtual reality space,.....or some kind of nest shape radar,......it could allow aliens or strange and unknown messages arrive at there......"
"Maybe the moon was just a great open space built by ancient scientists above the earth as a shelter place for those strange aliens came from out-space......."
"Due to the affection of multiple languages and cultures, many people engaged in writing and translating works,......deals and deals, ideals, principles, theories, philosophies,......and so on. Of course they might have some arguments, deconstruction and reconstruction between different thoughts and religions via the popular broadcast in public......They might also try to catch the highest mentally moral guiding messages from the lost angels with wings, that's why this word '離' has a meaning about 'leave' and related to 'bird'....."
"You mean, if the existence of the lost angels was true, then perhaps the UFO's pilots were some kind of lost angels?....."
"Maybe!......It's not impossible, everything is possible to the UFO, do you think so?......"
"Actually this Hanese '有' was sounded like 'wh' or 'U' in Taiwanese......It might have a meaning 'can see the full moon in night' in ancient Taiwanese culture."
"Why most of the UFOs were imagined as a full-round disk?......It's truly an obvious symbol of gathering together as a great consciousness again from the separated or broken minds......"
"Maybe!......Maybe that's the true spirit of translation,......to let the unidentified feelings and words become identified, then the human beings' minds will be gathered together as one big circle, seems like the full moon......"
"That's the reason why the next qua '謙' was going to talk about 'translation', because '兼言' means 'bi-language' or 'transmit messages between two kinds
of language'......"
"That meant,.......the Language Tree - The Lost Third Tree in the Bible was growing as a very giant tree in this qua, then its new language fruits might start to get birth from the mouths of those birds with wings which nested in that tree and swallowed those fruits?......."
"Look the word 'FRUIT',.....'U' in there, 'F' in there, and of course it's an 'Object',......and it is just sounded as '浮物' which means 'floating object' in Chinese......That's so called UFO!......"
"I get it!......UFO might be the symbolic description about the fruit of human beings’ minds, it's their gathering mysterious illusions or progressive creations came out from their gathering consciousnesses,.......just like a giant cloud floating above the ground and moving in the air.......That must be a great UFO ......"
"I feel a little bit weird!......Maybe the moon was just created as a messages-gathering cloud system by those ancient civilizations on earth......Maybe we can get some important stories about the early human kind's civilizations which were left there by those ancient people......"
"Do you mean,......the big moon is just that lost tree's seed in the Bible?.......And many lost languages can be re-discovered in there?......"
資訊傳播高度發展的大都會,或是在 big union、great one、large united entity 等等類似的多元文化社會之中,不同語言的交流、解讀和翻譯將成為日常生活中習以為常的事。然而,不知怎麼的,我總有一種感覺:如果一個人認識了許許多多不同的語言,甚至極端到認識了所有不同的語言,那麼他是否將開始變得沉默無言呢?......在這個故事開始之際,那隻我曾經見過、安靜的大烏龜啊!牠是否也曾經有過這種難言之隱的感覺呢?
嗚...嗚...嗚.........那是說有嗎?........還是無呢?........是低聲的哭泣?........或是起霧了?還是了悟了什麼?..........wh...wh...wh ......Does it mean who? or what? or when? or where? or which?........or means wool? or means wood?.........a giant wood?......a giant language wood?.........
Now I remember another mystical Hanese story which related to the moon and was named "吳剛伐桂", maybe that old story's true spirit was related to the lost giant language tree - A language wood had ever tried to develop its own life by a simple and con-solid way, but actually it was not so easy as it keeping many kinds of living resources and living beings, even many secrets......
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.