初九:已事遄往,無咎,酌損之。/ 變卦山水蒙 -- 既然已經發生交易損失的事情,這表示對方覺得有利可圖,就會急於快速直接地和你繼續進行交易,這有什麼好意外的呢?此時你必須斟酌損失的狀況,不要被達成交易的興奮感蒙蔽了本身過度的損失。
九二:利貞,征凶。弗損,益之。/ 變卦山雷頤 -- 敏銳的偵測、在交易行動之前仔細盤算,作好相關知識和能力的培養,就算是暴利當前,也不要輕易出手!整體來看,能少一點損失、多一點獲益就不錯了。盡可能維持損益平衡及資產價值的穩定成長,不要看見表面上好吃的東西就立刻囫圇吞棗、大量吞吃,寧可多了解其營養成份與實際內涵。
六三:三人行,則損一人。一人行,則得其友。/ 變卦山天大畜 -- 為了節省成本、增進效率,以便使資產的經營穩定成長,通常會進行人事組織的調整。例如:多數人一起做同一件事,就視情況減少一個人,挪作它用;一個人單獨做事,也許可以將前面減少的那一人挪為他的助手或同工。如此一來,在不須要裁員的情況下,整體的工作效率不一定會變差,資產也可能有更大積蓄的可能。(P.S. 按漢字以三爲多的造字邏輯,此處「三」解爲「多數」。)
六四:損其疾,使遄有喜,無咎。/ 變卦火澤睽 -- 當交易損失的狀況達到病態的程度時,往往對方主動前來交易的現象十分頻繁迅速而且異常熱絡,這有什麼好意外的呢?然而,就算交易市場再怎麼熱絡非凡,也不要被表面熱絡的狀況蒙蔽了自己的理智、過度違背自己的資產狀況而作出沒有實際情報和預算根據的衝動交易。
六五:或益之十朋之龜,弗克違,元吉。/ 變卦風澤中孚 -- 為了平衡損益,或許整體收益能達到十分之一的預估、消費者也能接受而不反對,就足以開始建立不壞的市場交易連結了。市場交易的仲介服務收益通常也是由此而來、從中獲取協助達成交易時應得的事務報酬和利益。(P.S. 此處「朋」約略象徵「分」,是較特殊的用字方式,但古漢語其實也有「朋分」一詞,意思類似「利益均霑」、「利益分配」之類;「龜」則意通「估」,包括「推估」、「估算」、「估計」、「預估」、「估價」、「估量」、「估測」之類,可能源自殷商時期經常使用龜甲來刻製可以用來長期保存的文件,其中也含概預測和計畫方面的精簡化、條列式或濃縮式的文本。)
上九:弗損,益之,無咎。貞吉,利有攸往。得臣無家。/ 變卦地澤臨 -- 少一點損失、多一點獲益,真正賠錢的生意沒有人會去做,這是一般市場交易參予者的心態,有什麼好奇怪的呢?必須睜大眼睛、仔細觀察,適當偵測預估後,再去連結交易通路,往後就能輕鬆進出交易市場。但是,關於特殊品味或精品市場的問題,就不是擅長觀察一般市場交易狀況的估算專家可以理性分析的事。(P.S. 此處「得」在華語中發音 ㄉㄟˇ,台閩語發音 ㄉㄧㄛ˙,意通「必須」;「臣」字的意思則引申自甲骨象形文的「一隻睜大的眼睛」的意像,巧合的是 Holy Bible 中 Elohim 或 Gods 在 Genesis、〈造世記〉或〈創世記〉中創造的園地名稱 Eden,若是約略形聲漢語而解爲「一大眼」的意思,似乎也帶有漢字「臣」的意像,甚至和漢字「民」的象形文及「敏」的意境有關。)
"Do you think the Elohim created the world and the Eden were just for fun?"
"Maybe that original creation was a kind of investing. And of course, the first project about the Eden might be just an experiment and failed investing, that was why Adam and Eve were banned out of the Eden at later."
