28. 大過 011110 澤風-兌巽 (Quarter 2-11)

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棟撓。利有攸往,亨。-- 所謂太過份,就像建築的骨幹或柱子因為份量不夠、承擔不起過度的荷重而發生撓曲偏折的現象,柱子要能輕鬆支撐它負荷的重量纔行得通啊!

初六:藉用白茅,無咎。/ 變卦澤天夬 -- 憑藉著類似白茅製成的草繩般堅韌的物質和地基來綑紮固定柱子、箍緊它的垂直結構,防止它發生撓曲、變形、位移,這樣是不錯的。當撓曲的現象太過度時,柱子可能會突然像人體發生骨折一樣的決裂而折斷呢!(P.S. 此處「白茅」也可能有 big base、basepole、basement 等與「基礎」、「基軸」、「地錨」、「地基」、「地基結構門類」等直接相關的含意。)

九二:枯楊生稊,老夫得其女妻,無不利。/ 變卦澤山咸 -- 高大、密實、挺直的楊木通常是作為承重柱的好材料。它不但耐乾旱,在看起來好像枯朽的壯態下也能生出嫩芽枝葉,是所謂的千年不壞之木。就像成熟老練的丈夫總是得到妻女的依靠和信賴,只要有骨氣、以感情和誠意相待,沒有做不到的事啊!

九三:棟撓,凶。/ 變卦澤水困 -- 柱子因為承擔不起過度的荷重而發生撓曲,這當然是很危險的。此時,應該在柱子和柱子之間用密實材料做成框架結構或桁架結構去作紮實的補強,做好綑紮結構與防水防潮的加強工作,避免柱子承受過度的荷重。

九四:棟隆,吉,有它吝。/ 變卦水風井 -- 柱子做的隆重一點總是好事,結實的結構可以避免其它可能增加的、難以預測的額外荷重所引起的負擔,例如:水流或風動引起的側向推力。如果能設置柱井或柱礎作為加強固定柱子底部的基礎,並且做好排水管道以防範柱子底部潮濕腐壞,那麼就更好了!

九五:枯楊生華,老婦得其士夫,無咎無譽。/ 變卦雷風恆 -- 高大、密實、挺直的楊木通常是作為承重柱的好材料。它不但耐乾旱,在看起來好像枯朽的壯態下也能生長出叢叢花朵,是所謂千年不壞之木。就像成熟老練的婦人總是能得到男士或丈夫的矚目和睛睬,只要持之以恆的保養、照顧自己的骨本,那又何必感到意外和羨慕呢!

上六:過涉滅頂,凶,無咎。/ 變卦天風姤 -- 如同在過深的河流中涉水,可以感受到水流的衝擊力,如果要避免柱子高處承受過大的風力,就必須把房屋頂部的迎風面積逐層減少,形成傾斜狀或階梯狀的樣式,或是採用縷空通風的方法,以免屋頂發生結構破壞的危險,這樣是不錯的。

"Actually, this Hanese word '過' had a meaning of unduly moving of the bone or fracture, it seemed like trying to describe the dangerous situation about some kind of overloading in architectural structure by these two simple symbols -- 'bone - 咼' and 'moving foot - 辵 or 辶'."

"I think it also directly meant 'go too far', because of '過' was sounded like 'guò' in modern Chinese, and related to the over big span or over large bay in architectural structure. And we can see many words in this qua were talking about the deformation which was caused by the overloading or extra-force in architectural structure."

"Do you feel the image of this qua '011110' looked like a column or beam with two joints on its both sides?"

"Sure! Actually, most of the bones in the body have the same structural feature, that's why this qua was related to the bones and focused the issue on the structure of building."

"Yes! Structure is the basic support of the building, just like the bones in our bodies, that's why 'base' is a little related to 'bones' in English. A stable building is always constructed with a good basement. This important principle was noted in the first yao of this qua."

"Then...... how to fasten the structure tightly with hoops? How to choose good materials for construction? How to construct stronger structure? How to support heavy weight and resist wind power by suitable columns and sloping roof or else?....... There were some suggestions recorded in the following lyrics of this qua."

