020221 Dancing& 舞動

閱讀時間約 1 分鐘
HEART, dancing freely, after
NOSE’s smelling the flavor of ROSE/Heritage.

Effects of the photo, clearly due to the technology of the smartphone.
Herein, the appliance shows us her intelligence,
To record my sensuous experience.

Move with NATURE,
Enjoy dancing with SCENERY,
Appreciate getting moved naturally. Pleasantly Yours, Love365**

熱情陽光和潔淨空氣, 歡迎著,
花朵綠葉順其自然地, 舞動了.
中心的橙黃色澤花瓣: 如同太陽力量, 充滿活力, 動後體感;
環繞的粉嫩顏色花瓣: 透露歡欣愉悅, 溫暖幸福, 舞後心覺.
好棒的一場表演, 舞台要素全員到位, 渾然天成.

喜歡隨興自由地攝影, 喜歡心曠神怡的美景;
宇宙萬物千變萬化, 天時地利佳景入鏡, 愛!
    Love365的沙龍 的其他內容
    Minimize the objects, as less as possible. What would be revealed? More clear the layput. Quite calm, the mood would be. Shining us, would be.
    Steadily located, the mountains, do impress the audience(=trees), with the upgrading curve of all the hilltops. The brightness from the sky, simplif
    Looks messy at the very first sight, duo to quite prosperous the trees are. Close the eyes for seconds, deep breath few rounds,… Now, through the sp
    Fluffy clouds, seems like fishes swimming. Lovely gift, awarded by the nature, after super-cautiously driving in the high mountains. The narrow hill
    The aged tree, with great trunk, at the right side. So meaningful the tree barks, as the experience and knowledge she had. The young tree, with tal
    NATURE herself, travels at the earth, from spring, summer, autumn, to winter. Informing us her arrival, by various flowers’ blooming, time of sunris
    Minimize the objects, as less as possible. What would be revealed? More clear the layput. Quite calm, the mood would be. Shining us, would be.
    Steadily located, the mountains, do impress the audience(=trees), with the upgrading curve of all the hilltops. The brightness from the sky, simplif
    Looks messy at the very first sight, duo to quite prosperous the trees are. Close the eyes for seconds, deep breath few rounds,… Now, through the sp
    Fluffy clouds, seems like fishes swimming. Lovely gift, awarded by the nature, after super-cautiously driving in the high mountains. The narrow hill
    The aged tree, with great trunk, at the right side. So meaningful the tree barks, as the experience and knowledge she had. The young tree, with tal
    NATURE herself, travels at the earth, from spring, summer, autumn, to winter. Informing us her arrival, by various flowers’ blooming, time of sunris
    Google News 追蹤
    這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
    美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
    距離上次練舞又是將近兩個月前 這次沒有 Budva 美麗的海景大露臺的背景了
    這些美好,你越相信,就越接近。 村上春樹說 :「不必太糾結於當下,也不必太憂慮未來,當你經歷一些事情的時候,眼前的風景已經和從前不一樣了。」 命運是個欺軟怕硬的傢伙,碰到意志堅定、敢跟他叫板的人,他就會乖乖地服軟;碰到缺乏自信、軟弱可欺的人,他就會想法子捉弄他。只有真正讓自己強大起來
    介於煩惱與解答之間,模稜兩可的Blue Monday午後,伸完懶腰之後發現,窗外陽光正好。
    站在現實的角度去看,藝能界的人都知道人生苦短,人無千日好,花無百日紅,所以總是把握當下,就算不眠不休,先賺盡目下的時機,「搵錢不易」.日後總會人老珠黃,英雄沒路,江郎才盡,甚至連謀生糊口也困難。所以日已繼夜,夜以繼日發表新的創作,也理所當然。 BTS 成員 「'V'金泰亨」本年八月份兩首歌曲《
    ♡ My painting, titled "Love Dancing", selected for the "50 or Older 2023" Art Exhibition, currently on sale by Las Laguna Art Gallery,California.
    莎夏斯隆 Sasha Sloan/與你的靈魂共舞 Dancing With Your Ghost 過去美好的回憶一點一點浮現,微醺無奈時聽聽這聲音
    Omar Akram是阿富汗裔美國製作人、作曲家和鋼琴家。2013 年,他憑藉第四張錄音室專輯《Echoes of Love》成為首位獲得格萊美最佳新時代專輯獎的阿富汗裔美國人。[1]他也是一位鼓舞人心的作家,為《赫芬頓郵報》撰稿。 與風共舞吧!
    這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
    美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
    距離上次練舞又是將近兩個月前 這次沒有 Budva 美麗的海景大露臺的背景了
    這些美好,你越相信,就越接近。 村上春樹說 :「不必太糾結於當下,也不必太憂慮未來,當你經歷一些事情的時候,眼前的風景已經和從前不一樣了。」 命運是個欺軟怕硬的傢伙,碰到意志堅定、敢跟他叫板的人,他就會乖乖地服軟;碰到缺乏自信、軟弱可欺的人,他就會想法子捉弄他。只有真正讓自己強大起來
    介於煩惱與解答之間,模稜兩可的Blue Monday午後,伸完懶腰之後發現,窗外陽光正好。
    站在現實的角度去看,藝能界的人都知道人生苦短,人無千日好,花無百日紅,所以總是把握當下,就算不眠不休,先賺盡目下的時機,「搵錢不易」.日後總會人老珠黃,英雄沒路,江郎才盡,甚至連謀生糊口也困難。所以日已繼夜,夜以繼日發表新的創作,也理所當然。 BTS 成員 「'V'金泰亨」本年八月份兩首歌曲《
    ♡ My painting, titled "Love Dancing", selected for the "50 or Older 2023" Art Exhibition, currently on sale by Las Laguna Art Gallery,California.
    莎夏斯隆 Sasha Sloan/與你的靈魂共舞 Dancing With Your Ghost 過去美好的回憶一點一點浮現,微醺無奈時聽聽這聲音
    Omar Akram是阿富汗裔美國製作人、作曲家和鋼琴家。2013 年,他憑藉第四張錄音室專輯《Echoes of Love》成為首位獲得格萊美最佳新時代專輯獎的阿富汗裔美國人。[1]他也是一位鼓舞人心的作家,為《赫芬頓郵報》撰稿。 與風共舞吧!