"Could it be that, the word 'Eden' also had a meaning about 益利 or benefit, …… or the Eden was just like a virtual reality garden created by the electrical-computer for getting some kind of profit."
"Yes, why the bees collected the honey from the flowers to their honeycombs in the garden? And the flowers did not ban those bees? …… Because of there was a mutually beneficial relationship between them. Bees get the honey, and the flowers’ pollens were transmitted."
"When we use money to buy something or sell something to get money, there must be some kind of the mutually beneficial relationship between buyers and sellers, it seemed like the so-called '各取所需,各蒙其利' - 'each trader according to his needs, each trader according to his benefit'."
"But about the Elohim, it seemed like more complex. Elohim didn’t ask Adam and Eve to give money to them, even didn’t ask to give any benefit to them, Elohim only wanted the believing or faith from them. Is it weird?"
"Maybe Elohim were more precious about the transmitting or the message-control. After all, if the Eden were a virtual reality garden, it might be built by some mysterious photoelectric-message-system which we did not know yet."
"I probably understand the relation between the benefit and the message, it’s just like the stock-market, a bad news might cause the stock-price down, and the bad news might rise the stock-price. So, If the Elohim were not only the world creators, but also the whole universal investors, they must very care about the messages."
"Actually, the Elohim had the other name called Gods later. And I feel the Gods were a little like the 股民, I mean the stock-investors, in the other word, the stock-profit shareholders."
"Elohim created the world and the Eden, and then Gods became the shareholders."
"If the Eden was just like a listed company of an enterprise in the stock-market, then a piece of stock is just like a fruit-tree. And when you buy a fruit-tree, you might get some fruits in every harvest period, just like get some dividends from your holding stocks in every dividend-distribution."
"So, according to the Holy Bible, maybe we can’t buy the stocks by the knowledges, because of the Gods were more precious about the messages which were not just the knowledges."
"Can you feel the English word 'message' is sounded like the Hanese word '命生之益'?It might be as same as the meaning of 'the fruits on the life tree'. Of course, it might not be the real fruits, and probably a kind of virtual fruits."
"No matter what, not all the messages could be controlled, such like the natural factors: winds, rains, frosts, snows, …… all of those you can feel by your sensible body and your consciousness."
"Sure, hot can’t be cold, wet can’t be dry, such natural messages are just the real messages. Unless we live in a greenhouse-Eden under the climate-control."
"So, if we only invested some fruit trees in the Eden, don’t worry too much, just pay attention to the weather of the interior climate changing. But if we want to play Gods, we should also concern about the exterior weather for maintaining the long term existence of the Eden."
"Such delicate relationship reminds me of an ancient, a famous gardener also a dreamer in the history of Hanese texts culture and thoughts - 莊子. Why he had cared about the butterfly that flew into the garden?"
"He might have started to wonder if there had been existing a more real or more dreamlike world beyond the garden that he cared for."
"Maybe sometimes we can’t distinguish the truth or fake about the real world and dream world, but of our sensible feelings or our self-consciousnesses, those natural and physical feelings are all real …... or all dreamy.”
"Now, how about the loss or profit of our investments? Are they just like the air couldn’t be tightly held? …… Something must exist between the reality and the dream, …… some kind of the interface."
"The interface, and the access between the dream and the reality, maybe they are the other awesome face (I mean …… the orientation) and channel for getting the benefit and the profit."
"That’s why the next qua 益 was going to talk about the benefit or profit, do you feel the word of this Han text or Hanese 益 seemed like have some circulation character marked by a symbol of water - 水, and an overall distribution character marked by a symbol of dish - 皿?”
"Maybe the real profit was got from the 益, and not 損. Don’t tell me the old Hanese proverb '損人不利己' was also came from such concept in The I.E. Scripture."
此時,我感到有點慶幸,原因是之前乾旱缺水的時候,我沒有去和小島上的老樹們爭搶地下水源、破壞它們的自然生態;而是在 Mermaid E. 的幫助下,另外找到了海岸邊潛藏在水底的新鮮水源,並且建築了一套汲水裝置和輸送水流的管道。
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.