"Actually, this Hanese word '過' not only meant but also sounded like 'collapse', its pictogram seemed like present the situation of the broken bone, a bone was broken and became two sections with some overlap, that's why 'collapse' also involved 'lap', just like to describe the situation when a column was broken....."

"From the symbol of this qua '011110', a good bone is not only dense and homogeneous, but also needs two soft and flexible sides to adapt to the possible moving force as the buffers."

"In wooden structure building, traditional architects in Hanese culture seemed like prefer to design the joints between column and beam without nails, but using a hinge-system...... Such concept was really matched with the symbol of '011110'."

"Actually, the bird's skeleton is not so heavy and dense, indeed many little holes well-distribute inside their bones, that's why they can easily fly. If we looked the natural phenomena in detail, we might find more saving material way to construct the suitable structures."

"As a matter of fact, the truss system and space-frame system structure were developed later in architectural history, and let the creation of super large-span space come true, even the speedy transports and airplanes."


"When the destined point was far away from the starting point, sometimes we might hope to jump across a long distance and arrived at there in a short time...... But, we might ignore many details between these two points."

"After walking step by step to practice, the truthful reality might be not as same as we thought, that's why the next qua '坎' was marked as '010010', a big span as '011110' was going to have some interruptions, it might be caused by the examination of critical lapses......"

"Think about your own growing, when you are a very little kid, before jumping and running, have you ever tried effort to crawl and sit, stand and walk?...... Before standing up on the floor and ground, you might have some hesitation, you might start to ignore your tiny little friends in your childhood -- ants, they still busily crawled on the floor and ground, and you just worried that they might be trampled by your steps,...... but something made you feel proud and courageous might divert your attention......"

"But how to prevent such kind of ignorance? Too many hesitations might make me interrupt and slower my walking steps, cause my each step become a difficult observation and careful decision...... I think fishes have not such moral questions, they live in water, not on the ground......"

"This is a good question, but where is the answer?...... Actually, as you are talking about this question, you indeed not forget your little friends in your childhood, they still live in your subconsciousness, and someday you might solve this question......"

"Can we talk with ants? Or just move to higher level floors? But ants still follow our moves and live with us everywhere...... Why they aren't afraid of us?......."

"That maybe just like the question about traffic incidence. If you were a giant and ignored the traffic rules, you might harm many lives, but what were the traffic rules of great nature?....... A small planet might rush to the earth and cause many lives disappear, was there any traffic rule in the universe?......"

"Last night I dreamed about a goat bite my left hand, and a very big dinosaurian egg is going to born out from a wall of rammed earth covered by grasses in a park......Goat is a kind of '羊' in Hanese, and my hand belongs to '我' in Hanese, then '羊' combines with '我' is '義' which seems like 'defined meaning'......Why ant was written as '蟻' in Hanese? I think maybe there is a special meaning between human and ant. Ants might anticipate the development of humankind's civilization......"

"Maybe,......Rome was not built in one day, but the first step might be paced by ants, they are the pioneers on the ground, also the decomposers after the collapse of a life...... And, how about that dinosaurian egg in your dream? Is there some kind of special meaning?"

"Dinosaurian bones are hard to be decomposed by ants, that's why those biological archeologists could dig out a lot of their skeletons buried under the grounds, they were the most lively and firmly solid skeletons on the earth before and after the collapse of their blooming times........."

What I confused was...... what's the difference between ants and dinosaurs? After their lives collapsing, dinosaurs might leave giant bones on earth; but ants might disappear and mix with the sands and winds,...... and their spirits might keep exploring the other places before the arriving steps of humankind's civilization........

No matter what, except giant bones, at least the big eggs of dinosaurs might give us some other ideas to create the shell structure for more great spaces without columns.

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery
貞吉,觀頤,自求口實。-- 嘴巴張的再大、臉頰繃的再緊,一口氣能吃下多少東西呢?其實,不論在多大的範圍裡偵測出什麼結果,只不過是屬於某個範圍的觀察而已,就算對收集的資訊作出再仔細、再大量的琢磨、玩味和研究,也只能算是特定界限中的自圓其說和自我滿足罷了!面對變易無窮的大自然和灝瀚無垠的大宇宙,……
利貞,不家食,吉,利涉大川。-- 為了擴大實証資訊的收集範圍、外出進行觀察銳利的偵測,常常專心工作到忘了回家吃飯,卻因為得到新的見識而歡喜不已,一心只想跨越知識的鴻溝,讓心智邁向更廣大、更充實的空間。……
元亨利貞,其匪正有眚,不利有攸往。-- 大晴天的時候竟然聽見雷鳴聲,這是很不尋常的現象啊!此時,你的元神意識可能會興致高昂、非常敏銳的想去偵察究竟是怎麼回事。那個傳來特別強烈訊息的區域是不是正在發生什麼非常明顯、難以忽視的事情呢?為了安全起見,是不是不要輕舉妄動比較好呢?……
亨,出入無疾,朋來無咎,反復其道。七日來復,利有攸往。-- 所謂恢復,通常是指回復通達、通暢,逐漸回復交流或交通的能力,發出訊息和接收訊息都不會引發疾病,朋友來訪也不會感到膽顫心驚的不自在。反過來說,獨處時也能回復自我的心神,專注在自己行走的道路上,不會感到寂寞和無助。通常大約經過一週......
不利有攸往。-- 山嶺地表下通常有著層層覆蓋的土壤,那是經過很久的時間纔逐漸形成的「地層結構」(earth-strata)。如果想挖掘地底究竟埋藏著什麼東西,可要小心謹慎的去進行,以免破壞地層結構、導致山崩地裂。......
亨,小利有所往。-- 高明的裝修就是利用最少的改裝技術或修飾技巧、在最關鍵的地方達成最大的功效,使設計製作的物品可以適應環境的變化,並且擁有長期保存的價值。例如,以山形的蓋子罩住燈火,不但能防雨、調光,也有裝飾燈盞的作用;以拱形板材罩在車輪上方,可以防止泥沙噴濺。......
貞吉,觀頤,自求口實。-- 嘴巴張的再大、臉頰繃的再緊,一口氣能吃下多少東西呢?其實,不論在多大的範圍裡偵測出什麼結果,只不過是屬於某個範圍的觀察而已,就算對收集的資訊作出再仔細、再大量的琢磨、玩味和研究,也只能算是特定界限中的自圓其說和自我滿足罷了!面對變易無窮的大自然和灝瀚無垠的大宇宙,……
利貞,不家食,吉,利涉大川。-- 為了擴大實証資訊的收集範圍、外出進行觀察銳利的偵測,常常專心工作到忘了回家吃飯,卻因為得到新的見識而歡喜不已,一心只想跨越知識的鴻溝,讓心智邁向更廣大、更充實的空間。……
元亨利貞,其匪正有眚,不利有攸往。-- 大晴天的時候竟然聽見雷鳴聲,這是很不尋常的現象啊!此時,你的元神意識可能會興致高昂、非常敏銳的想去偵察究竟是怎麼回事。那個傳來特別強烈訊息的區域是不是正在發生什麼非常明顯、難以忽視的事情呢?為了安全起見,是不是不要輕舉妄動比較好呢?……
亨,出入無疾,朋來無咎,反復其道。七日來復,利有攸往。-- 所謂恢復,通常是指回復通達、通暢,逐漸回復交流或交通的能力,發出訊息和接收訊息都不會引發疾病,朋友來訪也不會感到膽顫心驚的不自在。反過來說,獨處時也能回復自我的心神,專注在自己行走的道路上,不會感到寂寞和無助。通常大約經過一週......
不利有攸往。-- 山嶺地表下通常有著層層覆蓋的土壤,那是經過很久的時間纔逐漸形成的「地層結構」(earth-strata)。如果想挖掘地底究竟埋藏著什麼東西,可要小心謹慎的去進行,以免破壞地層結構、導致山崩地裂。......
亨,小利有所往。-- 高明的裝修就是利用最少的改裝技術或修飾技巧、在最關鍵的地方達成最大的功效,使設計製作的物品可以適應環境的變化,並且擁有長期保存的價值。例如,以山形的蓋子罩住燈火,不但能防雨、調光,也有裝飾燈盞的作用;以拱形板材罩在車輪上方,可以防止泥沙噴濺。......
Google News 追蹤
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
「超渡」就是藉由佛力加持,將這些境界較差的靈性提升到更好的境界,因此,無論是大乘、小乘、金剛乘都有其各自超薦亡靈之法,皆是非常具效驗,可以提升靈性的境界,令他們獲得較好的品質。觀音山 8月28日舉辦《佛說觀無量壽佛經》超渡法會,此經主要敘述佛陀應韋提希夫人所請,示現西方極樂淨土,進而為之廣說觀想
Alyson’s 3/28 Tarot:大師 Master   https://www.popdaily.com.tw/forum/diary/1490238   問題:在觀世音菩薩聖誕日,想送祝福給今日看到我的分享的朋友們 ~ 願平安、喜樂與感恩。   抽牌:Sage of World
不用厲害才開始,要開始才很厲害 最近常常看到這句話,覺得很棒,想起那時候,28歲才又去重讀大學時的點點滴滴,那時候在竹科產線做夜班,時常都會聽到有同仁在談論我的消息,內容差不多是,畢業都不知道幾歲了,多來加班賺錢比較實在。
第 28 天:困擾超過 1 年以上的壞毛病,以及如何克服它? 今天的題目真的太血淋淋了......我有個超過八百年的壞毛病,至今還改不了啊......早睡早起其實是很舒服的事,只是忍不住會想要多偷一點個人時光,這種心理與生理上的矛盾大對決,使人難以抉擇。
結束「便利商店」行程,大家拿著各自的飲料回到場邊。 我馬上就發現有個女性悄悄走進球場,她一邊偷眼觀察,一邊緩步向我們靠近。 原來她就是主動跟小婷報名,說自己對「籃球」也有興趣的那位好友-小婷以前的同學妤芳。 這次比基尼籃球的新成員。
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
「超渡」就是藉由佛力加持,將這些境界較差的靈性提升到更好的境界,因此,無論是大乘、小乘、金剛乘都有其各自超薦亡靈之法,皆是非常具效驗,可以提升靈性的境界,令他們獲得較好的品質。觀音山 8月28日舉辦《佛說觀無量壽佛經》超渡法會,此經主要敘述佛陀應韋提希夫人所請,示現西方極樂淨土,進而為之廣說觀想
Alyson’s 3/28 Tarot:大師 Master   https://www.popdaily.com.tw/forum/diary/1490238   問題:在觀世音菩薩聖誕日,想送祝福給今日看到我的分享的朋友們 ~ 願平安、喜樂與感恩。   抽牌:Sage of World
不用厲害才開始,要開始才很厲害 最近常常看到這句話,覺得很棒,想起那時候,28歲才又去重讀大學時的點點滴滴,那時候在竹科產線做夜班,時常都會聽到有同仁在談論我的消息,內容差不多是,畢業都不知道幾歲了,多來加班賺錢比較實在。
第 28 天:困擾超過 1 年以上的壞毛病,以及如何克服它? 今天的題目真的太血淋淋了......我有個超過八百年的壞毛病,至今還改不了啊......早睡早起其實是很舒服的事,只是忍不住會想要多偷一點個人時光,這種心理與生理上的矛盾大對決,使人難以抉擇。
結束「便利商店」行程,大家拿著各自的飲料回到場邊。 我馬上就發現有個女性悄悄走進球場,她一邊偷眼觀察,一邊緩步向我們靠近。 原來她就是主動跟小婷報名,說自己對「籃球」也有興趣的那位好友-小婷以前的同學妤芳。 這次比基尼籃球的新成員。